hhhhhh rain

893 32 13

"Alright," Gavin sighed, "You can sleep on the couch and I'll be in my bed." Conan, not wanting to argue nodded. He got a few blankets from the now cleaned up closet. After all of the garbage fell out on the floor like a depressed Gavin rolling out of bed, Conan decided to clean up the apartment with him. Well, more like for him. Gavin didn't help.

Once he made his bed on the couch he turned to Gavin. "Are you scared of thunder storms?" He asked suddenly. Gavin stared at him like a deer in headlights. 

"Tin can, shut up." He finally huffed, heading to the window and shutting the curtains. With a little smirk, Conan sat down on the couch with his blanket. 

"I was just wondering." Conan replied, "That's all."

Gavin rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen for coffee, only for the power to go out as the storm picked up. It was pitch black all around him now. Gavin's heart rate picked up as he scanned the living room for any source of light. 

Conan's bright blue LED was the only light along with the glowing blue on his suit. In seconds, Gavin was on the couch next to him, looking for his phone. "Prick? You there?" He asked, feeling around. He must've left it somewhere around here right?

Suddenly, like two bright flashlights, Conan's eyes lit up and illuminated the area a bit. "Does this help, detective?" He asked. Gavin nodded as he found his phone and turned the flashlight on. Conan explained, "Cyberlife decided to add this idea a bit last minute into my build. It's never been tested really." Conan explained as Gavin frantically tried all the lights. He watched with interest as the detective went to the window and opened the curtains again. The moon wasn't out, it was blocked by clouds, so the room dark.

Conan sighed and stood up from the couch. He took Gavin by the hand and brought him to a cabinet. "I remember seeing flashlights in here." Conan said, "Could you locate some batteries just in case, or do you want me to come with?"

"I can find them!" Gavin hissed, pulling his hand away and marching off to find the batteries. Conan found a few candles and lit them, setting them up around the home. They flickered, illuminating the apartment a little more.

Gavin scurried back to the living room, sitting on the couch. He sat as close to the candles as he could. Conan sat down as well, ready to go into sleep mode. But his system, being built to help others and reassure victims and witnesses, took one look at Gavin and found it impossible to retire without doing something. Conan whispered, "Detective, would you like to stay out here with me? Or we could both head to your room?"

"I- I don't need you looking after me!" Gavin growled, holding the little candle plate tightly. Conan looked straight ahead and nodded. 

Conan said calmly, "Of course. I'll retire to sleep mode now if you don't mind." He closed his eyes, his LED went yellow, and he started powering down to sleep mode. Gavin whined a little bit. He got up, wandering around where the candles were. His hands were shaking. Every shadow around every corner looked like every nightmare he ever had. He squeezed his eyes shut and stuck to the wall, now trapped in the kitchen by his own fear. Finally, after he heard a creak upstairs, Gavin shouted, "CONANPLEASEWAKEUPIWANNASTAYOUTHERE."

Immediately, Conan powered back on and went to the kitchen. He carefully took Gavin's hand and brought him back to the living room.  They sat on the couch together. Conan sighed and took the candle out of Gavin's shaking hands. He held them and asked, "Can you take some deep breaths for me, detective?" Gavin tried, slowly breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. "Good, good. Keep doing that okay?" Conan said as he wrapped a blanket around the other.

The rain and thunder continued outside. It seemed to never end, leaving the two Detroit officers in the darkness, their hands intertwined on the couch. Gavin sniffled and scooted closer to Conan, leaning his head on his shoulder. He was still shaking really bad. As Gavin shook, nearly close to crying, Conan was humming softly. Some random tune in the corner of his coding.

"I'm sorry. You would've been better off staying at the precinct." Conan shook his head as Gavin continued, "I'm just a bother." 

Conan whispered, "Don't worry about that, detective. Just relax for now. You deserve it." Gavin curled up against him, holding the blanket tightly around himself. Conan wrapped an arm around Gavin and rubbed his back as the man tried to sleep.

Gavin Reed fell asleep an hour later, around 1. After that, Conan had gotten up and moved to a leather chair to sleep. The thunder continued and the rain kept going, but at least Gavin was asleep and relaxed. More relaxed than before at least. He still tossed and turned, but was at least sleeping. The power came back at 4:28 in the morning according to Conan's internal clock. Because there was nothing else to do (and Conan was all charged up) Conan went to the kitchen and attempted to make some breakfast for the detective. 

There wasn't much food to use though, which led him to ordering several packages of food to the house that would show up in about five minutes. He glanced at the corner of the counter where the coffee maker would be. He ordered that to. With nothing else to do, Conan decided to work on the dishes in the sink.

Conan hummed softly as he worked, occasionally glancing back at the couch to see if Gavin was near waking up. He was a heavy sleeper though, so Gavin probably wouldn't wake up until noon. Until then, Conan worked quietly.

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