Lost and Found

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        Your eyes flutter open. "Ken?" You look around you to see that you were lying on a couch within a abandoned house. 'I don't remember this place? Did I really come here last night?' 

        Ken still hadn't responded yet responded, so you decided to go investigate. Getting off of the rugged sofa, you quietly stretch your legs. Then you silently crept to the room which the shout was heard from. Inside you saw Ken sitting on the floor, rubbing his head in pain. You gave him a questioning look, and waited for him to explain what happened. 

        "I bumped my head on the fucking headboard..." He mumbled. You laughed at him and then walked over, prying his hands away so you could examine it. It was just a small bump that was red, which was expected. 

        "You'll be fine!" You said. "It's just a little bump."

        "Yeah but it hurts like hell." He whined.

        "You poor thing." You said sarcastically. Ken just rolled his eyes and got back on his feet. He muttered something inaudible to himself while you went back over to the couch to collect your bag. You put your axe back into the bag because you had found it lying beside the couch. Then you swung the bag onto your back. Ken came out moments later with his own stuff and asked if you wanted anything.

        "Sure." You replied and he pulled out a couple loafs of bread and then some juice pouches. 

        "Here." He tossed you a jar of Nutella. "Save that for Cry." He smiled giving you a wink  and you blush slightly in response, placing it gently into your bag so you wouldn't loose it. Then he handed you some of the other food for you to actually consume. You both ate in peaceful silence. When you were both finished, CTK put the food into his bag and then you both left the house. He began leading you further into the neighborhood when you stopped him.

        "Let's just move on to the town. I think they probably would have went there by now so it might be our best bet. Worst case, we can always come back. "

        "Alright. The town it is then." He smiled and you began heading back to the area where you both ran into each other. Once there, you started down the path you would have taken into town that night, only this time it was day time. There also was a lot less creepy, especially since there wasn't a silhouette standing further off in the distance. Thinking about that reminded you of the group that Ken had told you about the yesterday. It was clearly possible that the "crazy killer guy" is from that group: He kidnapped Marzia, and then attempted to kill her. Maybe if you could locate this group, you could locate him. But that was all dependent on him actually being in the group. There were so many possibilities that you began to get a headache from all the thinking.

        "Are you alright (Y/N)?" Ken asked, raising an eyebrow. 

        "Yeah I was just thinking... maybe a little too much." You replied as you rubbed your temples in attempt to lessen the pain.

        "You poor thing." He smirked as he mimicked your response from his earlier complaint. 

        "Oh shut up!" You yelled, punching his arm harshly. 


        "That's what you get!" You yelled. Ken scowled. Now you had finally reached the entrance of the small town. "How do you want to do this?" You asked, scanning down the desolate road. It was a pretty simple town, most of it being commercial businesses. A few stores down was the town hall, and across from it was the police station and fire department. Further down the road, and past the intersection, you could sort of make out what appeared to be a gas station. 

        "Well I guess we should just start at this place," He pointed to the store to the left of you. It was obviously a toy store because there were toys all over, but it was demolished. Windows were broken, the glass from them shattered on the floor, Walls cracked and painted with blood. Lights that were originally a part of the ceiling now rested upon fallen shelves whose ruined toys littered the rotten floor. The sign that once hung above the doors was now dangling from a couple tight screws. The entire scene gave of an eerie feeling. "...and then we go across the street and I guess just in that same sort of pattern from building to building." He suggested. You nodded as you both approached what used to be a child's wonderland. You carefully enter the building through one of the fragmented windows, trying your best to prevent the glass from cutting you. Ken followed your movements to get himself in safely as well. Then you realized that this was a toy store; a place that your friends wouldn't be caught in.         

        "Ken why are we checking this place? They are obviously not here."

        "You never know alright!" 

        "Well I'm gonna check out the next place then." You said, stepping over a cracked building block. You made your way out, just as you had entered. Why Ken felt it was necessary to continue searching in that store was beyond your understanding. You just went across the street without questioning him. The sign on the building led you to the assumption that it was a beauty parlor, which wasn't really a building worth searching for your friends in. So you continued onto the next place, but again it wasn't very relevant. You continued to search down the street until you reached the police station. Now that was a good place to search. "Hey Ken?" You called out. "You think you can help me out over here?"

Ken came popping out of one of the building that you have claimed "unworthy" of search. His eyes landed on you and he quickly sprinted over.

        "Whatcha need?" 

        "Well the doors are locked, and I really don't feel like breaking anything that will attract the undead so..." You explained. He followed your line of sight over to a hole in the 2nd floor of the building.

        "I gotcha!" He exclaimed, heading over to the spot beneath the opening. Kneeling down, he linked his hands together above his knee to create a platform for your feet. Placing your left hand on his shoulder, you managed to step within his hands and he boosted you up high enough for you to grab hold of the chipped edge. Using all of your strength, you pull yourself up all the way until your torso was all the way up. You placed your hands against the rugged ground and extended your arms like a spring to raise yourself. Then you pulled your legs up so you could turn around. 

       You hang your hand over the edge. "Alright. Grab my hand Ken! I'll pull you up." 

        He gave you an unsure look. "Are you going to drop me?"

        "Shut up Ken! I got it. Let's go!" You said slightly annoyed. 

        He took a deep breath before swinging his arms and jumping up. He reaches out, but his hand only lightly grazes yours before something snakes around your ankle. "KEN!!!" You scream as you are dragged away from the opening. Something pierces your skin around your neck and a sharp pain surges throughout your body. The last thing you hear is a man's insane laughter before you are engulfed in darkness.

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