anyway back to police cases which is their jobs :^/

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"Another murder?" Gavin sighed, stepping around some blood stains in the carpet. Conan had stepped past the police tape and was examining the body. It looked like an android judging by the large traces of android blood, thirium, as well as the android organs inside of the carcass. The stomach had been opened up, as if a surgery was about to be performed.

"Its skin is burned." Conan noted.

"Nice job, Einstein, I had no idea. The black all over his face really was hard to spot, huh?" Gavin snapped. The detective always seemed to get pissed whenever they were at a crime scene. Conan gently touched the body's arm after putting latex gloves on.

Conan explained, "I am making the note that it is burned because I don't recognize which model this android is. Usually, when I can't recognize a model it's because it's older than 12 years. You can find 15 year old models of androids in antique shops upstate or in trophy rooms and memorials. But, oddly enough, older models didn't burn when they were in fire. The skin that Cyberlife used to use had a different chemical makeup that melted when in fire."

"Your point?" Gavin 

"This can't be an older model. It's skin is burned, not melted. So that means this android was either not made by Cyberlife or..." Conan looked at the body again. He studied it for a moment before suggesting, "We could search the body for a Cyberlife chip."


"Every android has one. It's usually located in the back of the mouth or the stomach, on the thirium pump."

"Conan, shut up."

"Detective Reed-"

"CONAN." Gavin hissed. Conan finally stopped talking. He looked where Gavin was looking. The body hadn't moved or changed at all, except for it's chest. Thick red blood was dripping out of its mouth. Conan carefully got some on his finger and analyzed it. (Gavin turned away and gagged).

Human. Jason Baxxer. Missing person for 2 years and 4 months. 26 at time of death. Worked as a fisherman by the nearby Lake. Divorced twice, three kids, and no other family listed.

"This..." Conan felt like his software was glitching. His chest felt tight.

"What, Conan, what?!" Gavin huffed, "Just spit it out."

"He's human. He's human but the... the organs in... inside..." Conan's eyes went wide for a second before he quickly stood up and stepped away from the body. "They shoved android parts inside a human body. Scooped the body out clean so there was room for the parts they needed. It was like they performed a transplant surgery, switching out human organs for android ones."

Gavin muttered, "That's fuckin gross."

"It's sick." Conan said matter-of-factly, "Like all serial killers are. We should head to the precinct and analyze that other body we found down town. This one too." Gavin sighed and went to go find some people that could take the body out carefully and without damaging it. Conan stayed with the body, analyzing evidence around the room. 

The apartment was extremely small, not much room to walk around or have any investigation. The police almost thought of not bothering with police tape since the entire room was the crime scene. Conan went to the closet and opened up the door. Standard closet, nothing interesting but a few coats. He moved them around, seeing if he could find any other evidence to find the murderer.

This murderer had been around for awhile, considering the victim had been missing for two years. So why are the bodies only showing up now? Why start being sloppy now when you've been getting away with it for a year? Conan shut the closet and walked around until he could no longer analyze.

"Alright, you ready to go?" Gavin said as he walked in. Conan sighed and nodded. "Then let's go because I am starving. Let's get a pizza." With a small smile, Conan followed Reed out of the apartment and outside. It was starting to rain, and if the weather kept up like that then it was sure to storm. Gavin glanced at Conan before putting his hood up and moving faster towards the car.

Once the car doors were shut and their seat belts were buckled, Conan asked, "Do you still feel bad from that flu a couple days ago?"

"My head's cloudy and sometimes I get really dizzy but I'm fine." Gavin sighed, "Why?"

"Well, we're about to have greasy, sugary pizza and I don't want you getting even more sick. If you throw up, you'll throw up the pills you took earlier. That will ruin their chance of having any positive effect on you." Conan explained, "Also, the rain might give you a cold to go along with-"

"Conan, shut up already." Gavin muttered. Conan obeyed, leaning back in his seat and looking out the window at the rain. Thunder boomed outside and Gavin's driving got a little shaky. Conan wasn't sure if Gavin should be driving in weather like this. What if he gets hurt? Conan thought to himself, I don't want Gavin to be hurt.

Conan was gaining feelings for Gavin. He hated to admit it, but Gavin seemed to be a close friend to him now. They joked together, lived together, and had lunch together every day. That was what friends did usually, so the only logical conclusion was that Conan and Gavin were now friends.

Unless, of course, Gavin thought of Conan as nothing but an android assistant to fill the empty space in his life. In that case, they were coworkers. Just coworkers. Work buddies who hung out when the time came and never again. Conan frowned and looked at Gavin, who's hands were shaking so much he looked like he was a vibrating cell phone.

"Gavin, I'll drive on the way home." Conan said. Gavin nodded in agreement as he pulled into the pizza place. He didn't get out of the car after turning it off. Conan stayed with him. Conan got a napkin out of the glove box and reached over, wiping Gavin's face. "The building's been here since 2006. It's a safe building that a thunder storm couldn't knock down even if it tried. Once we're inside we'll be safe and sound and eating warm, cheesy pizza. I'll even buy us some bread sticks and sauce."

Gavin shook his head. "Do you tell people at work about stuff like this?" He wiped the rest of the tears off his face. "About me being freaked out by rain?" Conan shook his head. Gavin scoffed, "Yeah you do, don't lie. Why wouldn't you?"

"Because that is a personal secret of yours. It's something that you obviously don't do in front of others, but yet you do it front of me. The evidence I can conclude there is that you trust in me very much, Gavin." Conan explained, "It would be cruel to betray you and lose your trust. You're a good friend to me, Gavin."

Gavin's face turned red. He glared at Conan and snapped, "I'm not that sweet and cutesy, microwave!"

"I never said that." Conan said with a smirk. "Your words, not mine."

"Oh shut up!" Gavin hissed as he put his hood up and quickly ran inside the pizza building. Conan followed him inside.

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