Conan is galaxy brain

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Hi! I'm back! Great to be back. This chapter is dedicated to @BisforBread because they texted me IN OCTOBER asking if they could write a sequel since I "ended the book". Sorry I haven't updated since, what, June? Probably June. It's been a VERY busy school year and I have a job now, but I promise I'm going to attempt to continue writing this book. It wouldn't be fair to end it, I already have a killer story line planned. Alright, enjoy! I'm currently on winter break and I'm hoping to get 1-2 updates out. From there, I will try to even out my schedule to update more often. I'm not making a promised update schedule though because I don't want to give you guys false hope (I'm sorry).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Also yes there is plot.


"Wait, I'm sorry," Connor couldn't contain his laughter, "You said what to him? A-And you're wondering why he freaked out?" 

Connor and Conan were getting coffee in the break room when Conan decided to explain his issues about Gavin to the other android. He had been hoping for advice from his older counterpart on how to deal with humans like Gavin. Unfortunately, all he has received so far is laughter.

Conan sighed and explained again, "He was poking fun about the fact that you're my older brother, technically. So I poked fun about him being so short. He said that he wasn't short so then I-"

"What're you two giggling about?" Hank asked as he stepped into the break room. Connor finally stopped laughing and grinned at Hank.

"Hank! Perfect!" Connor said as he shot up from his seat, "Hank, stand right there and don't move. Conan was just explaining to me that he did something to Detective Reed and was confused as to why he was so freaked out. Conan, do to Hank exactly what you did to Detective Reed."

Hank stared at them with a nervous little smile. "I'm not gonna get physically hit am I? I can only assume that's what happened. It is Reed after all." Connor snickered but Conan didn't reply. He got up and approached Hank. The scene played out in his head as vivid as it was the other day, and he repeated every motion, word, and tone like a recording. 

He slowly reached a hand up, moving some of Gavin's hair from his face. "Not short, Gavin?" Conan tutted, "Is that what you said?"

For a second, nobody said anything. Hank then snickered and pulled away, rubbing his eyes as his face turned a bright shade of red. "Jesus, Conan, what the hell is wrong with you?" He wheezed out. Conan threw his hands up in frustration and marched back to his coffee at the table.

"Can somebody please explain what I did wrong? So far I've received nothing! I don't understand why he suddenly froze up and just walked away!" Conan whined. Hank just laughed harder, quickly turning to the counter to make himself another cup of coffee. 

Connor tried his best to regain his composure. He sighed, "Conan, your tone and stance were extremely... flirtatious. Dominant. Gavin probably got a little too flustered and had to leave to compose himself."

Slowly, Conan's entire face turned as red as a tomato. His LED flashed red and he rushed to defend himself. "I-I wasn't doing that at all! I was just joking around! Being funny! Making fun! Poking fun! We weren't like that on purpose! I-It was a joke! I would never try to- to- I mean, come on! You guys see that, right?!"

"See what?" Gavin asked, stepping into the break room. He looked around at the group and frowned. "What is this, an intervention? Don't you have jobs to get to?" He looked positively miserable- bags under his eyes and hair disheveled like he just rolled out of bed. The detective wasn't able to get much sleep due to the constant Detroit thunder last night. Conan considered helping him last night, but knew that bothering Gavin would have just led to complications in their relationship. Whatever the definition of that may be at this point.

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