009: The First Trip

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As soon as they got to the entrance of the building, Shinyi and Shunyu could already spot their siblings that stuck out like a sore thumb. In unison they speak to An Chuhua, ""We'll have to part ways here.""

She racks her hands anxiously, "Um... Um... Shinyi, Shunyu... Could we please be friends?"

Shunyu rubs his brows and speaks out before Shinyi has a chance to, "I'm sorry, Chuhua. I think that friends is something that is earned."

He did not want his twin to be befriending others so easily as if they were going to the store and choosing what to buy. He was still very new to society and didn't want him to be hurt by 'friends' that were too easy to make. Shunyu didn't care if Shinyi ends up with only a single friend, as long as they were true and trustworthy. When he arrived at Shinyi's class, he was very happy that Shinyi was getting along with his classmates, but as soon as Shunyu saw her, he was a little worried. Though he wasn't quite sure what it was about her, but he didn't want Shinyi to be around her as it was a gut feeling that something was fishy about her. He quickly bids her goodbye before dragging away Shinyi, "Goodbye, Chunhua."

Shinyi waves and mouths, "Bye bye, I'll see you tomorrow."

An Chuhua smiles as it looks as like at least one of them was alright with her. Shinyi tugs on Shunyu's hand, "Yu Yu, do you not like, Chuhua?"

Shunyu pauses in his stride, "Do you, Yi'er?"

Shinyi nods and smiles, his cheek flushes with a pink tinge, "Mmn. She's nice."

Shunyu puckers his lips, "...Get to know them first, Yi'er."

Shinyi tilts his head, "Then we can be friends?"

Shunyu was struggling to formulate the words, he didn't know how to tell Shinyi without sounding like he wanted restrict him from meeting and making friends. He bobs his head, "Un. Then you can be friends."

They continue walking to the car. Shinyi knew what Shunyu meant but this was an offer that he could not resist. Now that him and her are acquaintances, it was perfect to nurture their relationship. He wanted to build the trust and dependence on him as well as strengthen their bonds, just so he could tear it apart so that she would come crashing down. An Chuhua could become useful later on in case the situation called for it, she would fit the spot perfectly.

Even before he had opened his mouth, he was swept off of his feet and crushed in someone's chest, "Did you miss dage?"

Shinyi's mouth twitch with disbelief. Miss? Miss what? Missed your mother! You were only gone for almost eight hours! Two amethyst eyes stared down at him. Shinyi peeked over Feiyi's shoulder and saw in the car was an annoyance. He had to suck it up and learn how to hug onto one's thigh if he wanted to get things his way. He nods, "Missed. Missed, dage."

Feiyi kisses his cheek, "Mmn. Let's go home shall we, Yi'er?"

Shinyi inwardly coughed blood. Home? Whose home was he talking about? If it was their residence.... Wouldn't that be 'their' home and not 'our' home? When did it become his home? Yunsheng props a hand onto Feiyi's shoulder with his veins bulging on his forehead, "Ah Yi, who told you that you could touch him?"

Feiyi smirks and plants another kiss onto Shinyi's cheek, "I did."

Yunsheng smacks his forehead and carries Shunyu, "Yu Yu, don't be shameless like that man there, okay?"

Shunyu nods, "Un. Yu Yu will listen to what gege says."

Yunsheng ruffles Shunyu's hair, "Mmh. That's good."

A spark clashes between Feiyi's and Yunsheng's eyes. Before anymore word dueling went on, Qiuyue shouts from the car in annoyance, "Hurry or else Yi'er and Yu Yu is going to become prunes by the time you two are done."

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