New Form

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      You stared dumbfounded at the boy. "You're Ash? Matthew's boyfriend?"

        Matthew nodded, clinging onto him. Ash let out a large sigh that he must've been holding in. You looked over your shoulder and noticed that all your friends were glaring daggers at the boy. "Why are you guys so angry at him? Is there something I don't know about? Because if there is, someone better tell me, and they better tell me now!" You demanded, crossing your arms.

        All was silent for a moment until Marzia decided to speak up. “Think about it (Y/N);” She pointed to Ken’s lifeless body. “Ken is dead," She glanced over at Minx before pointing to Ash. "Minx was upset, ready to kill that bastard,and we’re all ready to kill him as well. What do you think happened?”

        You pondered these thoughts in your head. Like someone had just flipped a switch inside your brain, the gears started turning: You had made the connection. You're confused faced morphed into a scowl and you narrowed your eyes at the murderer. 'He killed Ken' Both rage and lust began bubbling up inside, but it wasn't sexual desire; it was the lust for blood. There was no telling what horrid, murderous ideas were swarming your brain as you slowly made your way to the couple. As if in a trance, you stopped, staring at Ash like your glare would pierce straight into his emerald eyes and into his soul. His Adam's apple moved up and down as he gulped awkwardly. He was trembling in fear, which only made things worse him because he was showing weakness. Your scowl faded, replaced with a sinister smile. You were going to have fun breaking him.

        "No!" Matthew screamed, jumping in front of his boyfriend. He held his hands out defensively. "I won't let you hurt him!"

        You glared daggers at the boy. "Get out of the way!"


        Then you felt a presence, like someone was right behind you. Its probably just your friends right?


        "(Y/N)! Watch out!" Minx shouted. You could hear the sound of her whip being lifted. Without hesitation, you equipped your red fire axe. Then you heard it right behind you.

        A zombie moan.

        You were ready to swing around, allowing your axe to get a nice chop out of the flesh eater, but you heard a body fall. You spun around on your heel to see PewDiePie on top of the zombie, katana in hand, ready to slice off the thing's heads. Cry pulled out his shotgun and Marzia drew...

        A chainsaw? Yes, it was! It was just like the one in Scribble Netty's drawings! Marzia pulled the starting component causing the weapon to rumble as it came to life. She let out that cute “evil” cackle that she always does in videos and began fighting alongside Minx.

        “(Y/N).” Cry called, snapping you out of your trance.


         He flashed you a charming grin before motioning over towards the couple who stood there in fear, as if they were watching a pile of crawling maggots. You pouted at him and he blew you a kiss before helping out the others. You let out an exaggerated sigh before turning to face the boy you weren’t so happy with. It would be an understatement to say you wanted to end his life. It took all your will power to walk over there.

        “Do either of you got a weapon.” You question, trying to keep the extreme distaste out of your voice as you pointed to them.



        “How did you-” You pinched the bridge of your nose “Nevermind! Just go get something to fight with!” You said, directing them away from the scene. As they began to turn away, you grabbed Ash’s sleeve, pulling him back to face you and locked eyes with him. “This…” You poked him harshly in the chest. “isn’t over.” After giving him a light shove, you stormed off, leaving the couple to fend for themselves. They can get a couple of weapons on their own right?

        “(Y/N)! Pewdie shouted frantically, gaining your attention. He started sprinting towards you with his katana.

        You gave him a confused look. “W-” He immediately clasped his hand over your mouth, muffling any words that came from your mouth. You stared at him dumbfounded as he started mouthing “Don’t make a sound.” before taking his hand of your lips and pointing to the side. You turned your head in that direction and your eyes widened as noticed a zombie was standing there, staring right at you. There was something different about this one though, something that none of the other zombies had. Unlike all the others, this one looked like a walking fungus thrive spot. It was covered in fungal spores and its head barely resembled one anymore. Actually, now that you thought about it, it appeared to resemble one of the clickers in The Last of Us, a few alterations here and there. It was almost impossible to believe that it was still able to function? How did it even devour people?

        Suddenly it made a strange noise and began stumbling towards you. Did you make a sound? You looked back over to Pewds, who was giving you a look. Then he mouthed “You gasped!”

        You held your hands up in defense mouthing “Sorry!” The swede just shook his head at you at then his eyes widened. The zombie, or clicker thing, was hovering over you. Your eyes widened and fear took over, freezing you in place. It felt like it was pitch black and someone was breathing down your neck. Creepy right? You didn’t like it one bit. You wanted to scream. You wanted someone, anyone to help. Why wasn’t Pewdie helping you? Why was he just standing there watching? Was he really that shocked? That scared even if it wasn’t him that it was practically on top of? Your chest burned and you throat ached as your lungs screamed for air. That’s when you realized you weren’t breathing; you couldn’t. ‘Don’t make a sound.’  You tried to continue holding your breath. It made another noise, sending a shiver to your spine and chilling you to the bone. You would have whimpered, but there was no way you were going to get caught. You were really struggling now; on the verge of tears. It hurt so bad. What if you pass out from lack of air?

        Your lungs felt like they were being sucked in a vacuum and your mouth was extremely dry. Now you couldn’t make a sound even if you wanted to. You felt trapped, like there was no escape. Like you were dead and all you could do was watch as your friends fought, unaware of what was happening, except for Pewdie. You had been holding your breath too long now. Your vision grew hazy with black dots swarming around and you felt numb. At that very moment your knees buckled and you started falling. That’s when PewDiePie snapped out of his trance and sliced the zombie’s head clean off, causing the whole thing to collapse onto the ground. By doing this, however, he missed his chance to break your fall. A sharp pain shot through your body, and you let out a small yelp as your head made impact with the bloody asphalt. “(Y/N)!” Was all that could be heard before everything went black.

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