They're Leaving

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         You had planted yourself onto your mattress, fumbling with random items that were previously placed within your bag. There was absolutely nothing to do. Yeah, Virus was a problem, but you guys couldn't really go after him. His location was a complete mystery, the only thing you knew about it was that your cell closely resembled those of Amnesia. Besides, if any of you knew anything of his whereabouts, Cry would be after Virus in a heartbeat.

        Cry. That boy was really something else. From his mesmerizing, electric blue eyes to his deep, captivating voice, he drove your hormones wild. And that kiss... God that was perfect too. Then there was his adorable protectiveness and determination.You never really told him what Virus said to you. That was something you'd have to tell him later.

        There were also all those nightmare, all of which involved Cry in some way. Where they just sick, twisted figments of your imagination, or was there something else. Did they hold a deeper mean? Was it a warning? The more you thought of it, the more worried you got.

        You shook your head. 'Nah!. There's no way!' You shuffled through your bag until you found something that sparked your interest; a koosh ball! 'What the... why is this in here?' Shrugging it off, you fall onto your back, one leg perpendicular to your body and the other crossing over it. Toss, catch, toss, catch. Why did humans find things that were fairly simple and repetitive to be so entertaining?

        "(Y/N)?" Cry called, his footsteps quickly followed, and he made an abrupt stop inside of the wooden door frame. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the it and looked at you through his mask. "Sup."

        By now you had stopped playing with the ball and were sitting cross-legged on the bed, staring intently at the masked man. "Not much obviously." You sighed, throwing the koosh ball at him, which missed him by an inch and flew past, landing in the middle of the hallway with the lightest bounce. "Well that sucked." You muttered to yourself in disappointment.

        "Yeah it did." Cry responded, and you shot him an annoyed glare. 

        "Did you want something?" 

        "Well I was just going to let you know that Ken, Pewds, and I are heading out and-"

        "I am so coming!" You interrupted. Cry shook his head.

        "No (Y/N). Ken wants this to be a guy thing."

        "What!? Well what the hell am I supposed to do?" You complained "I'm bored out of my freaking mind here!" 

        "Uhm, you could have a girls night... with Marzia and Minx!" He half smiled. 

        "What time are you leaving?" 

        "5 minutes." 

        That was way too early. "Do you really have to leave so early?"

           "Yeah, unless you want us wandering around in the dark." 

        "No! I would love for you all to come back all in one piece, preferably not infected."

        "No promises!" 

        "CRRY!" Pewds called with that I-don't-even-know-how-to-describe-it voice that you always found to be hysterical. Cry didn't reply. "CRYYYY!" He cried once more, this time is voice much closer. You both watched in amusement as the swede crawled over to Cry, wrapping his hands around his calf.  

        "What the fuck Pewds!" The masked man laughed at his peculiar friend. 

        "Never leave me again Cry!" He whined, his twinkling, ocean blue eyes starring up at the pokerface mask. 

        God this was a great PewDieCry fangirling moment. You tried to hold in your laughter by clasping your hand over your mouth, but it yearned for freedom. Pewdie gave you a look a 13 year old girl would give you while you talked with her boyfriend, but in a jokingly manner. "Bitch please! I'm fabulous!" He sassed while releasing one hand to do a z-snap, almost giving you a heart attack.  It was true; PewDiePie was the definition of fabulous. Your lungs felt as if they would give out any second, leaving you gasping for breathe. Just how much had you laughed while you were trapped within this digital world? 

        Then there was Ken, the man who had to ruin all the fun: "Come on guys! Let's go before it gets dark out!" The two YouTubers let out a big, exaggerated sigh like teenagers being ordered around by their parents. 

        "Well BYE (Y/N)!!" They shouted in unison at you, throwing you off guard and making you cringe. You almost toppled off the bed, but managed to keep your balance. 

        "Bye guys! Stay safe!" You shouted back.

        And then there were 3.

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