The End? Part 2

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        “Cry, I-” You began, staring intently into the emotionless eyes of your boyfriend's mask. It was only then that you noticed his mask was a bit further up than usual. Glancing down, you notice that a very small portion of his lower lip is visible.

        Cry noticed your gaze and chuckled. “Like what you see?” He teased, nudging his mask up enough to fully reveal his lips. You looked back up at him a bit dazed, earning another laugh from the masked man. Cry wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. As you draped your own arms over his shoulder, a rather blissful sigh escaped your lips. You could feel Matthew’s resentful glare igniting as he gazed upon the two of you. Cry seemed unfazed, caring more about you than anything else.

        “Aww, they’re so cute.” You heard Pewds and Marzia squeal to each other from the other side of the room. You blushed and shook your head at the comment. Cry took two of his fingers and lifted up your chin, your eyes locking with the circular ones of his pokerface mask. You felt a bit uncomfortable as you tried to hide the sadness in your eyes. You had to seem happy because you couldn’t break down now. You had to stay strong for everyone before you left.

        Of course Cry was able to see past your efforts. “(Y/N)... are you-” The masked boy began, but you cut him off by planting a kiss upon his soft lips in the hopes he would forget the pained expression on your face. Cry jumped in surprise, but quickly kissed back, allowing himself to melt into the kiss. The kiss was sweet and passionate, and you poured your heart and soul into it, trying to forget everything for just this moment. After all, it could be your last.

        “Okay, let’s” Minx giggled, smacking you both back into reality. Cry cleared his throat and stopped kissing you. You glanced around, seeing that everyone had been watching except for Matthew who was now on the ground, mourning over his lost lover. An embarrassed blush spread its way onto your face and you looked down. That’s when you noticed how close you and Cry were, and how happy you were. Of course that wouldn’t last long. You pulled away hesitantly, a little too quickly for Cry’s liking, as you realized you were just denying the inevitable. Swallowing the large lump in your throat, lips quivering as you whispered a quiet “I’m sorry, Cry.” before turning to walk away.

        Cry grabbed hold of you, his fingers desperately holding your forearm. “(Y/N)? What's going on? Why-” He asked, his voice incredibly concerned.

        “I can’t-” You rasped out, unable to hold it in anymore, and ripped your arm from Cry’s grasp. Guilt immediately invaded your body, and you wanted nothing more than to turn around and hug Cry, ushering sweet words of apology. However, you knew you couldn’t; If you didn’t leave now, you never would. Biting back the tears that threatened to flood your eyes, you pushed past Minx and Marzia, your eyes downcast at the floor because you didn’t dare look them in the eyes. “Where are you going?” Marzia asked, the innocence in her voice stabbing immense pain into your chest. You bit back your answer, picking up your pace until you reached the doorway. Before sprinting out of the room you turned back to face your dumbfounded friends. Besides being confused, they looked completely concerned. Matthew on the other hand was not paying any attention, which caught your eye. You had to apologize to him above all. “Matthew,” You spoke, your fingers brushing against the doorframe as you watched the boy look up from his boyfriend's body, his tear filled eyes locking with yours. “I’m sorry.”

        The boy looked a bit taken back by the action, but nodded none-the-less. You looked over at Cry once more only to notice his mask was still raised, revealing his perplexed frown. "Don't go." His lips seemed to say, to which you replied by mouthing "I have to, I'm Sorry." Cry's lips quivered into a pout, sending another wave of guilt to your gut. “I know you're all very confused, but I promise you: I wouldn’t be leaving if I didn’t have to do this… for Ken’s sake.“You shot them all a sad smile before turning on your heels and making a run for it. You quickly made your way out of the house and sprinted out into the night, running as far as your legs would carry you.

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