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Hope's words were staying in my head after our talk and nothing I did could get her out off my head.

Late that night I decided to read more into it and what I found made me restless. Periods, ovulation, sex. I couldn't work out if I was ovulating or already have or what.

I couldn't sleep properly and after trying to eat breakfast and failing, I tried to eat again at lunch. But I couldn't keep my food down. I was anxious and nervous and I needed answers.

Roman and I had sex. There was no need to sugar coat it. But the million dollar question was, did he use protection?

The question had driven my sleep away last night, my appetite away today.

I moped around the house, unsure of what I should do. After a long and hard mental battle, I went to my room and picked up my phone. This is as far as I got in my head.

Should I ring him? He hasn't rang me. My finger scrolled down my call screen till I saw his name in big capital letters.


I hit the call button and put the phone nervously to my ear.

"Grace." I heard Roman say. "I'm a bit busy, princess. Can I call you back?"

"We need to talk."


I ended up going in to Roman's office. His receptionist, Katie had told me to enter.

I walked quickly to his desk and before Roman could do anything, I slammed his laptop down.

"What's wrong?" He looked up at me in concern.

"Why haven't you rang me?" That came out a bit too harsh.

"I was giving you some space. It's only Monday. You looked rattled last time I saw you."

He had gotten up off his chair and came to me, but I stepped back.

"I've had a very emotional nearly twenty four hours. You want to know what's wrong? Where do I start? The fact that you tricked me, my friends did, my own sister! Or that you had succeeded getting me in to bed? Or you haven't called, making me think you used me? Or that I had to confront Macy, Dean and Hope together with my parents to learn that they agreed with what you all did to me!" I cried out.

Roman looked at me in surprise. "So you know everything?"

"Yes!" I snapped at him. "Don't! Don't touch me!"

But Roman didn't listen and held me. "What's really bothering you?"

I looked at him. How does he know that there is more?

"The other night, when, we...." I but on my lip. Why can't I say it?

"We what, princess?"

I groaned. He was going to make me say it, isn't he?

"When we had sex." I blushed. Roman smiled at me.

"We didn't have sex." Roman smirked then his face came closer, his lips gently touching mine before making his way to my neck.

"Fuck?" I breathed out as I could feel him affect me. Roman chuckled.

"We didn't fuck either. Even though I would love to do that right now with you."

I shivered as I felt his breathe on my neck and in my ear. "Then what?"

"We made love, princess." Came his answer.

My heart was beating loudly, a fire had started inside me. Why did I come here?

"Is that what's bothering you?" Roman asked as his lips went up my jaw. I tried stepping back, out off his arms so I could think straight. But Roman didn't let me go. Every step back I took, he took one forward, until I was up against a wall, his hands holding mine against the wall, his mouth on mine as I kissed him back.

The Downfall Of Grace GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now