010: A Sudden Mistake Will Follow You For An Eternity

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The next couple of months, Shinyi continues with his plan of getting close to Chahua. He plays a continuous game of hot and cold with her, just as she thinks that she's able to pass the barrier and become close to him, he abruptly shuts her out. But he wouldn't act so cold in which she would lose interest. Tossing a bait, he entices her back into the endless cycle. As a result, she became even more fixed on getting closer to him. She doesn't believe that he is able to resist her charms and will soon become one of her 'puppies'.

It was already mid autumn and national¹ day was approaching fast. Just tomorrow, the national holiday would begin and he would have until the upcoming Monday to spend with his siblings. Looking out the window, he faintly smiled as he recalled his past life.

They had gone to the beach despite the cold weather, as he had never seen a beach before and they wanted to complete his wish. After that day, they all came down with a high fevers and were bedridden until the last day of their break. It was one of the rare warm memories that he held onto to get through the rough times.

Now that the chance came around again, he would be more careful with his choice as to not cause everyone to fall ill again.

They currently had a free hour currently and could spend it freely as the teacher was absent. Everyone was excitedly talking about the upcoming holiday and their plans, and the classroom was buzzing with many conversations.

Tapping his foot softly, he thinks of all of the places that he had never had the chance to visit. He ends up squinting his large eyes as he mulls over the enormous fact that there was too many places. There was Huangshan², Chengdu³, Jiuzhiagou Valley⁴, Changbaishan⁵, and Qianshan⁶, that he had heard about but had never been able to visit.

As Shinyi was deciding on a place, someone's irking voice calls for him. "Shinyi~ Have you decided what you want to do for golden week?"

He frowns subconsciously from her dampening his bright mood. Looking at the smile placed on her lips and her batting eyelashes as she gazes at him, Shinyi felt that looking at the 'big cat' was much better than An Chuhua any time. He brings out an amiable smile as he answers her, "Staying home."

An Chuhua gasps, "Ah? Staying home?"

He nods at her stupefied face and she purses her lips, "Fuu... That seems boring, Shinyi~"

Just then, a large but deformed light bulb flashes over her head, "I know! Shinyi, you can come to my place to spend golden week. My parents won't mind at all!"

An Chuhua's voice was filled with confidence as she spoke endlessly about how great her holiday was going to be, and the places she would be visiting. Shinyi really wanted to stuff a rag in her mouth to keep her quiet. He has no intent on bothering with her ceaseless yapping. She could speak until her voice was gone or until she became a skeleton and he still wouldn't move an inch for her.

After finishing on her little maundering, she takes in a huge breath of air with a look of anticipation in her eyes. Shinyi inwardly rolls his eyes at her stupidity. Did she think that she had somehow convinced him to go with her? He wouldn't mind giving her a slap right now to get rid of that smirk of that race, but then he would need to sanitize his hands. Maybe he should always carry holy water so that he would be able to baptize his hands just in case he needed it.

Shinyi shakes his head, "Sorry, I don't think I will be able to spend time with you, Chuhua. We're not that close"

Even though is words were harsh and direct, making her face reddened due to the mental slap she received, the angelic like smile on Shinyi's face made An Chuhua unable to retort back. She swallowed her grievances at being snubbed and could only give out a stiff smile, "Ah, sorry, Shinyi. I... I didn't mean it that way."

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