A Fanboy? Really?

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        All the feelings of pleasure within your body were instantly drained, replaced a sick feeling in your gut. Your eyes shot open, immediately locking with Cry’s:


        Your tongues returned to their domains, and your lips separated from his. Cry immediately pushed himself off of you in a hurry to cover his face. You assumed that he just didn’t feel comfortable around people without it, since it was insanely dark and no one could see his face. As he wrapped his arms around his head, you patted your hands down in the grass frantically in hope that they would come across his pokerface mask. Suddenly, your fingertips brushed against something smooth. Without hesitation, you curl your fingers around the circular edge and pull it up. You hand the mask to Cry, and within seconds he has it tied around his head. “Thanks Friend.” He whispers and you nod, although you aren’t quite sure if he saw. The two of you awkwardly looked up, preparing for embarrassment, but you couldn’t see anyone. Maybe you were just hearing things? No. Someone had actually cleared their throat, otherwise Cry wouldn't have heard it.

        “Where do you think they went?” You asked, trying to be as quiet as possible.

        “No idea, but they couldn't have gone far. Why don’t you go that way,” Cry responded, placing his hands on your shoulders and steering you right. “and I’ll go this way.”

        “Sounds like a plan!” You whispered. You pulled him into an embrace, taking in his scent before rushing off in your assigned position. You soon realized that it probably wasn’t the best plan to split up since it was still extremely dark. Everything was dark, and the only way you could see tell if something was there was if the moonlight shined on it and created an outline or a silhouette. You could be running around in circles and never know, so how you even managed to follow the path earlier was a complete mystery. That along with how Cry knew that you were the one coming by when he jumped you. You had to admit; you both were pretty lucky in that situation. It would have been extremely awkward if either of you were kissing the wrong person..

        “Woah! What are you-” A masculine voice shouted, followed by a yelp. You stopped your aimless wandering and sprinted off into the direction of the voice. You stopped suddenly, your eyes going wide as you saw what appeared to be a silhouette on top of another figure, only it wasn't in a nice way like you and Cry before. The one on top had an aggressive hold on the other, and it wasn't looking too good for the one on the bottom.

        “Who are you?” Cry’s voice growled.

         Yep. Should've known.

        The figure beneath him remained silent, struggling against his grip. 

        “Cry, what are you doing?” You asked, a bit annoyed. It wasn't like him to go around tackling people, but then again, this person could be dangerous.

        “Y-Y-You’re C-C-C-Cryaotic!” The boy stuttered, obviously holding in a squeal.

        Oh god.

        A FANBOY?

        Cry got off the man immediately, brushing the dirt off of his clothes.

        “Sorry Friend!” He apologized, holding out a hand for the boy to grab.

        The boy clasped his hand to Cry's and Cry helped pull him off the ground. The boy shook his head and slapped Cry playfully on the shoulder. “No, no! Its my fault for creeping around in the first place.” 

        You and Cry both chuckled awkwardly. “So, you must be-”

        “YES I’M A CRYBABY!” The boy squealed once again.

        You shook your head in disapproval. “Please don’t ever say that again…”

        “When we get back, I’m going to kill Red for even coming up with that…” Cry muttered.

        “Sorry.” The boy replied hastily. Yep… he was definitely a fanboy.

        “Hey kid, who are you anyway?” You questioned.

        “Hey! I’ll have you know that I am not a kid! I’m 17!” The boy retorted defensively. Jeez, someone has more attitude than you.

        You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. “Just answer the question.”

        “Fine.” He sighed. “The names Matthew.”

        “Well Matthew, I’m Cry, as you clearly knew, and this is my girlfriend (Y/N).”

        Girlfriend? That was something to get used to.You couldn't help but blush and grin widely at that thought.

        The boy instantly perked up at the sound of Cry’s voice. “OH MY GOD YOU SAID MY NAME!!!” He squealed. You rolled your eyes. He better not try and take Cry from you. “But-uh-yeah. I kinda guessed that, I mean with the whole show you put on back there.”

        Goddammit why did you always have to blush? You were thankful that nobody could see it.

        “What were you doing wandering around out here anyways?” Cry asked calmly.

        Goddammit Cry! How could you be so chill?

        “Honestly I could be asking you two the same, but I was kind of looking for my boyfriend.”

        Alright, maybe you could get along with this guy after all.

        “Ah! Who’s the lover boy?” Cry chuckled.


        “JUST LIKE POKEMON!” You shouted.

        “Yeah. He’s probably with his friend Topher…. I don’t really like him that much.”

        You and Cry turned to each other. Although you couldn't see his face, regardless of the mask, you knew that he was thinking the same thing:

        He’s totally the jealous type.

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