018: Lunar Crown Hotel (V)

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A/N: !!Warning!! Contents in the chapter might be disturbing to some readers as it depicts someone drowning. Proceed at your own risk. The 'ticks' referred to in the chapter means the same thing as 'seconds' (time counter).


Cradling the small motionless body in his arms, Feiyi climbs out of the pool. His lips were pale blue and his skin became almost translucent from soaking in the cool waters of early winter. The most painful substance that helped you come into this world, is also an excruciating way to die. Water, something that once was the comfort you found when you were in your mother's womb, can also act as a gentle killer. With its soothing hands, it grasps around your neck and lulls you to an eternal slumber.

After the struggle on the surface of the water, an average person can only hold their breath for thirty to sixty seconds. Shinyi was no exception to this rule. With the declining amount of oxygen in his blood and the amount of carbon dioxide surpassing that of the norm, his brain sends out a signal and triggers the involuntary action of inhaling whether he was above or below the surface of the water. Once the water enters his throat, his larynx will close as a reflex to stop the water from assaulting his lungs.

As a result of the futile attempt to intake air, it only leads to more oxygen deprivation. Of course, he is still conscious at this point of his struggle. He can feel his throat burn from the force of the water entering, as he sees the unreachable release just an arm's length away.

At this point, his body will go into involuntary apnea and the cruel and vicious cycle begins. Reaching for the surface only to consume oxygen in his muscles and tissue. Then, taking in a breath of the cool waters for a thirst of air. After failing to obtain the necessity in order to survive, his consciousness slips away slowly, and then we return back to trying to reach for the surface only to sink deeper.

As his consciousness completely fades, the protection over his lungs loosens and the rush of water surpasses an unbelievable speed and invades his lungs from his trachea. The insides of his throat, lungs, stomach all continue to sear with an indescribable burning heat, as the waters bites into his soft inner flesh.

His alveoli will collapse, stopping any oxygen from being diffused into his tissues. As that happens, his breathing will gradually wane. Even though he essentially stops breathing, his heart will continue to beat at a rapid pace to try and save him. All of this takes merely a minute or two to happen, and death comes not long after.

Feiyi knows that he has only a half a heartbeat before the person before he fails to ever wake up ever again. Images of the little boy's face passes through his mind. His laughter, his smiles, his pouts, his tears, and his voice... All of them were a heartbeat away from disappearing for an eternity.

Every minute that passes by, Shinyi's chance of survival slims down by seven percent. Mentally ticking from the time he brought him out of the water, his count was already at sixty-nine. If he gets over the number two-hundred and forty ticks and Shinyi hasn't regained his consciousness, there will be a small chance of brain damage. Beyond that point, the chances of brain damage increases. At three-hundred and sixty ticks, there's a high chance of brain damage and at six-hundred ticks, it is more than likely than not that he sustained brain damages. It would be a miracle if someone was to ever be at six-hundred ticks and still manage to come out with no brain damage whatsoever.

He places his fingers by Shinyi's carotid on his neck and checks for a pulse. Ten seconds pass by, his lips press into a thin line with his jaws clenched; there is no pulse.

This would only be for two reasons: one, he has already ceased to live, or two, his heart was experiencing ventricular fibrillation where his heart is trying to beat as a means to circulate blood but fails and is only able to quiver.

Feiyi's eyes holds determination. Even though there is only a sheer eight percent chance that Shinyi will survive even after being resuscitated; he wouldn't hesitate to do it.

Getting into position, he interlocks his fingers and places it over his chest. Pressing down, Feiyi starts to perform chest compressions on Shinyi. Simultaneously ticking two numbers in his mind, he keeps track of the number of times he's pressed down and how much time has passed. Once he hits one-hundred ten, he stops and lets Shinyi's small chest rise back up. Then, he waits for a minute before he starts again the procedure again.

During this time, Yunsheng arrives. Looking at the scene, Yunsheng recalls what happened just a while ago.

He was feeding Shunyu and Qiuyue when his best friend's arrival caused a big commotion. The Ouyang Family is famous within the upper class. Many would want to be on their good side and often curry favor with them, as it would mean that they would gain access to a multitude of connections and unconditionally receive respect just with a connection no matter how small, for fear of insulting the Ouyang Family.

The reason to why they were so revered was because of their strength. Even if they look non threatening, one swipe and accidentally touching their reverse scale only equates to death. They were one of the few families whose origin traces straight back to ancient China. Their bloodline might not be as pure as it had been centuries ago, but their influence burgeoned as the time dwindled by. The reason why they had thrived for so long was because they knew how and when to choose their battles. Their insight and judgment saved them from peril, unlike many other families that fell due to a wrong choice.

As the economy developed and influences from the outer world dug their hands into their country. The Ouyang Family would carefully pick the best route. Soon, they had their hands in many industries and their network became as vast as the night sky. By the time everyone realized it, the Ouyang Family had become one of the top families in the nation with an unshakeable foundation.

So this big boss' appearance today was like a meat pie falling from the sky¹.

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