007: Yi'er is a Genius!

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A/N: Hailos~ Here goes another chapter and thank you guys for reading, voting, and commenting! What do you think of Shinyi? I am curious~


On the day he was to be discharged from the hospital, everyone thought that it was a good idea to ditch school that day. This made Shinyi become upset because he was obstructing their time in school. He pouted that day and gave them all the cold shoulder to the best of his ability. He would occasionally pat the head of Yijun as he looked awfully pitiful, which led to the wolf coming to be pet as well.

It was only after Shinyi had lifted his ban, did they ask him about what had happened that day. They thought that it would scar Shinyi for life and was hesitant in asking, getting out of the hospital one day just to go back in for another reason.

Shinyi timidly speaks half truths, "Nanny Chen had called for me and I ran to her... but I tripped and hit Nanny Chen as she was walking up the stairs. We started to roll down the stairs... When I woke up... I was here already."

His eyes glisten with tears as he spoke. They reassure him that everything was alright and that he was not at fault for what happened. Yijun strokes the top of his head, "Yi'er, do you want to go see Nanny Chen?"

Shinyi faces his head down and a dark light flickered across his eyes briefly. He purses his lips, "Yi'er wants to... But what if Nanny Chen doesn't want to see Yi'er? Yi'er caused her to fall..."

As he spoke, his words became quieter and quieter until the words turned into incoherent sounds. His pursed lips trembles slightly and he rapidly blinks as he tries to get rid of the tears. Yijun lifts Shinyi into the air and wipes his tears away, "Nanny Chen won't blame you, Yi'er. Don't worry, it was just an accident."

He nods and snuggles into the warm embrace. Shinyi had overheard about Nanny Chen's miserable fate. Even though death did not come to claim her soul, she would've been better off drinking with Old Lady Meng¹. Not only was she paralyzed from the waist down, Shinyi had made her become a mute and unable to write with either hands. He made sure that the injuries would last a lifetime.

The moment she saw Shinyi, Nanny Chen's eyes flew wide open with fear prevalent in them. Everyone left the room besides Shinyi as Yunsheng dragged away Feiyi to make some calls to deal with school and the other three had gone out to buy food. Shunyu had wanted to stay behind but Shinyi had convinced him otherwise. He only had to whisper a couple of things to Shunyu before the lad took off eagerly.

Shinyi waves goodbye to his siblings and turns around to Nanny Chen. One moment his face was full of smiles and blushes and in the next it was as calm as the sea before a storm. When he turns around, it scared Nanny Chen even more. She catches sight of something that she hasn't seen before, not even when he was breaking her bones did she see this.

It was as if a demon was standing before her. His eyes held a bloodthirsty smile and that smile only insinuated the feeling death. He tilts his head, "Do you remember me, Nanny Chen?"


Yunsheng had returned to see Shinyi happily munching on some snack food with bright eyes. He had some crumbs to the side of his mouth and his cheeks were filled to the brim. Seeing him so lively brought out an issue for him.

Yunsheng fell into a deep thought. What if next time he receives a call that Shinyi had opened the door and accidentally knocked himself out, receiving a concussion from it? Should he have the whole place baby proofed? Mmn, it seems like a good idea. Yunsheng excuses himself to make the call. He needed to make sure that every inch of the residence was going to be baby proofed and even wanted all of Shinyi's shoes to be non-slip now.

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