Plot? In my fanfic? Its more likely than you think.

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"This is the third body." Conan noted as they stepped out of the car. Gavin took his cigarette out of his mouth and put it out in the gravel. They were called to an empty house on the edge of town, as far away as possible (without leaving Detroit) from the last murder scene they went to. The house was owned by a real estate agent, and nobody lived there yet.

Gavin sneered, "Wonder if I can get a new appendix here."

Conan sighed, "Detective Reed, I already apologized exactly 23 times for accidentally removing your appendix with experimental technology. How many more times do I need to apologize?"

"I don't know, tin can, probably that amount divided by zero." Gavin smirked. Conan processed the statement, recognized the paradox, and forced his system to ignore it. He rolled his eyes and led the way up the driveway to the murder scene.

The inside of the house was fully furnished, the living room a blue and green theme. Gavin resisted the urge to cringe at how homey it was. However, despite the homey feeling, there was a horrible smell. Gavin recognized it instantly. He's smelled it a million times. Conan analyzed whatever he saw before moving on to the next area. Gavin walked ahead of him, deciding the android's pace was too slow. He went into the kitchen.

Gavin resisted the urge to gag and cringe. There were blue and red blood stains everywhere, as well as other stains he didn't want to think about. There was something dripping from the fridge that he certainly didn't want to look into, and there were flies buzzing around the objects on the counter.

The objects in question being different Android body parts and organs. They were covered in human blood. Conan analyzed them and the blood for who or what they belonged to. No results for the android parts.

Gavin slowly went into the dining room. "Fuck." He breathed, putting on the rubber gloves he had in his pocket.

Conan immediately looked at Gavin at the sudden cursing. He analyzed him for stress and high blood pressure, came up with average readings, and followed him to the other room in under two seconds.

On the dining room table, which once was a beautiful dark oak table with green place mats, was now a makeshift surgery table. There was a human body on top of the table. The wrists and ankles tied down to the legs of the table with blood-stained rope. Conan analyzed instantly.

"Jessica Scott." Conan said, "Went missing approximately two years ago. Last seen entering her apartment building in Detroit with her personal android." He put on a pair of rubber gloves and sampled some blood. "Confirmed. Jessica Scott."

"Two years ago, just like the last one." Gavin said, "If these people have been missing two years, why are they only turning up now?" He walked around to the other side of the table, where a box sat on the ground. Inside was a small variety of surgical tools and kitchen knives taken from the other room. He cringed.

Conan suggested, "Maybe our murderer has kept these people as prisoners the past two years and has only decided to kill them now. The question is why kill them now? And if he's successfully hid them for two years, why let the bodies be found at all?"

Gavin got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He asked, "Is this one... Does this one got android parts in it?"

Conan gently moved the victim's shirt up. He nodded. "Yes, but not as many as the last one. This one is messy, not as exact as the last body. It's almost as if our murderer didn't know what they were doing yet."

"Maybe we were supposed to find this body second?" Gavin suggested. He hated the thought of a murderer purposely leaving bodies to "find" like some little present, but it was the unavoidable truth of this case (and most murder cases in his job).

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