gavin reed is a little too gay

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So i think they actually have an alexa at the beginning of the game? Like Bryan mentioned something about how you can ask an alexa what the name of the fish in the house is and itll tell you that the girl, the hostage, emma, named it something. I cant remember the name lmao.

So welcome to my dbh au where the alexa was discontinued lmao

"Alexa, look up nearest conversion therapy sessions." Gavin muttered to himself as Connor walked into the department holding hands with Hank. Gavin sipped his gross police department coffee and rolled his eyes.

I could get a boyfriend, he huffed to himself. Wouldn't take long. Gavin looked around the department. He didn't know if anybody ere was gay besides the otp. He had a suspicion that Fowler was bi at the least. Yeah he's more likely to be bilingual than bisexual. And he pronounced the double L in tortilla the other day.

Reed leaned back in his chair. He glanced around, wondering what to do. Ever since the android and human fights died down, there's been a lack of crime in the area. Humans are starting to realize just how smart android cops are. Or really, just how smart Connor is.

A detective android. He was built and created to hunt criminals, of course he should be feared. If he wasn't such a damn prick, I'd be in love with him. Gavin shook his head. Brain. Stop thinking about android dick and focus on your work.

Reed looked back at his computer. He played oregon trail on a random website for a few hours.

Fowler called, "Reed! Come here!" Gavin sighed and trudged to the boss's office.

When he stepped inside, sitting in the chair was Connor. Well, it looked like Connor when he first showed up. Silent, analytic, and cold. He looked taller than Connor, and wore more white in his outfit. Connor 2 seemed to scan Gavin like he was just another object in a room.

"This is your new partner. Don't argue, just find him a desk." Fowler said. Reed stared at Connor two.

Reed huffed, "So- So, what, we just got two tin cans running around?"

"Hey. I don't tolerate that sort of language, Reed." Fowler snapped.

Gavin argued, "Right because it's such a slur!"

Fowler stood up and slammed his hand down on the desk. "REED. THAT'S ENOUGH." He barked. Reed went quiet. He huffed and went to his desk. Connor two followed him, slow and cautious.

Gavin plopped in his chair. "There's a desk over there, microwave." Reed snapped. He drank the rest of his coffee and threw the cup away in his little trash can. "Don't get in my way."

Connor Two sat down in the desk across from Gavin. He looked at his little area. He said, "I'm excited to be working with you, detective Reed." Gavin flipped him off, not taking his eyes off his computer screen. After a few seconds of that, Connor Two went to the break room. Reed glanced at him as he walked away.

"Prick," He hissed to himself, "Fucking plastic prick."

Connor, the og, got up and followed Connor two to the kitchen. He got a cup and made some more coffee for Hank. Connor two grabbed a donut and and got a cup of coffee.

"So," Connor asked, "They made a newer model of me?" Connor two looked at him and nodded.

"RK800." He greeted, "It's nice to meet you. I've only seen you in your memory hard drive."

"Oh, God, they had a copy of that at Cyberlife?" Connor chuckled, "Geez... What's your name?"

Connor two blinked. He said, "I liked the name Conan." Connor nodded and smiled.

"Conan... I like it." He chuckled, "It's good to have you on the team." Conan smiled. Connor went back over to Hank and Conan came back to Reed with two cups of coffee and a donut for himself.

Reed took the coffee, again refusing to acknowledge him.

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