006: Still Stuck In The Past

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Tianyu's face changes from red to green, to purple, to white. Although he was seething with anger inside, Tianyu still had to act polite. He grits his teeth, "Young master Ouyang, please excuse my daughter's impoliteness. She's been spoiled from a very young age as you can see, I apologize if she insulted you in anyway."

Feiyi didn't even put them in his eyesight, "Scram."

Tianyu thought that he had mistakenly heard what Feiyi had said, "What? C-Could you say that again, young master Ouyang?"

Feiyi frowns. What part of what he said was so hard to understand. He utters with contempt, "Scram!"

Qiu Hua's face pales and Liling starts to cry, "Wahh! Mommy!"

Tianyu's face turn as black as soot and anger bursts in his eyes. He almost spit blood from Feiyi's word. His voice shook as he tried to withhold his anger, "You... You have no respect for your elders! Did your parents not teach you?"

Feiyi glares daggers at Tianyu. Those cold eyes were able to knock some sense back into Tianyu. He must've ate the gall of a leopard to have such balls to say something so daring to Feiyi. Tianyu wants to smack his own mouth for being so loose. He had mention a taboo subject that none dare to traverse upon.His father, Ouyang Shunyuan had left him and his brother, Ouyang You alone. His mother, Shen Liqin and his grandfather, Ouyang Huiliang were the ones who raised him and his brother. Feiyi hated hypocritical and self righteous people. His child was an overly spoil diaper wearing goblin and he, Tianyu wants to preach about discipline and propriety? Was he trying to court death early? Maybe he really wanted to use that coffin he saw the other day.

The only reason why Feiyi bothered to even tell Tianyu and his squad of deformed cancer is because of his friendship with Yunsheng. They were still his 'family' whether he liked it or not, and Yunsheng wasn't of age to take over parental ownership of his younger siblings. If they weren't, he would've had them all dragged out and tossed onto the roads like trash they are.

Feiyi, "I, this grandfather doesn't need to put such vermin in my eyes, as for discipline I believe that your daughter needs it more than I do. If you really need, I could help discipline her for you."

He snaps his fingers and six large and tall men with navy blue suits barges into the room. The look very sturdy and strong, strong enough to bury Tianyu and his little family six feet into the ground and leave no evidence. His ears were ringing from that incessant crying and he was getting a slight headache from the shrills that exits that ugly mouth of hers. He really wanted some peace and quiet right now. Qiu Hua held the looks of a hanging ghost at this moment, she pulls on Tianyu's arm, "Honey, this... This... I think we should go. Yi'er is alright."

Tianyu glances at his wife and children and then back to Feiyi who was staring at the unconscious boy. He clenches his fists, "It seems we're quite busy. We'll take our leave first, young master Ouyang."

Feiyi scornfully clicks his tongue, "Tch. Let them escort you out. Wouldn't want you to die a dog's death now would you? The world is a dangerous place Mr. Xiu."

Tianyu stiffens. He turns back around and furrows his brows, was the boy so brazen to commit murder in broad daylight? He really wanted to smash his own mouth and cry, but he had no tears. On the sideline, Yunsheng was beyond shock as he stares at this friend. He didn't know whether he should laugh and cry at this point. Did Feiyi eat the wrong medicine today? Maybe his auntie came and visited and he needs to eat some chocolate and sweets. Yunsheng was thinking of all the sweets that he needed to buy to appease his childhood friend.

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