the only chapter bitch

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Enjoy bitch

Gavin's morning started the same as usual. He woke up, lied in bed thinking about his inevitable death, cried, and then got up for some coffee. Of course the coffee maker wasn't working though, because he threw it across the room the other day.

"Piece of shit," He huffed, slowly pushing the coffee maker onto the floor like a cat would. Gavin made some cup of noodles for breakfast, adding too much sriracha sauce.

"Alexa, can I just go to work wearing nothing?!" He shouted sarcastically, knowing damn well that Alexas haven't been around since 2020. Gavin went to his room to put on some clothes.

Meanwhile, a brand new RK900 model has just been released into the world. He woke up last night, still on an empty assembly line. Now he was outside, looking around for the nearest city. Detroit.

RK900 tried to register his name, but couldn't exactly find it. Maybe they never named him. He searched through boy names on the internet. As he did that, RK900 made his way down the road. This was gonna be a long walk.

Gavin showed up at work somehow on time, still eating his cup of noodles and sriracha. He gave Hank a little I hate you nod and Hank rolled his eyes. Classic Anderson.

"Prick," Gavin muttered as he sat down.

Hank snapped, "You're not so enjoyable yourself."

"Wow!" Gavin chuckled, "You got through a sentence without slurring your words together, you must be sober for once!" Hank rolled his eyes again.

Reed got to work, typing up reports on his computer.

Connor came in, shiny perfect suit and all. Try hard, Gavin thought to himself, I could wear a nice looking suit. I could try at my job. Fucking prick. The android went over to his desk and sat down, rolling his chair over to Hank's desk. They talked lightly about cases, acting like nobody could see their hands touching under the table.

"Gavin!" Fowler called from the office, "Come here!"

Gavin sighed and went to the office. "Yes?"

Fowler looked through his files. "Reed, you've been slacking off a bit too much. I'm not doing anything about it, but you have to pick up the pace if you wanna keep this job." He sighed, "Or maybe have somebody help you pick up the pace?"

"I don't want a partner and I don't need a partner." Gavin snapped. Fowler shrugged and shooed him out of his office. Reed went back to his desk and continued working.

Connor and Hank were still holding hands, but now they were actually working. Pricks. Gavin shook his head and sipped his iced coffee.

After work, Gavin went home, got undressed, and lied on the couch in his boxers. He groaned into the couch cushion and longed for death or sleep (whichever came first). Sleep eventually came to him, and so he slept for several hours on the couch.

bitch i lied ill make another chapter later

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