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Grace's P.O.V

The night was a whirlwind. I don't know if this is the same Roman as the one I was forced to marry, no, I agreed to marry.

I found out I had apparently donated ten million dollars. I was shocked. Every time I tried asking or even talk to Roman about it, he diverted the conversation to something else.

Dean was at my table with Sofie and Roman. We were seated with another four people. I can't remember their names.

But it was after midnight when Roman took me to the elevators.

I was still slightly shocked.

"Did you donate money on my behalf?" I asked him again when we were finally alone in the elevators.


"Why?" I whispered. I need to know why he would do that.

"Because I received your invitation." Roman answered me. I rubbed my temple, the wine I had allowed myself to drink was sweet and fruity and left a cloud in my head. "I saw all the charity work you did in them. I saw how important it was to you."

I took several breathes. "Is that why you brought me here?"

My hand was still holding Roman's arm. "Yes."

"You did do a good job of hiding it all." I giggled. He had hoodwinked me. He had Hope, Dean and Macy in on this.

We left the elevator and Roman took his key card and unlocked the door. Thank God he had that, mine was still inside.

"Why would you do all that for me?" I asked him. "You hate me attending parties. You hate being out in public. We are so different." I sat on the chair and took my heels off. "You pampered me and had me thinking something was happening, but I wouldn't have thought that." I left the heels where I dropped them and went up the stairs.

Roman undid his bow tie and slipped it off him with his jacket before following me.

"What did you think was happening?" He asked me darkly, I felt him right behind me. I felt his breathe on my shoulder.

"I asked you last night did you meet someone, and you answered, something like that." I felt my cheeks flush as I played with my fingers. "I assumed you were introducing me as your ex wife." I felt so embarrassed. I couldn't look at him.

"Introducing you to whom?" He spoke softly. I could feel goosebumps on me as I slightly tilted my head to the side as Roman stayed behind me.

"Your new girlfriend." I squeaked out and I heard Roman chuckle.

"There is no new girlfriend." Roman said to me.

I turned to him slightly. "Then why are you so much kinder, even to me?"

Roman smiled. "I've started to see some things differently." He answered. "Turn around, I'll help you out off that dress."

"Uh, pardon?" I coughed out.

"Can you undo that yourself?"

Undo what? My dress? My hand tried to reach the straps, but I couldn't quite reach it.

I turned around again, my back to Roman, a hand on my chest, ready to hold it there before it would fall and expose me completely.

Roman took his time, slowly pulling at the straps.

"I've been thinking," He started, his breathe on my skin, making me quiver as I caught my breathe. "About what you told me in my office."

"Which time?" I giggled nervously.

The Downfall Of Grace GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now