i forgot about this book and ive been crying since 9 am

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Work was slow at the pricinct that day. Nothing but traffic and rain to make the day go by. Gavin broke the coffee machine again. It burned his hand so he kinda punched it. Conan ordered a new one (with Gavin's money of course).

Hank and Connor were quietly talking to each other from their desks. Every once in awhile there would be a muffled laugh or giggle from one of them. It drove Gavin absolutely insane. He wanted to throw something at them.

But then he would look at Conan, sigh a little, and go back to work. Conan calmed him down, surprisingly, not that he would admit that.

How did Conan feel about Gavin? Well, he was far from decisive. For once, the android had no idea what to think. Gavin was like any other human. He had emotions, skin, thoughts, a voice. It was all the same thing. All humans were the same to Vonan. A clone of the next one, just different faces, names, and skin.

But for whatever reason, Gavin seemed to captivate Conan. Conan couldn't understand why! He was just another human in Detroit. He had thoughts and feelings like every other human in Detroit. The same mold of a depressed, coffee drinking generation Z adult. There's hundreds- thousands of those on Earth.

But Gavin was different. That was the constant after-thought Conan had. Everytime this conversation played in his head, it always came down to that. Gavin was different.

"How long you gonna stare at me, tall ass?" Gavin sighed, leaning back in his chair.

Conan blinked. His LED has been yellow the entire time he stared at Gavin. He cleared his throat and asked, "Do you want a refill on coffee?"

"You gotta stop being so generous, tin can. Nice guys don't get far." Gavin snapped, handing his cup to the android anyway. Conan got up and went to the break room. Connor followed.

He didn't get to talk to Conan much. It was weird to see a model like Conan. Looking at a newer, faster, and better model than yourself was almost depressing. Almost.

Connor smiled. "Hey, Conan." He said, standing next to him at the coffee machine.

"Hello, Connor." Conan greeted. Connor tried not to frown. Had he sounded that cold and robotic when he first met Hank? "Could you hand me the sugar?"

"Oh, sure." Connor handed him the sugar. He tapped his foot a little, not sure what else to say. Connor didn't want to immediately get into 'so are there other RK models out there'. That might be rude.

"How's Hank?" Conan asked, "Your human."

"H-He's not really my human." Connor chuckled, "I'm not his specific android."

"You go home with him, you do favors for him." Conan explained. The nonspecification on favors made Connor uncomfortable. "Are you not his android then?"

Connor thought for a moment. "You shouldn't act all high and mighty, Conan." Connor huffed, "At least I never got coffee for that scoundrel." He nodded to Gavin's desk, which was empty.

Conan immediately focused on Gavin's desk. Where did he go? Connor snickered, "If I'm Hank's android because I simply hang out with him and enjoy him. We can classify you as Gavin's android for the same reasons." Conan turned a light pink, which he didn't realize was even in his programming.

Connor left the break room and went back over to Hank. Conan watched him go before finishing up with the coffee and heading back to his desk. He analyzed Gavin's desk, taking in information he already knew.

Car keys: drives a Chevy Cruz 4.6 version.
Dandruff on coat: Needs to use more shampoo and conditioner in shower.
Cracked cup holding pencils: Was thrown across the precinct at approximately 4 mph.

Conan sighed and sipped Gavin's coffee. He went back to sorting through files.

Meanwhile Gavin was in the bathroom trying to pretend he didn't want to throw up. He felt sick to his stomach and just wanted some pain killers, a trip to the Eden Club, a coffee, and then the sweet release of death. But, Gavin knew he could only get one of those things.

So Gavin debated how hard he would have to hit his head off the sink in order to go into a coma.

Hank came into the bathroom. "Reed? You in here? It smells like shit so I'm assuming you are." He went to the urinal.

Gavin stayed put, sitting on the toilet trying to ignore how bright the bathroom was. He muttered, "Hank, you damn bastard, leave me alone."

Hank chuckled, "Well this is the only bathroom, prick."

"How many beers you have last night, old man." Gavin sneered, slowly standing up. He was off balance and he almost fell over.

Hank said, "Kid, that's exactly what your mom said last night when I fu-"

Gavin slammed the stall door open. He snapped, "Don't fuckin bring my mom into this, crochety old bitch!" He almost fell over again. Gavin felt way too dizzy to be normal.

Hank had finished up what he was doing a few seconds ago. He quickly ran over when Gavin fell on the floor. He was about to call for help but Gavin snapped, "Don't touch me, fuckin idiot, you didn't even wash your hands!"

Hank, being a dick, got up and washed his hands. Gavin stayed on the ground, his eyes squeezed shut to block out the lights. Hank dried his hands and went out to find Conan. He quietly told him what happened to which Conan immediately ran to the bathrooms, now causing a scene. Hank followed.

Connor went after the two, wanting to see the commotion. And by that point a lot of people were distracted from their work and wanted to know what was going on.

Conan helped Gavin up and snapped, "Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?"

"You're not my fucking care taker," Gavin growled, "I can walk by myself." Conan huffed and let go of him. The detective immediately fell on the ground. A couple of workers snickered.

Connor sighed, "Alright, people, we all hate Gavin but let's get back to our jobs, please? Wouldn't want Fowler-"

"Wouldn't want Fowler what?" He growled from the doorway of the bathroom. Connor gulped. Gavin muttered a couple dirty words under his breath. Hank debated grabbing the bottle of tequila under his desk and sharing some with Connor later.

Fowler told Conan, Hank, Gavin, and Connor to all go to his office and wait.

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