Minxy Moo!

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        "Minx?" You gasped. You couldn't believe your eyes. Mangaminx was standing right before you. That's already 4 freaking epic youtubers... 
Could this get any better? 
        "Good to see your a fan. I was worried you'd be a little cunt." Yep... that's definitely the Minx you know and love.(Lol Minx's rants on twitter tho)
        "W-Well its a good thing you didn't kill me right off the bat I guess!" You said nervously. God why did you always have to get so awkward when meeting people? This made Minx burst out in her oh so fabulous laughter. 
        "I like you!" She said, trying to stop laughing. 
        "Wait-" You looked all around you. "Where's Krism?" 
        Minx looked kind of upset, but at the same time a bit relieved. "She isn't here. She didn't want to play this game for some reason, thankfully." You didn't question her. You knew exactly what she meant. Feeling awful for even bringing her up, you decided to change the subject.
        "So Minx; You want to meet up with Cry and PewDiePie?" You asked her excitedly. 
        "YES!" She yelled. You couldn't help but laugh at her response.
        "Come on then! Time's a wastin'!" You exclaimed as you motioned for her to follow.
        So you and Minx set off for the house you and "the crew"  were currently occupying. Along the way, you both talked about random stuff. Minx talked about her YouTube channel and you told her about all your favorite youtubers. Then you both talked about how you got here and how you found out that your remotes weren't working. You also told her about the current situation with the whole "crazy killer guy".  It certainly shocked her to think someone would do that, especially to you guys. This also meant you had to tell her about Cry's protectiveness, and well let's just say the conversation got very interesting from there.
        "Well this is the place." You informed Minx as you approached the front door. Minx waited patiently as you opened the door. No one was there though, at least on this floor. "They must be upstairs.." You muttered to yourself. That's when you got a brilliant idea: "Hey Minx! Go hide in the bushes over there and wait for me to call them down. Then make your move." She agreed with your plan and you both giggled slightly at the thought of their reactions. "CRY!!! PEWDIE!!! MARZIA!!! IMMMMMMMMM HOOOOMMMMME!" You hollered. Instantly you heard their feet pounding on the stairs as they dashed over to the sound of your voice. 
        "(Y/N)!" Cry and Marzia cheered.
        Pewds ran up and squeezed you.  "Oh my god bro! We were-" 
        "BOO!" Minx screeched. All three of them practically wet their pants they were so terrified. You and Minx gave eachother a high-five as you both burst out laughing. Minx was laughing so hard that she was clutching her stomach. 
        "OH MY GOD IT'S MINX! HEY FRIEND!" Cry exclaimed cheerfully. 
        "MINXY MOO!" PewDiePie yelled once he realized it was her, mostly because of Cry. He sprinted out of the house and jumped on top of her, almost knocking her over. 
        "GET OFF ME GANDALF-er- Pewds!" Minx shouted as she pushed him off. 
        "Well I don't want to ruin this oh-so-perfect-reunion, but we should probably get inside before our voices attract a horde..." You said urgently. They all agreed and went inside. As soon as you were all inside, Pewdie pushed the cabinet in front of the door. To your surprise, Marzia had dinner already prepared. You all lined up in the kitchen, paper plates in hand. Pewds had found a ton of paper plates one of the days that he went out scavenging so that's what you guys used. "It's a good thing I made extra!" Marzia chirped as she slapped some pasta down on all of your plates. 
        "Thank you Marzia!" Pewdie said sweetly. Marzia came over and pecked him softly on the lips. 'Awhhh.'
        "Yeah! Thank you so much!" You said.
        "Yeah really Marzia! It's delicious!" Minx chimed in. Cry had a mouthful of noodles stuffed in his mouth, so he just gave Marzia a thumbs up in approval. You all laughed. 
        "You're all very welcome!" She replied cutely. You all sat there in silence as you devoured your meal...
        That is until you heard the growling, banging, and scratching of a zombies coming from behind the front door.

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