Split Roads

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        Ken, Pewds, and Cry all ran in the direction of Minx’s scream, not wasting a moment to investigate a single thing. They jumped over fallen objects, dashed through yards, and brushed past any zombies in their way. They were determined to find the girls before anything happened to them. Although, they couldn't help but wonder what they were doing in the first place. Why had they left the house? Were they forced out? Had the house been breached? Were they okay now? All these questions remained answerless as they made their way to the source of the outburst. Cry had been expecting to find them sitting their, (Y/N) possibly being injured because that would explain Minx’s actions. But rather than finding the three girls, they found a mound of zombie corpse along with a puddle of blood. The whole thing must have been recent otherwise the corpses would have disappeared by now.
        “We must be close.” Ken said.
        “Yeah. But where did all this blood come from?” Cry asked.
        Pewdie glanced between the corpses; they were all around the pool of blood. “Maybe its just from the zombies.”
        The masked man shook his head. “There’s no way. This is definitely from something a live. The blood is way too rich.” he replied.
        Ken stared over at the pool of blood. “Cry’s right. Besides, zombie blood is much darker and disgusting.”
        Pewds averted his eyes from the blood. “So I guess the only question is whose?”

        You were getting tired of running so much. Still upset over that last event, you felt extremely exhausted and just wanted to fall down and never get back up. In fact, that sounded like a damn good idea. You would totally do that if it weren’t for Marzia and Minx. They were both pulling you along with them, and they would surely make you get up.
        Marzia looked over at you and noticed how much you’d been slacking. They were practically dragging you. “Come on (Y/N). Let’s go! Just a little bit further.”
        “Why don’t we just go back to the house.” You groaned.
        “Because that’s too easy.” Minx joked, nudging you with her elbow. You rolled your eyes. Couldn't she tell you weren't in the mood?
        “If you really want to, we can head back.” Marzia said.
        “Yes please!” You replied immediately. “I’m so tired.”
        “Alright fine!” Minx pouted. Was she really enjoying be out here? Even after what happened? She began looked around. “Which way did we come from again?” You exchanged glances with both Marzia and Minx.
        “Oh shit!”

        “What do you think happened back there?” Pewds asked. He was walking between the other two, Cry on his left, and Ken on his left.
        “I don’t know. Hopefully no one got bit.” Ken replied. “I guess we better find them before anything else happens.”
        Pewds nodded in agreement and the two of them glanced over at Cry. Worry fell upon the swede. Cry hadn't said a thing since they left the corpses. Pewdie didn't like it one bit. Who knows what was going on inside of that mind of his?
        A lot of things were going on. Cry couldn't get his mind off of three things:

        Mad, Virus, and (Y/N):
        ‘Why would Virus hurt (Y/N) only to heal her?’
        ‘To mess with you.’        
        ‘It doesn't make sense though. Why would he allow her to live? Why didn't he just let her die?’
        ‘Maybe because he loves her too.’       
        ‘No way! I don’t even think Virus has the capability.’’        
        “Cry? You okay buddy?” Ken waved a hand in his friends face.
        Cry was a bit shocked. He hadn’t been paying much attention. “Y-Yeah. I-I’m fine.” He gave his friends a half-hearted smile, his mind being elsewhere. Ken glanced at Pewds. The swede just shrugged and they continued to walk. Cry returned to his thoughts:
        ‘What if Virus got to (Y/N) again?’
        ‘He could kill her.’
        ‘He wouldn't dare. He knows what I can do.’
        ‘You mean what can do.’
        We, Mad. You could never have complete control.’
        ‘Are you sure about that?’
        ‘Yes. Stop laughing!’
        Pewdie looked back over at his best friend, who was clenching his hands into a tight fist. It he had dug his fingers any farther, he would surely draw blood. “Cry? Come on; what’s going on.”
        The masked man’s face jumped at Pewds’ sudden voice, and he looked up at the swede. “Nothing Friend.”
        “Bullshit!” Ken replied angrily. “Stop lying to us Cry. There is clearly something wrong!”
        “Shh Ken! You’re not helping!” Pewdie scolded. His face softened as he turned to look at Cry’s face… well mask. “Is this about (Y/N)?" 
        That struck a nerve.
        Cry didn't respond.He just looked away, signalling that he didn't want to talk. PewDiePie released a frustrated sigh and continued to walk alongside his friends. Cry quickly got lost in his thoughts once more.
        ‘What was I thinking, leaving them alone at the house? If (Y/N) got hurt I would NEVER forgive myself.’
        ‘That’s cause it’d be all your fault.’
        ‘Shut up!’ Cry could almost imagine the sinister smile that would be creeping onto Mad’s face if he had one. ‘I don’t even know why I even respond to you.’
        ‘That’s because you need me.’
        ‘I don’t need you! If anything I’m waiting for you to leave me alone.’
        ‘Then why don’t you make me?’
        Cry was about to respond, but he felt himself bump into something. He cursed under his breath before focusing on what had happened. Pewdie had held his hand out in front of Cry in the means to stop him. Cry turned to ask for the reason of his friend’s actions when he noticed both his and Ken’s expressions. They were filled with delight as they stared at something in front of them. Cry followed their line of sight to see that the street split into three separate roads. But that not what caught his attention. It was the three girls who were going separate ways, one heading left, another going straight, the last one going right. He was overwhelmed with joy; he had finally found them. He had found (Y/N). Pewds began to open his mouth, but Cry quickly clasped his hand over his mouth.
        “I've got an idea.”

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