014: The Lunar Crown Hotel (I)

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A/N: To clear any confusion, Shinyi will refer to Yunsheng as 'dage' meaning 'eldest brother' here and not 'big brother' as he calls Feiyi. 'Dage' could mean either or, depending on the context.

Qiuyue and the others all refer to Yunsheng as 'dage' and Feiyi as 'Feiyi ge'. Also, a certain *cough* petty someone will start addressing themselves differently as well.


All prepared to go, Shinyi was leisurely sitting in the living room with Shunyu and Qiuyue. His wonderful present was sitting on top of his lap, as he converses with the other two. Qiuyue decides to wear a floral A-line dress in the shade of mint green, with the neckline as a white lace illusion and the solid colour of the dress in a sweetheart style.

Shunyu and Shinyi wore outfits that perfectly mirrored one another. Both had on a high collar white short-sleeved dress shirt, a befitting royal blue vest rimmed with black lace like designs at the bottom and side and it had gold buttons running down the middle, their long-sleeved coats had the same design as their vests and were draped over their shoulders, a wide deep blue ribbon laced around their collar and pinned with a jewel that matches the colours of their eyes in the front, inky black shorts that reach down to their knees, ankle high black socks, and Balmoral boots.

Even their hairstyles was a similar case, both were short that reached down to their ears. it was only that Shunyu's bangs were parted more towards the right and Shinyi's bangs were parted more towards the left. When the two bro-cons heard of Shinyi receiving a haircut, they coughed blood and shed tears for almost an hour as they thought he looked adorable with long hair. Only after Qiuyue kicked them out of her room and threatened to make all three of them bald, did they finally stop their incessant whining.

The only difference you could visibly see were the differentiation of their iris colors. One has two dazzling blue orbs that resemble that of the ocean under the glistening sun. The other has two clear emerald colored eyes that were like the forest treetops on a summer day, mixed hues of green and yellow.

It could be said that the genetics gained from their mother was fantastic and mystifying. Her predecessors all carried similar genetic traits. Each one of them would either have green, blue, or silver colored irises, and their offspring would either inherit their eye colour or the other spouse's eye color. In rare cases, they would inherit a relative's eye color or both of their parents' eye colour.

Ying Ye had beautiful emerald eyes, in which Shunyu inherited. As for Yunsheng, he acquired his father's cold hazel eyes. Yijun's eye color was a mix of the hazel from Tianyu and the silver from their Ying Ye that resembles the colour of grey. As for Qiuyue, she had adopted the recessive gene from their mother's side of the family and had silver colours. For Shinyi, his colour was the exact same colour as their maternal grandmother's.

It was sad to say that the members from their maternal side, the Ying Family doesn't recognize them as a part of their family. Ying Ye had a falling out with them many years ago and the two sides haven't contacted, nor tried to reach out to each other since. They made their position clear a long time ago and they had stood by it all these years. But Shinyi knows that a chance to change their current relationship status would appear in the future. For in the past, an invitation arrived at the moment they needed it the most. It was sad to say that some things were best as they were.

Taking glances at the doorway, Shinyi spots Yunsheng walking over to them. His short golden locks were gelled back, exposing their refine facial features and sharp eyes. The current look they were wearing gives off an older and more masculine vibe, especially paired with their attire. The donned on a dark grey suit with a navy blue tie, that fit their stature like a glove. Their broad shoulders, toned abdomen, and lithesome legs were accented very well by this suit.

Behind him was Yijun in a white suit that made him look like an angel if you ignored his current stoic expression. The light blue dress shirt and black tie stood out, but it did not look out of sort and the colours compliments each other very well. Only part of his hair was pushed back, showing off his dashing side profile and left ear.

Shinyi couldn't help but give them a thumbs up and a grade of 9/10. He didn't give them full marks because they were too handsome.

Beaming a smile at them, Shinyi calls out, "Dage, er ge¹~!"

Seeing their expression turn from stormy to bright sunny like smiles, Shinyi deducts another point. Too handsome, should not smile lest attract unwanted bees and butterflies.

It was time for them to leave already as everything was prepared, but Shinyi couldn't find that one figure. His brows furrows slightly. Had they not arrived yet? Jumping off his seat, he scuttles over to Yunsheng and tugs at their hand, "Is Feiyi ge not coming?"

Yunsheng's face scrunches up automatically hearing that name, but it eases as he hears how Shinyi addresses Feiyi. He pats the top of his head, "Probably not. Do you miss him, Yi'er?"

Shinyi shifts his eyes away and purses his lips, "N-No! I was just wondering if he was going to come with us."

It could be said that he was a little disappointed to not see that person here, but he consoles himself with the thought that perhaps they were busy. It's not like he really wants them to attend with them! They're way too clingy and likes to eat his tofu whenever they can. How, how could he miss him?! But... But there was just a small of his heart that wanted to see him. Just a small part, okay? *cough* Either way, with or without them, things would turn out like he wanted it to. The only difference was that they would help magnify the results.

Yunsheng's face was as dark as ink as he observes his facial expression. His child's maiden heart has been stolen! The vein on his hand throbs, itching to whack that annoying person on the side of their head. Tallying another mark in his heart, he needs to toss more of their phones until his empress-dowager-of-a-heart is appeased.

His eyes locks onto the poor maiden. What he needs to do right now was to console the poor maiden and sway her aching heart to forget that man. Nodding his head inwardly at his plan, Yunsheng bends his knees so that his eye level was the same as Shinyi's. Pinching their cheek, he pouts and puts on an expression of being wronged, "What about dage? You don't miss dage?"

Not waiting for Shinyi to respond, Yunsheng continues his mini dramatical harangue, "It's okay. I understand that you don't love gege anymore. You're all grown up now that you don't need dage."

Lowering his eyes with his eyebrows slanted, he gives off a desolate air. "Da-Dage won't bother you anymore, Yi-"

Unable to bear such a scene anymore, Shinyi interrupts him and puts his tiny hands over hi (XYS's) mouth. "Dage! Stop! Don't say anymore! How can Yi'er not love you? You're thinking too much."

Giving a smooch on Yunsheng's cheeks, he tries to make a stern face, "Yi'er will always love you!"

Within seconds, Yunsheng's complexion became as bright as an illuminated light bulb. He pinches Shinyi's cheeks, "Okay, okay. Dage knows, don't be mad."

Letting out a sigh, Shinyi rubs the sides of his arms that had long broken out in goosebumps. The entire time Yunsheng was speaking, Shinyi felt a sense of loss and didn't know whether he should laugh or cry at this. Where did this worrisome mother come from? Why was he acting as if he was being abandoned? It's not like he indicated in any way that he abhorred Yunsheng.

As soon as he saw the forlorn expression that did not belong to that face, he couldn't help but break out in goosebumps. His ears also couldn't take anymore of this kind of talk, and so he had to silence them. It didn't matter what he did as long as they didn't hear anymore of their embarrassing words.

Now that another minor complication was dealt with, they could continue. Shinyi coughs, "When do we go, gege?"

Yunsheng lifts his eyebrow, "Gege? Am I not your dage?"

Shinyi feels like there's an underlying meaning for him to calling Yunsheng 'dage' than just 'eldest brother', but he couldn't pinpoint what felt off. Deciding not to dwell on such a minuscule problem, Shinyi quickly corrects himself, "Of course you're my dage. Who else could be my dage?"

Yunsheng's smile deepens, "Good. We'll leave in a little bit after they finish loading the presents."

Touching his chin, Shinyi asks in an innocent manner, "After Liling's birthday, are they going to stay over?"

Yunsheng has a wry smile as explains, "Yi'er, I need to tell something."

"When you meet them, you need to refer to Liling as 'jiejie' and our parents as 'baba' and 'mama'. You musn't use their names when addressing them, okay?"

Seeing how he's answering him, Shinyi knew the answer to his speculation. Around this time in his past life, he suddenly received a visit from that side of the family without any rhyme or reason. He found it strange that they would even be in A city, much less come see a child that they pretty much considered to be dead. Shinyi didn't get the whole story until Qiuyue told him later on during the apocalypse.

Sneering inwardly, Shinyi would like to see them try and stay after a layer of their face has been peeled off.

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