021: Vengeful Maniac

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Walking in, they found that even though the space was smaller than their old manor, it felt more welcoming and there was the feeling that someone actually lives here. It wasn't cold and seemingly as if it was a jail cell that awaited their return every day. The colours of the walls were a warm shade of champagne that contrasts the monochromatic shade from the manor they stayed at before. Xiu Shinyi nods his head in approval, his grandfather has great taste in design. Glancing forward, he turns to look at Ying Zhuqing who coughs lightly and looks away. He wasn't going to admit anything. Especially the fact that they had been so ecstatic about their grandchildren's arrival that he didn't sleep a wink and was too busy checking on things. He had been preparing everything so that it would be as perfect as it can be when they came.

Before the sun even rose outside, he made sure that their favorite foods were all prepared, knowledge he learned from listening to Xiu Shinyi. He also supervised as they rechecked that their bedrooms were all set with everything they needed.

Two rows of servants lined up on either side greets them as they walk in, ""Welcome back, young miss and young masters.""

Seeing them all bow at the same time and to have all of their voice fall off together, Xiu Shinyi wants to clap his hands and give them a thumbs up. They were certainly better than their old maids and servant who only greeted them whenever they saw them, that was if they ever did. They servant's attitude towards them were amicable and they humbly did their jobs, but it did not feel estranged. Rather, it feels like a small family here. A place where everyone got along with each other, even with minor disputes that happens. It feels 'real'.

Pointing out the rooms as they advanced to the west side of the manor, Xiu Shinyi's head turns from left to right and right to left as if trying to twist off his head. His actions could not be helped as in the past life, they hadn't been able to come in contact with his maternal family, therefore he had no knowledge of the layout. He needs to familiarize himself with his surrounding for later purposes or in case of any emergencies.

Seeing two large wooden doors, Ying Zhuqing stops in front of it and knocks on the door, "Yun'er, I am back."

Lightly pushing the door open, he steps in. A figure could be seen sitting in a wheelchair by the window. Her pale light coloured hair glistens underneath the effulgence of the sun, shading the front of her face faintly. Her deep-set emerald eyes holds a lifetime of stories as she glances over. At first, Xiu Shinyi and the others were very happy to see their grandmother for the first time, but quickly a bewildered look overtook their delighted faces. It wasn't that Ying Yunyan has made a face at them, but rather it was just that on the table before her, was a book but she wasn't the one turning it. Instead, a middle aged woman dressed in pale blue nurse uniform sat besides her and flips the pages for her.

Taking steady steps forward, he dismisses the nurse and crouches before her, "Yun'er, I'm home."

His eyes were filled with a warm light as he looks at the love of his life, but Xiu Yunsheng, Xiu Yijun, and Xiu Shinyi could see the sadness underneath it. Xiu Shinyi clenches his fists as he spots that his grandmother has an affliction as well. Was it too much to ask for the good health for those he held dear?

Ying Yunyan stares at his figure for a moment and stiffly reaches out to touch his face. She faintly smiles, showing the wrinkles on her face. "Zhu'er, we must go tell my parents that we are with child. They will be elated from the news."

Her voice was strong when she initially started speaking but as it continued, it became softer, quieter. She even had to take a break in the sentence before she could continue. His facial expression turns sullen as he stares at his wife, but he adjusts his emotions quickly. He reaches over and holds onto her hand, "Yun'er. Look who came to visit us, it's our grandchildren."

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