No. It can't be...

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        It was cold; extremely cold. You liked the cold, but this was past your comfort zone. You felt stupid for only bringing a t-shirt to a zombie apocalypse. However, you weren't really planning on getting stuck in this game with no way out. Cry and Pewds were one step ahead of you. Cry was wearing his green hoodie, and PewDie was wearing a jacket over one of his striped shirts.  

        You weren't even planning on coming with them to search for Marzia. Of course you wanted to, you were just injured. You also felt as if you would slow them down, especially since one of them would end up carrying you. Instead of staying back, you were practically forced to go. The boys insisted, and before you could say no, Cry had scooped you up in his arms. They claimed that you would keep there moods up, and they didn't want you alone and injured. "We can't find Marzia, come back, and find you an injured zombie" Were their exact words. So here you were, freezing because of your poor planning. 

        "(Y/N), you seem cold. Do you want my sweatshirt?" Cry asked. He obviously noticed you shivering since he was carrying you after all. 

        "Y-yes please!"  You stuttered because, well, it was just that cold. He handed you over to PewDiePie for just a moment while he took off his hoodie. 

        "OOooo yeah Cry!!" Pewds did in his deep "seductive" voice that he often used in let's plays and colabs. You face palmed; 'This is why PewDieCry is a thing...' Cry just laughed as he pulled it off, revealing a long sleeve shirt. 'Someone came prepared.' He handed you the hoodie and you gladly took it. 

        "Thanks Cry! I really appreciate it!" You thanked him as you slipped it on over your t-shirt.

        "No problem Friend!" He smiled warmly at you. "Alright Pewds, I can carry her now!"

        "Wow Cry. You really want to carry her that bad?" He smirked. You rolled your eyes.

        "Oh shut up man!" Pewds handed you over to Cry. You snuggled into the sweatshirt as you continued on. It was so warm. 'This is why I love the cold; I get to wear these clothes.' What was even better about this sweatshirt was the fact that it was the famous Cryaotic's and it smelled just like him. You always loved stealing guys' sweatshirts because they always smell good. 

        "I didn't think I smelled that good!" Cry laughed and you just continued to hug yourself in the warmness, blushing slightly. 

        "Awh! You guys are so adorable!" Pewds joked, a huge grin spread across his face.

        "SHUT UP PEWDS" You both yelled in unison, cheeked burning as bright as roses. This made PewDiePie laugh uncontrollably. He would have made another annoying remark, but the situation was already funny enough as it was. Moments like these were one of the reasons you couldn't wait to find Marzia. 1) You could make fun of him with Marzia and 2) You'd get away from these idiots. Sure they were funny and some of your favorite people that ever existed, but man sometimes you really need a break from them. They always ganged up on you and if Marzia was there, you could just go talk to her instead of taking their crap. 

        "Let's check this whole street and then take a break." Cry suggested as you turned the corner onto a new street. You and PewDie nodded your heads in agreement. You all needed a break from constantly finding houses with either zombies, hostile survivors, or absolutely nothing inside. It was getting very tiring, especially since your soul purpose for all this was to find Marzia. You had found a lot of supplies in the previous houses, and even some good weapons. In one of them, Cry had found a red fire axe. You traded him the pistol for it and thus a new friendship was born. You held it in your arms like a child. Cry found a belt that he could holster the pistol and an FN SLP shotgun that he had found lying beside a corpse. Pewds already had a weapon back at the house; a Katana sword that was in very good shape. How he managed to get it, you had no idea, but you were glad he was happy with it. 

        Cry began heading up to the next house. It was a yellow single-story house, that had a little bit of blood splatter here and there on the windows, but overall it didn't look all that terrible. None of that mattered of course, but it was nice to think that not everything went to shit during the Apocalypse. However, the inside could be complete trash. Pewds managed to get one of the back doors open. He walked in, Cry carrying you in closely behind. It was a little messed up, things tossed all over the place, which was expected. There was a large streak of blood that was smeared across one of the walls, followed by a puddle of blood. You didn't find Marzia anywhere, but you did find some much needed supplies. Pewds threw it all in his backpack and you headed out.

        Cry led Pewds across the street to a very sketchy 2-story house. As you entered, you realized that this was one of the worst houses you had ever seen. "Alright. Pewds, me and Cry will take the upstairs, you take this floor." You ordered. Pewds nodded and began searching. Cry carried you up the stairs. They were the type where halfway up you turned 180 degrees and then continued up the steps. The hallway you entered was completely cluttered with junk. Cry had to get up on his tip toes just to get around some of it. Many of the rooms were splattered in guts and had creepy messages written on the walls in blood. The windows were all cracked or broken. A couple of the doors were kicked down, and the rest were missing, which was very strange. In one of the rooms there was a message on the wall: "It's too late". Below it was a zombified corpse with some sort of weapon mashed into its skull, the handle sticking up in the air. Cry walked over to it and you reached over and yanked it out. "Eww." You said as you got a bit of blood on your hands. The weapon was completely covered in blood and guts. The feeling of it was indescribably terrible.  

        "You should put that in the bag. It could come to some good use." Cry suggested. 

        You shook your head. "I am NOT putting this thing in there, it will get everything else all slimy."

        He rolled his eyes. "I meant after we wash it." he said with a bit of annoyance. "Come on. I bet this last room is a bathroom." And he was right, it was a bathroom. It wasn't as bad as the other rooms. It was almost normal looking. He set you down on the toilet and took the weapon from your hands. Thankfully the sink worked so it was a lot easier to clean off. Once Cry finished cleaning it off, he put it into his bag, slung it onto his back, and then picked you up. "We officially own a meat mallet." He said enthusiastically. You laughed and wrapped your arms around his warm neck, praying that your axe wouldn't fall out of your lap. You didn't want him to trip a have you going flying right? He smiled as he carried you down the stairs. 

        PewDiePie was already waiting for you both at the bottom of the stairs. "I found some bullets for you Cry and a few cans of food." 

        "Good. We found a meat mallet, and that's about it. Let's get out of here. I would not want to be here when a hoard comes by." You said. They both agreed with you and left the house. You continued to scavenge down the rest of the street, zig-zagging from house to house. One you got to the end of the street, you stepped into a open grass area. It was a park. 

        "Oh man! A park!" The three of you said in aw. You looked around the park, stunned by its beauty. It kind of looked like the park you were in when you first entered the game. You felt so relaxed until your eyes landed upon a fallen figure laying in a puddle of blood. 

        "Is that-" You gasped 

        "I-I think-" Cry stuttered. You both looked at each other in confusion.

        PewDiePie knew exactly what was happening though, he just didn't want to believe it.  "No-" He mumbled, his voice shaky and scared. Before you could process what was happening, Pewds had already sprinted toward the person. Cry rushed you both over and that's when you could make out who it was. Pewds gazed at you both, his eyes full of tears. It was the most sad and afraid you had ever seen him; his face was flushed of all color, and his ocean blue eyes were filled with fear, grief, and guilt.

        "Bros-" He croaked, tears flowing down his cheeks. "I-Its Marzia. I-I think she's dead."

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