I don't have a problem

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The nurse
"I don't starve myself! I don't!" Morgana looked terrified. The nurse sighed before sitting down in a chair next to her. She slid her hand into Morgana's.
"I know just explain why when we ran a few test there was no food in your stomach." The nurse asked. Morgana looked away shamefully as her heart began to pound so loud that she could hear it from a mile away. Or at least she thought it sounded like that. Her face paled while the nurse held her hand tighter.
"It's okay. You can tell me, it's better to practice telling your father about your problem through me. Okay?" She asked. Morgana looked at her legs which were covered by a blanket while a voice in her head whispered a few lies to her.
The nurse sighed moving her pale brown hair out of her face. She swished it behind her ear as she let out a lose sigh. Two teenage girls and three teenage boys had already died to anorexia in the last two weeks. This nurse wasn't losing another one.
"You can tell me. I used to struggle with the same problems you're having now as teenager as well. I got the help I needed and I can help you with your proble-"
"I don't have a problem alright! I eat! I-........I.....umm...I just don't eat every day." Morgana sighed. The women's held her hand lighter as Morgana took a deep breath. The young girl's purple eyes seemed to darken while the female nurse noticed bags under her eyes, due to the lack of food.
"Can I ask why?" The brunet, short nurse asked her. Morgana sighed looking at her tiredly. She looked like she was just done with everything. She had nothing left to hide anymore. She had to tell someone before she burst.
"I have gym class with other girls my age right? And I'm a short child and can fit into baby seats made for cars. Yet, when I look around the changing room I see the other girls..." Morgana mumbled something else sadly. She held her hand a bit tighter trying to give the young girl support.
"What's wrong with the other girls?" The women asked her.
"They all have flat stomachs. Then when I look down I have two rolls of fat. Then someone of them that are all skin a bone will brag about weighting 89 pounds or something. And I realize I weight more than most of them. And then there's the hips and boobs. My hips are so wide and everyone else's are like..."
"Twigs?" The nurse added for her. Morgana sighed nodding her head. Her eyes began to water.
"And it never really mattered to me until a few girls Called me thunder sides in class. Then others began making pig noises at me when they see me eat at lunch time....The less I ate the less ate school the less amount of times I heard the noise at school. Then I could hear it every time I would eat out of class so I just kinda.....I kinda feed all my food to the dog when no one was looking or I ate little bites." Morgana sighed closing her eyes. It felt good to get off of her chest..well almost all of it.
"Have you been doing anything else?" She asked looking nervous.
"I....I've been avoiding my friends at lunch so they don't know...and if I eat around them and her the pig noise...I kinda go to the bathroom."
"And what do you do there?"
"Stick my finger down my throats until I barf."
"How many times have you done this?"
"Five times...I did it when I passed out in the stall."
"Well I think you should see someone to help you w-"
"I don't need help. I don't really have a problem. I mean I only made myself barf five times and I don't eat every other day. Plus I don't have a problem if I'm not losing any weight soo....Can you just keep the help info to your self?" Morgana begged. The nurse looked at the girl's pale arm, realizing it was all skin and bones now. Then she got a flashback before smiling at her softly with a tiny chuckle.
"I remember those days when I was younger." The older women smiled.
"What days?"
  "The days after my friend found me making myself barf. Those days I would deny having a problem. I would say other people had it worse. Others were all ribs and bones while I was just chunks of fat. I refused to get help saying it was for the best."
"What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything until I passed out in class. Another one of my fiends put two and two together. They both made me take the steps to get the help I needed. Thankfully they along with my parents supported me every step of the way. And I'll tell you right now it was for the best. So I'm going to ask you again, bit just as a nurse but someone who knows what you're going threw, would you mind talking to someone who can help you?" She asked. Morgana sighed.
"If I say yes and o tell my dad why I'm going, what's re the chances he'll get mad at me?" Morgana mumbled.
"He won't be mad. He'll just be worried. You are his daughter after all." She smiled. Morgana looked up at her before sighing and smiling.
"Okay I'll take the help."
"Prefect I'll just go call him. In the mean time when you're dad gets back, tell him what's going on no matter who is with him. I promise you it's for the better." She smiled before going to leave the room.
"Can I at least ask what you're name is? So I can send you a thank you later!" Morgana spoke up. The brunette smiled looking at her.
"Kara. I'm Kara Todd." Kata smiled walking out of the room thinking of her own daughter, Alice. Then she began praying Alice never had to go through the same thing she or that girl did.
"Okay we're back!" Her father smiled walking into the room with Kyle. They both smiled at her showing someone food. Morgana smiled tiredly.
"You okay sweet heart? You looked tried? Do you need to sleep?" Her father asked. Morgana sighed. Here goes nothing.
"No..not really."
"Is it something you wanna talk about?" Kyle piped up as Meliodas walked into the room with a cookie in his mouth. Morgana cursed mentally. Now she had to tell three people she knew.
"Yeah, yeah it is." Morgana sighed
"What's wrong?" Her father asked looking terrified.
"I....I've been starving myself."
"What do you mean you can't make it? Mom this is for me. Mom this is about me finally being released from that camp you sent me too." Crystal lied through her teeth listening to her mother's phone call.
It had been a full year since her mother found out her secret when she was staying at her house. She kicked her out before sending her daughter to a camp to 'fix' her. The moment her father found out, he took her out of the camp and called his lawyer. He did have full custody but, was now fighting to keep his wife away from his child. Yet, Crystal still wanted to see her. To talk to her. Just to know why she wasn't okay with her being who she was.
"Listen I can't come. You know how you're step father is about visiting you father and you. He would rather have you visit us." She spoke up.
Crystal felt her heart shatter. This had happened ever since she was eight when it happened, followed quickly by her parents divorce. Then for once in her life she laughed at her mother. She could picture her bitch mother's face turn into a wicked frown hearing it. She began picturing her face turn red like it did every time someone in her father's side of the family brought up the divorce or even spoke about her father to her.
"Oh really because I could have sworn he also wanted to fuck you all over the kitchen
table on my eight birthday like the whore you are but, we both know that didn't go as planned because of me either now did it." Crystal snapped, thankful for once her father didn't hear her swear. He eye were glaring daggers at the phone as she pictured it as her mother's ugly as fuck face.
"What did you just call me?" Her mother snapped.
"You heard me bitch. It's been five years since you married your man and you don't give a damn about me anymore! So you know what fuck him as many times as you want. Just know I'll be fucking someone in your bed soon!" Crystal's voice grew louder as he ranger grew. She heard her mother gasp.
"I am your mother! And I don't care what mental problems you have you aren't aloud to speak to me like this!
"..wha-.....MENTAL PROBLEM?" Crystal screamed into the phone feeling her blood boil.
"I knew I should have signed you up for a three year trip instead. I mean they they could have fixed your mental problem correctly and you wouldn't be talking to me like this or..or being so sinful. I can get you more help for you-"
"I HAVE A MENTAL PROBLEM?!" Crystal snapped as her hand snapped into a fist around the phone.
"Yes. You know what I'm talking about love. You need to get help for yo-"
"I AM GAY MOTHER! IT IS NOT A PROBLEM WITH MY BRAIN! I JUST HAPPEN TO FANCY WOMEN! AND I CAN'T CONTROL THE WAY THAT A FEEL MOTHER! I thought yOU would understand that." Crystal's voice cracked which made her heart quiver.
"Well I can't. And I hope you know that if you keep thinking that way you'll end up in hell. Now tell me where you're father has moved so I can send you to the camp again. Love it's for the b-"
"I don't k so why I even try to make you understand me."
"I could if you would just-"
"Goodbye miss Elizabeth Drake. I hope you have a good life with your new man and step kids. Please never call this number again or I will have it blocked." Crystal sighed.
"What? How dare you su-"
That was when Crystal hung up the phone before dropping to her knees in her room. Why couldn't her mom ever understand how she felt?
"Crystal? You coming? We're gonna miss the benefit concert at hospit-" Hunk stopped talking as he saw the tiny black skinned girl crying he eyes out on the flor. Crystal panicked looking up at him. Hunk sighed before dropping down and hugging her lightly.
"Did you're mom try to sign you up for that camp again?" He asked with a sigh. Crystal nodded her head with a loud sob. Hunk sighed rubbing her back.
"It's okay Crystal. You can't control who you love." Hunk sighed trying to calm her down. Crystal smiled a bit hearing the next part.
"You don't have a problem."
Wow...so emotions are real in this.
I mean my parents aren't divorce or anything but, I added a lot of experiences I understand to write Crystal's story line And Morgana's. Well and everyone else's that's gonna be in the story that's emotional.
Who's story do you wanna hear about next? Like with all the emotions I have planned out for this?
And before anyone asks, yes the nurse Kara is the same Kara from Detroit:Become Human and she will be in the book more times as well.
Anyway I'll just leave you with the picture I made for Crystal and her family and go to bed in an hour because it is currently like 8pm and school starts in two weeks.

Anyway I'll just leave you with the picture I made for Crystal and her family and go to bed in an hour because it is currently like 8pm and school starts in two weeks

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