Ooh, a case!

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Gavin studied the dead body on the floor. It was rotting and old, flies buzzing around it. He clicked his tongue and said, "Looks like murder."

No shit, Conan thought to himself. He knew better than to speak against Detective Reed twice a day. The last thing they needed was Reed pissed off and next to a murder weapon.

In this case, it was a machete. Extremely old, yet well kept and polished. After analyzing, Conan found that it was from 2001. "The murderer is long gone by now, footprints leading to the door. Horrible idea to commit murder on shag carpeting."

Gavin remembered Connor talking at crime scenes. He would be calm, calculated, and would just report facts, hypotheses, and analyzations. He would never... state his opinion like Gavin did. At least, Connor wouldn't before he deviated. Now he was just bursting with personality.

Bursting, Reed thought to himself. He glanced at the open window. "He came in through-"

"The window." Conan said, "I just said that while you were zoning out, detective."

Gavin snapped, "Alight, smart ass. Where's the murderer go? Oh, and since you're so fucking advanced, who's the murderer anyw-" Conan covered his mouth. He got some of the blood off the ground and put it in his mouth.

He immediately said, "An abandoned building. Just five miles from here. He's been hiding out there." Conan pulled his hand away and said, "Come on."

"Don't order me around." Gabin muttered. "I'm not your fuckin assistant. You're my assistant."

Conan got in the front seat. "Correction," He snapped, "I'm your partner, Mr. Reed." He vroom.

Gavin fiddled with his walkie talkie. He mumbled, "Yeah you're a real shitty partner, asswipe." Conan ignored him.

They arrived at the building. It was like every other abandoned building: Broken down, dark, and damp. Oh, and hiding a criminal of some kind. The building was covered in bluish-grey paint that was cracked and chipping off. The windows were either smashed in or boarded up. Trash surrounded the building, making the yard even uglier than it already was.

Gavin sighed, "Alright. You're sure the murderer is here?" He looked around. It was starting to spinkle rain outside. Reed put his hood up and walked up to the door.

Conan warned, "Proceed with caution. There's... two people inside." He could scan through walls and objects if he pleased. Not that he would ever do so outside of work.

Gavin sighed, "Alright, shut it, guard dog." He opened the door as quietly as he could, gun drawn. Conan frowned as he scanned the house for heat signatures. There was hest, but he couldn't find any nearby human heartbeats besides Reed's. No thirium pumps active either.

The house was near empty inside besides piled up garbage and old papers. Gavin nudged a pile, looking under it.

There was a sudden thump upstairs, like a heavy object falling on the ground. Conan looked at Gavin. He started to head up the stairs, not making a sound. Reed on the other hand creaked on every other step.

There was a door leading to the upstairs.

Carefully, Conan opened the door. He then fully opened it up and drew his gun. Reed aimed at the first thing he saw inside.

A dead body slumped on the ground. A mix of new and dry blood all over the room. Gavin got his walkie talkie out. "Boys, come over to Barker Road. Blue abandoned building with the white fence around it."

Conan walked over to the body. The chest was cut open, guts and entraila spilling out. "He was cut open with a butcher's knife. Several organs were hacked at with a meat clever."

Gavin suddenly shrieked, "FUCK ITS HAND MOVED!"

"Detective Reed." Conan snapped harshly, "... Perhaps your insomnia is making you see things. It has no heart beat, no electricity running through it, and no thirium pump either."

Gavin huffed, "I- i know what I saw, damn bastard! The fucker's hand moved-"

"You're cussing like a sailor at a crime scene. Could you be any more unprofessional, detective?" Conan asked genuinely. Reed glared at him. He stayed silent and looked away. Conan got some blood and analyzed it.

"No data." Conan said quietly. He had an even more extensive blood analyzation system than Connor does. Connor can scan for Detroit residents; Conan can scan for the entire United States (and Mexico).

Gavin scoffed, "Good job, idiot- IT MOVED AGAIN!" Conan looked at the body. He watched the hand twitch slightly. Actually, upon further inspection, it was more a quiver. Like it vibrated for a moment.

Conan got some gloves on and moved the hand of the body. Underneath was a cellphone. He clicked his tongue and said, "Detective Reed, very good observations skills."

Gavin rolled his eyes. Conan put the phone in an evidence bag. Reed snapped, "Let's get back to the station, yeah? I'm tired and it smells like shit."

"Well, you are standing in one of the many feces stains in here." Conan lied. He watched Gavin jump, growl, and quickly head downstairs, shaking his head in disgust.

One last time Conan looked back at the body. He analyzed it for life again before heading downstairs after Gavin.

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