I'm in.

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        The sun's vibrant rays shown into the disaster-ridden bedroom through the window, burning a reddish color into your eyelids. You squinted your eyes tightly, snuggling further into the arms that enveloped you in warmth. You nuzzled your face deeper into his chest, causing the red to instantly fade over to black, and smiled with content. You loved moments like this where you just cuddled with someone, and in this situation, it was Cry. That make it like 10 times better right? After what seemed like an hour of sitting there, listening to Cry’s rithmetic breathing, he began to stir. "Fuck." He groaned, removing his arms from around you so he could cover his face. You laughed at Cry and he seemed to jump at the sound of your voice. His eyes slowly opened as he squinted against the blinding sun, revealing that captivating cobalt blue. "Oh, (Y/N)! How did you get in here?"
        You rolled your eyes. "You don't remember what happened last night do you?"
        "Was I supposed to?" His eyes widened. "You didn't... I didn't... we-"
        "No Cry!" You corrected, punching him playfully. "Last night you begged me to sleep in here with you, but I had to do something. When I got back you were already passed out." You pointed to your clothes. "Besides, we're still dressed!"
        Cry let out a sigh of relief. "Good. If I would have missed that..."
        "Oh shut up!" You complained, trying to hold in a blush.
        "Okay." Cry smirked, ruffling your hair. He quickly got up from the bed, causing the area he was on to rise. Frowning at his absence, you slid off the bed, falling to the floor. Cry bursted out in a fit of giggles as he watched you lay there, your face burning with embarrassment.
        “Stop laughing!” You pouted as you used you hands to raise yourself in a push-up fashion. You sat up, glaring at the now masked Cry as he laughed uncontrollably.
        “I’m sorry,” He snickered, wiping away a fallen tear. “That was just too funny.
        You rolled your eyes. “Everything is funny to you.”
        “I know!” He beamed. You couldn’t help but smile. Then you just watched as he turned around and opened the door.
        Cry turned back to face you again, crossing his arms and leaning against the door-frame. “Well; you coming or what?”
        “I guess, I mean there isn't much to do in here.” You replied and stood up from the floor. As you made your way to the door the events of last night began flashing through your mind. You remembered waiting till nightfall, Cry's silliness and going downstairs to where Matthew and Ash were. Their conversation played through your mind, and it continued on to you falling asleep next to Cry, but there was that one sentence lingering in your mind:
        "You know I had too."
        What did that asshole mean by that? Was he just trying to be a dick about it, or was there really a meaning behind it? Was there really a reason? Did he really have to do it? Was it life or death? You doubted that; Ken wouldn't hurt a fly unless he had to so if there was a problem it was because Ash was a threat. 
        Ash a threat.
        You'd have to laugh at that one. When you finally got your hands on him, he probably wouldn't even fight back.
        "(Y/N)?" Cry called from behind, pulling you from your thoughts. "You aren't gonna start this again are you?" 
        You spun around and shook your head. "N-No, sorry! I-I just got distracted. I didn't even notice I walked passed you!" 
         "Its alright Friend!" Cry chuckled. He came up to you, the two of you walking side-by-side down the hall. "What were you thinking about anyways. Is something bothering you? You had a kind of hurt expression on your face." 
        "Oh." You scratched your arm nervously. "It's nothing." 
        Cry stopped immediately. "(Y/N)..." He started, his voice slightly deeper.
        "Tell me."
        "Why not?"
        "I don't know what your talking about."
        Cry pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "(Y/N) I know you're lying. Just tell me."
        "Fine." You let out a large sigh. "Last night before I went to your room I went downstairs..."
        "I'm getting there! Jeez Cry!" You teased. 
        "Sorry. You were saying?" 
        "I heard Matthew and Ash talking."
        "So?" He smirked " Did you ease-drop on them?" 
        "Yeah..." You replied sheepishly. 
        "Is something they said bothering you." 
        "What was it?"
        You glanced down at your feet. "They were talking about the incident with Ken."
        "What did they say?" He asked, his voice stern. Was he getting angry?
        "Ash said he had to kill Ken." You tensed up as you said the words out loud.
         You looked back up, starring into the pokerface mask. "I know! It doesn't make sense! Ken wouldn't fight unless he had too."
        "Yeah... Ash must have attacked Ken first."
        "I can't believe he'd  do that. I can't believe he killed Ken of all people. It's so cruel!"
        "I know! That's why I tried to kill him last night!" You clasped your hand over your mouth immediately. You hadn't meant for that to come out...
        Cry's eyes went wide. "YOU WHAT?"
        You didn't say anything, just dropped you gaze back down to you feet. 
        Cry placed both of his hands on your shoulders, causing you to look back up at him. You could feel him staring into your eyes. "Why didn't you ask me?"
        You furred your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
        "What if I want him dead to ?" He joked although he was disappointed.
        You felt your eyebrow twitch. "I-I thought you liked him."
        "You thought I liked that prick?"
        "I don't know... you seemed too."
        "Dude; he killed Ken! He killed our friend! Of course I would feel hatred towards him!" 
        "Well good."
        "I don't have to worry about you stopping me then."
        That gained a laugh from the masked man. "No you don't, cause I'm in!"

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