Coffee hurts lmao

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I fucking hate wattpad it did that fu king thing where it deletes everything and when i go on the revision history all of the "revisions" are random chaptera from my other books its fucking bullcrap

"Tin can, stop staring at me." Gavin snapped as he typed away on his computer. Conan had been analyzing Gavin for the past 15 minutes.

Conan finally broke his silence and asked, "Detective Reed, would you like a cup of coffee?" Gavin shrugged and nodded a bit, not taking his eyes off the screen.

With a little smile, Conan went to the break room area and got a cup of coffee. He put some cream and sugar in it, and then got some special pumpkin spice creamer from the cupboard. Conan put a dash of milk, some more coffee, and then went back to his desk.

Gavin held hie hand out for the coffee, only for Conan to sit down and start drinking it. Gavin glanced at him and scowled as Conan got back to work without a second thought.

"Hey," Gavin snapped. Conan ignored him. He tried again. "Hey! Plastic prick!"

Conan looked up. With a cold glare he splashed the coffee on Gavin and pulled him forward by his collar. This attracted the attention of everybody in the building.

Conan growled lowly, "Gavin Reed. Age 36. Born October 7, 2002. Human. Male. 176 pounds. 5'9. Grey eyes. Brown hair. If you don't treat me like a human being and like a respected detective partner, I won't hesitate to throw all 176 worthless pounds of you outside and into the dumpster you belong. Have I made myself clear or is your skull as thick as that fat stomach of yours?"

Everybody was shocked. Hank was holding back laughter while Connor hissed at Hank about what he told Conan to do.

When Gavin didn't answer in under five seconds, Conan snapped, "That dumpster isn't far, and I can get there pretty fast, detective." He glared at the detective's wide eyes and shaking figure.

"P-Prick, I unders-stand." Gavin muttered, "Now put- put me down."

Conan dropped him. Gavin quickly stopped himself from falling and got back in his seat. With a chuckle Conan said, "By the way, there's other insults besides tin can, microwave, plastic, and prick."

Gavin slouched in his seat as some other officers snickered at him. He looked at a recent email from Fowler and read the case attached. After an hour and a half of research he got out of his chair and put on his jacket. With a happy smile, Conan followed suit.

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