His Other Side

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        A retched stench fills your nostrils as you take your first awakened breath. Out of pure instinct, you try to lift your hand to plug your nose, but your wrists seem to be entangled in something rough. 'What the...' You open your eyes only to be met with the same darkness you received from your eyelids overlapping your eyes, thus making it impossible to know where you are or what is trapping your arms.  You try to move your feet so you can get up, but you cannot separate your ankles from on another. "Hello?" You shout, only to hear your voice echo. You try to free your hands, but the material scratches against your skin leaving an unbearable sting. Finally your eyes adjust and you can make out something very similar to barbed wire around your wrists and ankles. 'Great' The room you were in was quite small and reminded you a lot of the cell rooms in the game Amnesia. There were empty hand cuffs attached to the wall, which you were very thankful to not be chained in them. The door, just like those in Amnesia, had a small window with bars going through it vertically. You assumed that it was locked, but even if it wasn't it wouldn't make a difference because you couldn't really move. 
      For some odd reason, you didn't really feel frightened by this whole ordeal. A bit pissed off, but not scared. Maybe it was because you were almost positive you knew who was keeping you here captive, and you weren't afraid of him. You just wanted to kick his ass so he'd leave your friends alone. So you decided that you would just wait for him to come to you, especially since you couldn't do much else. Some time passed and you grew extremely impatient and annoyed, so you decided to make some noise. Opening you mouth and take a huge deep breath, you let out a high-pitched screech. 
        As if answering your prayers, fast heavy stomps coming from far off started to approach your room, and the jingling of keys could be heard with each step. Soon the noises stopped as two figures stood just outside the door. Once more you heard the jingling of the keys and the "Click" of the lock before the heavy cell door swung open, revealing two men who appeared to be in their late teens/early twenties. The taller man shined a flashlight in you face, making you squint. You scowled at them. They quickly walked over to you and the shorter man harshly grabbed hold of your arm and yanked you off of the cold floor. Being that they were taking you where you pretty much wanted to go, besides back to your friends, you didn't give them any trouble. The taller man threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, making your body smack against his rock-hard shoulders. Now that enraged you to no end. You clenched your teeth as you tried to hold yourself back from attacking this bastard. Your spent the rest of the time staring intensely at his back, as if it would somehow burn a hole there. 
        Before you knew it, the man had lowered you, untied your legs and then shoved you into a room. This room had a strange bluish glow and was a lot brighter than your cell and the hallway so you were left squinting for a little bit. Before you stood a man, but with his back turned to you. He looked a bit familiar from what you could see. In fact, you almost thought he was Cry and called out to him before you noticed blue lines engraved into his skin that seemed to flow with electricity. That's when you realized that the blue tint was radiating off of him and you knew who it was. You carefully stood up, your ankles still stinging from the wire that scratched them up. It wasn't until a different man who was already in the room shut the door behind you that he turned around, revealing his mask with a electronic smile made from the same type of lines that were all over his skin. 
        "VIRUS!" You growled as you stared at the man who closely resembled Cry.
        "Well, well, well. (Y/N) isn't it? Well its nice to finally meet you!" He exclaimed, his voice high and very digital.He held out a hand for you, his hand sparking with bolts of electricity. You sent him an annoyed glance. "Oh. My apologies! I forgot that you can't use your hands." He pulled his hand back and began to cackle. It was so loud that it left an irritating ringing in your ears. 
        "So you're the one behind all this shit? I've got to admit, I'm pretty fucking surprised. How did you even get all these people to even help a scumbag like you?" You hissed.
        "Why yes. How else do you think you got stuck here? Did you really think that they all the remotes just stopped working for no reason?" He smirked. "I'm from the digital world! This is my turf and I can manipulate this game right before the developers eyes. I can shut down your precious remotes until I get what I want! That's why these lovely people are helping me; because they know that I have power." He shouted. By now his voice had already succeeded in giving you a pounding headache. 
        You gave him the death glare. "Why are you keeping all of us here, if all you want is to make Cry suffer? What did Cry even do to you!" 
        "What did he do? He's the mortal one, the one who gets to have all the fun. I've been trapped in here with now companion. I don't get to go out and do stupid things, I have to stay here forever. Not in this game, but in this digital world. I want him to know what its like to be me. And just because I trap him here, doesn't mean I can get to him! He has to come here and fight me. I cannot come after him, nor any of you. So I use all of these people to take his friends, and I can mess with all of you how ever I please to toy with his feelings and emotions. Eventually he'll come after me, and when he's at his weakest, I'll end his life. Now that I have you, I can make that happen. But I don't think I'm going to kill you just yet. I want play around with him a while longer.  Maybe I'll even give you back to him a little 'banged up'." He grinned. "And when he finally comes after I have taken you again, I can make him watch as you die. Then I can kill him. I'll be able to leave this digital realm and go into your world." He laughed evilly.
        By now you were absolutely furious and your blood was beyond boiling point. Not only was he threatening to kill Cry, but he was planning on using you like a toy. Virus could tell you were going to act out so he signaled for the man who close the door to hold you back. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" You spat, as you kicked your legs vigorously through the air.  
        "Tsk, tsk, (Y/N). Your just as bad at controlling your anger. I'm going to have to sedate you." He faked a pout, and then he was gone. In a flash he appeared beside you, holding up a syringe.
        You looked at him, bewildered by what he had just done. "How did you-"
        "Shhhh.. Say hello to lover boy for me!" He cooed, stabbing the tip into your neck. 
        You felt another sharp pain in your neck before everything went black.

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