025: An Honest Mistake

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A/N: Here's an update~ Not really sure if there'll be one next week, but enjoy~!!!


In time, the sounds of grief was growing fainter and fainter, diminishing into a silent wretchedness. Only the traces of the trembling sorrow in his tiny body could be discerned. It was as if he was slowly trying to collect what had spilled back into its container; so that everything would go back to how it was.

A few moments later, the room was still once more and Xiu Shunyu finally peeks up from within the walls of his embrace.

Looking distraught, the rims of his eyes were red and puffy with tears slowly streaming. He sighs heavily, rubbing the excess translucent liquid that was born from his sorrow from his eyes. It has been all emotionally too much for him.

No matter how strong he pretends to be and how hard he tries to hold it all back, it was all bubbling out; becoming out of his control.

He could no longer lie, pretending that things were all okay or that it would get better if one let the river flow freely; he greatly misses his twin brother very much.

The amount of time they spent together was gradually decreasing. It declined so much that it would only amount to about twenty-four hours, maybe less by the end of the week. During that time, it can't even be considered 'spending time together', it was more of a one-sided conversation, with him being the person initiating and his brother simply answering. There was also a lot of staring off into space with awkward silences in their 'chats'.

So... When had it changed? Was it when he started going over to Pei Haoyi's home...? Or, was it when 'they' wanted to visit them but was coldly refused?

Witholding a sob, Xiu Shunyu's eyes stung. He did not know where and when things have progressed to this stage. They were once so close to each other.

Whispering back to one another about the smallest things, pranking their siblings together, sleeping on the same bed, sharing secrets that they would have never dared to tell another soul, gaze at the stars at night side by side, planning future events... But now...Now, it almost feels as if his other half was fading away; as if slowly being erased.

The wall built by Xiu Shinyi around himself was like a gigantic fortress and he was unable to climb or break through it. They did not cause any physical pain when in contact, just gradually corroding one's mental and emotional state of mind. Xiu Shunyu feels that getting into the inner chamber of his heart, was like trying to reach for the stars in the sky; truly never being able to touch them.

Albeit he knew that Xiu Shinyi's heart wasn't fully opened to them from the moment he laid his eyes upon his other half, and that there was a cloud of darkness residing inside, they were all slowly making progress and being allowed entrance in the murky swamp.

But now, they were stuck in place and was refused further access. Almost as if the person walking beside them has always been a few steps away, being cautious around them and concealing the keys to the locks the entire time.

He glumly looks to the floor and reaches his hand out to touch the tablet left behind by its heartless owner. His finger lightly tracing the cracks on the screen, like they were the scars on Xiu Shinyi's heart. Would they ever heal? Or would it remain the way it is forever?

Some say that time is the key to heal the deepest wounds, but sometimes, time only allows it to feast and grow. Not everything seeks convalescing... Intermittently, being damaged and broken feels better.

He lowers his eyes, gazing at his hand. Even if they were so close physically, in reality, Xiu Shinyi was in a far off and unreachable place. If they were to try and touch him, it would just be like grasping for air instead. It was almost as if his brother was afraid to get close with anyone of them... As if he was an outsider to their circle...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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