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I helped Grace up a large rock as she continued to grumble.

"I told you there are joggers in the car when we got in it." I said in a stern voice.

"You never said we were hiking!"

"I thought you liked this." I took Grace's hand, slowing our pace down.

"Usually, yes. It's been so long since I've done anything like this." Grace smiled at me before continuing. "But the question is, why would you do something like this?"

I could hear her teasing me as I pushed away a rogue branch. "Well, maybe I decided to spend some time with just you. No distractions, no work. And if that means bushwalking, or hiking, then so be it." I saw the large wide smile on her face and I loved seeing that smile. Especially when it's for me.

We finally got into the clearing and I could hear water trickling. Grace must have heard it to because she turned her head and saw the creek. The crystal clear water trickling down rocks and a small swimming hole.

"So this is what the bikinis are for?" She asked me as I watched her step closer to the creek. "This place is amazing."

I went to Grace and stood behind her, my hands on her hips. "It's a nice escape from the city."

Grace hummed in agreement as she took her clothes off, standing in a teal colour set bikini. Her tiny body wasn't tiny any more. She was still small, but I could tell that she was gaining weight around her hips and breasts.

I ripped my shirt off and dove in to the water, the coldness sent a chill on me as I broke the surface for air.

I could hear Grace laughing as I swam lazily back to the shore. It wasn't too shallow and before I knew it, I was in knee deep, giving her a dark look.

Grace stopped laughing and hesitantly stepped back. "How's the water?" She grinned at me then squealed as I wrapped my arms around her. "That's cold!"

I lifted her up over my shirt and while she protested, I ran back into the water with her, dunking us both under.

I was the first up, just before Grace as she inhaled the oxygen in to her lungs. "It's so cold!" She gasped as she splashed me.

We spent a couple good hours in there, playing about and splashing. I love to hear her laugh as I had her in my arms, tickling me.

We went for a walk along the small stream, hand in hand as I carried our clothes, her smile wide as we spoke of random things.

Grace, with the help from me, climbed up onto a slightly large but flat boulder and sat down, watching the water run its course. She looked so peaceful there that I found myself digging through pockets for a phone. Thankfully it was mine that I fished out and I quickly snapped a picture.

"I saw that."

I looked at her to see her staring at me with a small smile on her face before motioning for me to come closer.

"Sorry princess, I couldn't resist." I teased her. Grace let out a small giggle.

"Come here." She coaxed. "Leave the clothes there and come here. We'll take a picture."

I climbed up the rock and sat next to Grace.

"Did you know," She said softly as she took the phone out off my hands and played around in the camera setting. "That there is technically only one photo," I watched as she tapped away and quickly downloaded something before opening it and pointed the screen to us. "Of just you and me."

I saw her large smile on the screen and I also did it as she hit the shoot button.

"No there isn't." I defied.

The Downfall Of Grace GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now