013: Morning of The Spoiled Princess' Birthday

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The arrival of the day for the event came. With rarity, the manor was bustling with noise early in the morning. Feeling the warm effulgent luster from the morning sun on his face, Shinyi scrunches his face up. Contemplating on whether he should move his limbs, he slightly opens his eye. Shinyi's brain whispers in his mind for him to ignore the blinding light that acts as an alarm clock and to continue to lay down, but he knew better than follow that indolent thought. It was his and Shunyu's duty today to do Qiuyue's hairstyle, as requested by her yesterday afternoon.

His sleep has been acting like a ghost, coming and going whenever it pleased to do so. Last night, he couldn't sleep a wink until it was four in the morning. Only then, did Shinyi find rest but even then, what awaits for him in his dreams were only nightmares.

With heavy dark bags underneath his eyes, Shinyi purses his lips. His lazy mind was still having an internal fight on whether he should move his body or not. It was more convenient for him not to move at all, but his rational side won and he reluctantly lifts the blanket off.

Shinyi eyes the side of the bed that is two arm lengths away and accepts this arduous task. He rolls towards the edge of the bed, planning to slowly take his time in getting up.

His journey was smooth, with no hinders or obstruction. He inches his way over at the speed of a snail. Just as he was at the edge, he stops. Shinyi looks reluctantly at the blankets in which he left before doing one last push, going over the edge. Preparing to have his feet touch the ground first, Shinyi shifts his position a little so that he wouldn't fall flat onto the floor on his side. Just when he thought his feet would have hit the floor, he landed into someone's arms instead.

His mind not fully awake from his hazy like state, was slow to realize that he was being carried upwards in a princess style. Squinting his eyes, he tries to focus his vision and see who it was.

His azure eyes met with two light gray ones, and the two continued to stare at each other in silence. One was content at seeing the other's sleepy face, while the other was still trying to process the identity of the person before him.

Shinyi's eyes constricts to focus on their features. The sight of their handsome profile made Shinyi become even more dazed, as a memory from his past overlaps at this moment. It feels just like deja vu for him.

At that time, he too smiled at him (XSY) the same exact way just as he... Before he... Shinyi did not want to finish the thought. For in his heart, he already knew the last couple of words to complete that sentence.

The anamnesis of that day was like a knife stabbing into his heart. Feeling his nose and eyes sour, Shinyi's brain finally comes back online and to the present. He greets them with a slanted smile, holding back the sense of dolour surging in his chest.

Shinyi, "Good morning, gege~"

Hearing their voice that was to be a little uneven due to just waking up, Yijun smiles back and kisses their cheek, "Good morning, Yi'er."

He finds them too adorable. From the moment he (XSY) sigh with reluctance, to then rolling at the speed of 0.000001 kph to get to the end of the bed, Yijun was present the entire time. He stifles his laughter in case he was to accidentally anger the little rabbit.

On the other hand, Shinyi was busy trying to contain his raw emotions. He leans into their chest docility to hide the fluctuations in his eyes. In a voice as soft as a whisper, Shinyi asks, "Gege, what are you doing here so early?"

The chest that he was laying on tremors as a joyful laugh escapes their lips, "Hehe. To wake you up, silly. Yu Yu and Xiao Qiu has been waiting for half an hour for you already."

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