Androids really aren't cool when you think about it :o

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"No, seriously," Gavin insisted, "In old sci-fi movies, androids could do all kinds of cool stuff! You're so... boring." Conan, clearly offended, crossed his arms.

"Detective Reed, I literally have access to an entire criminal database and can scan through the entirety of it in only a millisecond. I can analyze blood, deconstruct a crime scene within seconds, and identify any dead body at any place or time." Conan argued.

"Yeah," Gavin nodded and said, "But you don't have laser vision."

"That's not necessary!" Conan huffed, "What would I need laser vision for?"

Gavin scoffed, "Um, catching bad guys a lot faster! You could just melt their feet to the ground with the heat vision! Also you can't even fly!"

Conan sighed, "Androids don't need flight, we can teleport. Also-"

Gavin choked on his diet coke. He wiped his chin with a napkin and shouted, "YOU CAN TELEPORT?!" Conan waited for him to calm down, which took a good two minutes of Gavin ranting about why he didn't know this information sooner. People were staring. Conan decided then and there that humans were nosy by nature.

Thankfully, Gavin stopped in the middle of his ranting to take a deep breath. Conan interrupted and explained, "I can set certain points that I have already been to and teleport to and from those places as needed. However, it takes a few minutes for me to place the teleportation spot because it's new technology."

"New technology my ass!" Gavin whined, "Can you take other people with you through teleportation?"

Conan thought about it. "You might have to hold your breath, but, yes, I believe so."

The idea of teleporting somewhere made Gavin bounce in his seat. Conan felt his instability go up. He further explained, "Gavin, I've never teleported with another person. I usually only use teleportation during emergencies. This technology isn't thoroughly tested and if we aren't careful with it then you could get seriously hurt."

"Oh fuck getting hurt," Gavin scoffed as if his life wasn't a valuable thing to protect, "I wanna teleport!"

Conan did a quick scan through his head of all his teleportation spots. "Let's pay for this pizza an then we can try teleporting. Deal?" He asked. Gavin nodded quickly and ran to the counter with his wallet, practically throwing his money at the poor worker. Gavin grabbed Conan's hand and dragged him outside.

"Come on, come on, come on! I wanna teleport!" Gavin tugged his sleeve. His hands were warm. Too warm. Clammy and gross like a pre-teen boy." Conan looked down at their hands in confusion. Gavin had never held his hand before. Gavin, confused as to why they weren't teleporting, looked down at where Conan was staring.

His face went bright red and he stammered, "I-I figured we had to be touching in order to teleport! Yeah!" Gavin wasn't sure who he was trying to convince with that garbage quality lie.

Conan asked, "Would you prefer to hold my sleeve or is this fine as well?" He squeezed Gavin's hand reassuringly.

"No, uh, I-I mean this is okay I guess." Gavin gulped. Conan smiled and scanned through Detroit for his most recent teleport spot. He picked one and nodded a little to himself.

"Alright, detective Reed," Conan explained, "This has never been tested with another human being. I'm going to ask that you hold your breath as to make sure you don't suffocate in between teleportation spots. Sometimes, as tested with small animals such as rats or squirrels, they suffocated before they could reach their destination because there's no air in between the molecular-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I'll hold my breath!" Gavin huffed, "Just get on with it!"

Conan continued with the warnings anyway, "I'm going to politely ask that you hold on tightly to me as to make sure you're not lost in between teleportation spots. Also within testing-"

"Wait, I thought you said this wasn't tested!" Gavin said.

Conan explained with a forced smile, "It wasn't tested with humans. It was tested, however, with small animals. For the love of God, please listen for five seconds, Gavin Reed. Hold your breath, hold tightly onto me, and tug on my sleeve if you're suddenly feeling very hot or very cold."

"Why?" Gavin asked, a little scared.

Conan explained, "If it is suddenly very hot, it's possible that we've created a rip in the space time continuum and we could wipe all of Detroit off the face of the Earth. Nothing serious."

Gavin shrugged and held on tightly to Conan. With a smile, Conan closed his eyes and focused on his teleportation spot. He felt his body seeming to disappear, getting thinner.

Gavin stammered, "J-Jesus Christ!" He held his breath and buried his face in Conan's chest.

Then, suddenly, everything was dark.

Conan felt the cold of nothingness surrounding him, but somehow it felt different than before. He had a warm body against him, tightly holding onto him. He could feel Gavin's nails digging into him, the heat from his face, the thumping of his heart. Conan felt his cheeks go a light pink and his instability shoot through the roof.

He caught himself just in time though, just before they appeared in Gavin's apartment. They were still holding tightly onto each other. Gavin was holding his breath, his eyes squeezed shut. Conan looked Gavin up and down to make sure he teleported okay. Once he was sure the man was alright he gave him a nudge.

"You're alive," Conan said simply, "You can open your eyes and breathe, Gavin." The detective let out a loud sigh and looked around. He hadn't pulled away from him yet.

Gavin cheered, "We're alive! Alive and well! Ha!" He jumped and laughed like a child on their birthday. Still holding onto Conan, he looked up at the android. They still didn't pull away, even though both of them had recognized that they were holding each other with no known reason. Conan smiled a little bit at the red tint on Gavin's face.

"I-I, um," Gavin cleared his throat and said, "That was so fucking cool, nines."

Nines. Conan felt his thirium pump ache for some reason. He's given me a nickname!

Conan stammered, "Thank you, detective. I- I haven't done that with another human before." Another human? I'm not human. He's human. I'm just plastic. Conan said nothing to correct himself, despite his thoughts begging him to. Gavin looked around the apartment before slowly pulling away from Conan's arms. He took a step only to stumble a little and hold his head.

"I-I'm fine," Gavin insisted when Conan grabbed his arm, "I'm dizzy, that's all." Gavin groaned and his knees buckled. Conan quickly helped him onto the couch and got him to lie down. 

Conan asked, "Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up, detective?" He held up four fingers. Gavin shook his head and closed his eyes. Conan continued to ask questions, "Do you feel like you're going to get sick? Any severe migraines or headaches? How are you feeling, Gavin?"

Gavin snapped, "Jesus, I'm fine, nines! Just a little dizzy!" He rubbed his eyes, "Like I looked at a bright light for way too long." Conan nodded. He checked Gavin's vitals.

"Well, everything seems to be in order."

Where's his appendix?

"Conan," Gavin said, "You got that look on your face like you just found that missing clue in a crime scene. What's wrong with me, doc?" He smiled nervously as Conan pursed his lips and stared at Gavin in confusion.

Conan asked calmly, "Did you get your appendix removed at some point in your life?"

Gavin's eyes went wide and Conan got his answer. Gavin sat up, his eyes blazing with fury and shock. Conan quickly got off the couch and ran for it. "DID YOU SOMEHOW FUCK UP MY APPENDIX DURING THAT TELEPORTING THING?!" Gavin screamed at him in horror, feeling his own chest as if he would notice something was missing.

"I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T TESTED WITH HUMANS!" Conan shouted back as he ran outside.

Gavin screamed at the ceiling, "CONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!"

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