Prologue: A Dream But Not A Dream

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〖 I've been having these weird thoughts lately〗

〖 Like is any of this real or not?


〖 A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory.〗


〖 A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream.〗

〖 I want to line the pieces up-〗


〖 Yours and Mine.〗

(A/N: Excerpts from Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2.)


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"Get back here!!!"

"There he is!"

"Hurry before he escapes!"

A crowd of geared up people chases a slender man wildly, like raving mad animals hungry for a piece of meat. From their hands, fireballs, water whips, wind blades, and lightning bolts flew towards his critical points. It was ruthless what they were aiming to do, to incapacitate him and render him immobile. Just as their attacks was going to tear him apart, he evades their attack just by a hair.

His hair and clothes are extremely disheveled and messy. He grits his teeth. Dammit! It's already been five days since they've been hunting me down... I won't last much longer if this continues. He looks up to see a familiar figure and a wave of relief hits his chest. His eyes sparkles and he picks up his pace, running towards that person.

They reach out their hands for him, and he gladly takes it. They help lead him off the path he was taking and enters the vast uninhibited lands of the dead man's forest. It would be harder for their pursuers to continue chasing them, weaving through the trees. They were deft in their movements, trying to preserve as much energy as they could. They ran for what seemed like an eternity, before they decided to rest. Their chests heaving heavily as they try and catch their breaths.

The area is a frozen wasteland, no signs of life could be found besides the trees that silently suffers. It is eerily quiet and only the sounds of their breathing could be heard. Looking around, one cannot find where they had come from.

When he looks at the person's face, it was blurry and he couldn't make out their facial feature. He squints his eyes, trying to see through the haze. He was trying to recall their face. If only he could recall their face.

He rubs his eyes, as if it was to help clear his sight. Just as he opens his eyes, he feels a sharp pain on his chest. A warm liquid flows like a small stream and soaks his clothes. His brow scrunches up and he looks up in disbelief. He tries to formulate the words that was stuck in his throat, but his tongue fails to move.

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