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         "Cr-CRY!?" You stutter, dropping the sweat-covered pistol onto your lap in utter shock. Out of all odds, Cry had some how managed to make it into the game, AND run into you while you were play... OUT OF HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE! 'How is this possible? How did he find me? Was he looking for me. No that's just dumb: Cry only just met me at Gamestop. Why would he come looking for a complete stranger? Maybe-'

        "(Y/N)! What are you doing? We got to get you out of here! Zombies are coming from all over." Cry screamed, waving a hand in front of your face in attempt to bring you back to reality--- well virtual reality. How he got over here so quickly; that you did not know. What you did know was he was right. 

        "Sorry! I just got side tracked." You mumbled sheepishly. 

        "Yeah, great timing." He said sarcastically as he bashed his foot into a zombie's brain. He ran over to you and held out his hand. Rolling your eyes, you slapped your hand against his and he pulled you up. That's when you realized you forgot to tell him you couldn't walk. In fact you had even forgot the pain that was burning through your ankle. Failing to even stand on two feet, you began to fall over. Cry reacted just in time: he slid onto his knees and caught you in his arms, making you blush slightly. Pushing down on his shoulder slightly, you tried to get back onto your feet. He stood up with you, but as soon as you let go, you began to wobble. Moving clearly was no longer an option for you, and Cry knew that. Without consent, he quickly swept you off you feet, holding you bridal style. 

        "CRY!!" You protested, banging you fists on his shoulders gently. "Put me down!"

        "What else do you want me to do (Y/N)? Leave you here to die? You obviously are incapable of walking. Now I suggest we go left; that's the way I came from so I think its our best chance." He looked down at you for approval.

        "Yeah, sounds like a good plan. Be careful though; if you fall, I fall down with you."

        "Alright. Hold on, okay?"

        You nodded and wrapped your arms around his smooth neck. He tightened his grip on you and began to pick up his pace. His body was warm and very comfortable. Being in his arms gave you a sense of security as he carried you through the dark forest, and away from the huge swarm of flesh eaters. The moon was shining through the trees, making it easier for Cry to navigate. The forest was actually very beautiful when you had time to admire it. It reminded you of when you and your friends would go exploring through the woods behind your house in the middle of the night. The zombies were so far behind you that Cry was now taking his sweet old time walking through the pine scented trees. You always loved the smell of pine;  it reminded you of getting a Christmas tree. You smiled as your minded raced through your childhood memories. Once again, you were lost in your thoughts. It wasn't long before you were fast asleep, snuggling into Cry's chest. He smiled down at you. He didn't mind; in fact, he thought it was kind of cute. 

        Blackness; nothing but blackness. That's all you could see. You could feel your legs moving, but you had no idea where you were headed. However, the sound of leaves being tossed  around and twigs snapping beneath your feet let you know that you were walking somewhere around trees. Some sort of cloth or fabric was tied around your eyes, and two hands were placed on your shoulders. The person's warm breath brushed against the skin on your neck continuously as they guided you through the area. The scent of their fresh cologne filled your nostrils with every breath you took. It was a familiar scent, a scent much like that of Cry's cologne... In fact, it was Cry's cologne. Where was he taking you?

        He stopped once you felt something soft beneath your feet. Cry removed his hands from your shoulders and began untying the blindfold. Before letting the blindfold come off, he out his lips up to your ear: 

        "Surprise (Y/N)." he whispered softly.

        The world around you was suddenly revealed as he pulled the blindfold away. You were standing on a picnic blanket in the forest. Moonlight glistened on the water of the pond to your left. It was very peaceful. The only sounds you heard were the sounds of toads croaking beside the pond and the wind passing through the trees. Cry gestured for you to sit and sat himself down on the other side of the blanket. In the middle of the blanket sat a picnic basket with small candles surrounding it. It was quite romantic actually, like something a sweet boyfriend would do for a special date with his girlfriend. Why was Cry being this way? Was he trying to be romantic? 

        Cry just sat there, starring at you. He gazed into your sparkling (E/C) eyes. He smiled at you, but it wasn't his usual heart warming smile. It was a smile that made the tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand straight up. The edges of his mouth were curved so far up that they looked like something you'd see in a creepy cartoon. You watched in horror as he opened the picnic basket. A zombie that was missing its lower half came flying out at you from inside the basket. It took you completely by surprise as it crawled on top of you, trying to bite you. You tried desperately to hold it back but it wasn't going so well. Cry only laughed hysterically as the zombie slipped out of your grasp and began tearing into your flesh. 

        You woke up sobbing, Cry still cradling you in his arms. He was still walking but he stared down at you, a worried expression plastered on his face.

        "(Y/N)! Are you okay? One minute you were happily dreaming and then you started crying in your sleep...  I didn't know what to do!"  

        "I-I had a nightmare! But its over now. I-I'll be okay now." You gave him a small smile. 

        "Are you sure? You look a little shaken..."

        "Yeah. I'm just glad its over."

        "Good!" Cry smiled, relief washing over his face. You were very happy to see him react that way; it meant he cared about you. 

        "Thank you Cry... for everything. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there for me." You looked up at him, a hint of sadness in your voice. If your remote wouldn't have taken you out of the game before, who's to say it would bring you back after you died. It was a pretty close call. 'What if there isn't a way out? No there has to be! I'm sure of it.'

        "It was nothing Friend!" Cry smiled warmly. 

        This made your cheeks burn a light pink. You loved how much he seemed to care. Then again, Cry was always a caring guy. He was always goofy during his videos, but in the end he would always thank all of you for sticking around, and to take care of your selves. You were glad to have ran into Cry, and if you really were stuck here, you were glad to be stuck with him. 

        "Why don't we rest here Cry? We haven't seen a zombie in a while and you've been carrying me this whole time. You need to get some rest. I'll keep a look out!" You offered.

        "Alright. We'll stay here." Cry yawned. He laid you down against the trunk of a tree and then took a moment to stretch. He laid down next to you and you watched the area around you as he fell asleep. You glanced down at him, admiring how cute he looked while he was asleep, even though it was a bit weird with his pokerface mask. Upon looking up, you thought you saw something but it was a little blurry. You rubbed your eyes until you could make out the silhouette standing in the distance.

Stuck in the Virtual Apocalypse (Cryaotic X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now