So Much Going On

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        “(Y/N)!!! Jeez! What were you dreaming about?” Cry’s voice spoke with concern as he cradled you in his arms. That voice. Was that all a dream? So Cry was the one yelling in your dream? But it felt so real…
        “(Y/N)! Are you okay? Can you hear me?” The masked man asked worriedly. What was he so worried about?
        “Y-Yeah Cry. Why?” You answered
        Cry looked over to Matthew, who was just as scared, and then back down at you. “Friend…” He lifted up your shirt enough so you could see the immense markings that bare the sides of your body, blood still pouring from within. “You started scratching yourself in your sleep.”

        PewDiePie’s heart was pounding fast, and his throat was throbbing. Although he was weak, he had to stay strong for her. He had to stay strong for Marzia. “Come on, just a bit longer!” He urged, pulling Marzia along. She willed her feet to move, but she felt so powerless, so frail and weak. She nearly tripped when he body refused to go any further as Pewds dragged her. She stumbled, but was able to catch herself.
        “Felix… I can’t do this anymore.” She admitted, staring down at her feet.
        “But Marzia… they could still be following us.” He replied hastefully, tugging on her hand.
        “No Felix. I physically cannot go any further.” She complained, yanking her hand from his grasp a little too harshly. She became overwhelmed with guilt.  “Can’t we just take a small break?” Marzia plead, giving the swede puppy eyes.
        Pewdie let out a large sigh. He was tired as well, even felt as if his legs would snap in half, but he knew that if they didn’t get moving soon, those guys might catch up to them. “Yeah. Just a quick one though!” He warned.
        Marzia’s eyes lit up with excitement. Finally she was able to rest. Against all the pain she was feeling, she managed to run over to Pewdie and peck his cheek. He blushed slightly at the action and smiled, taking her hand in his once more and pulling her around the corner so they could rest beside the house. 

        Pewds and Marzia had been resting for sometime, undisturbed, until they heard talking.
        “What should we do?” A boy asked frantically. It sounded very distant and unfamiliar.
        Marzia turned quickly to her boyfriend. “Did you hear that Pewds?”
        “Yeah…” He replied quietly, trying to listen in on the conversation.
        “I-I don’t know, but we have to find some place safe.” Another voice said, obviously in a rush.
        “Wait Felix… Isn’t that-”
        “CRY!!!” Pewdie hollered. “Where are you?”
        “Pewds! Over here! I need your help!” Cry called out.
        “Alright! Hold on, Marzia and I are coming!” Pewdie replied. He then turned to Marzia. “Come on Marzia, lets go!” Pewds took hold of her hand, standing up to help her off the ground. She smiled at him as they walked off in the direction of Cry’s voice.
        Cry was nervous. (Y/N) was still bleeding and she had passed out after seeing the cuts she had made all over her skin. To make matters worse, Mad was blaming him.
        Its all your fault you know?
        What do you mean?
         You let this happen.
        You saw it happening and you didn't stop it.
        I didn't know what to do. I tried to! I tried to wake her up but…
        You failed.
        I know. I was too late.
        You aren’t good enough. You’ll never be good enough. Not for society, not for your family or your friends, not for her… Not even for yourself.
        Shut up! You’re wrong.
        Oh, really Cry? Am I wrong.
        Yes! Stop trying to break me! I’ll never let you win.
        HAHAAhAHA! What ever you say Cry.
        “Cry? Are you okay? What happened?" Pewdie's voice filled Cry's ears, blocking out the demon's comments. It made him snap back to reality; (Y/N) was the one in trouble here, not him.
        Cry opened his mouth up to speak, but couldn't find the words. "Its (Y/N). She fainted and she's been bleeding for a while. We managed to slow it down, but that's about it." Matthew replied for him. Cry flashed the boy a thankful smile and Matthew returned it.
        "Oh no!" Marzia gasped, looking at her pale friend.
        "What are we supposed to do?" Pewdie asked. He was worried for his friend too.
        Cry scrunched his face in thought. "Does anyone have any bandages?"
        "I do!" Mathew exclaimed, yanking a roll out of his pocket. Pewds and Marzia looked at the boy dumbfounded, and Cry felt slight anger towards the boy.
        "If you-Why didn't you-" Cry rambled. Then he just sighed. "Oh, never mind! Just get over here."
        Matthew nodded and rushed over. The masked man lifted up her shirt just enough to reveal the scratch marks. Marzia winced at the sight and Pewds averted his eyes. Matthew began to wrap the bandages around her torso gently. Once he was done, Pewdie had to rip it from the rest of the roll because Matthew was too weak. Cry wiped the moisture that had formed just beneath his hairline with his sleeve, while balancing (Y/N) with his knee and his other arm.
        "Is there anything else we can do?" Marzia asked, still worried for (Y/N)'s well being.
        The swede shook his head. "I don't think so, unless some random stuff appears in our hands again. I guess we'll just have to wait, and hope for the best."

        "Why would you do that?!" Minx hissed, tightening her grip on her whip. She was done with this shit, with cunts like this. Her eyes were full of anger and she was drowning in sadness. 
        "WOAH!" He yelled, his hands flying up in defense.
        Tears were already rolling down her cheeks. "WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING DO THIS!?" She screamed, her voice cracking. She had felt so weak, and this was her breaking point. How would anyone not break at a time like this. 
        "JUST SHUT UP!" Minx growled, the tears already staining her cheeks. She was happy to have this hood covering her face. She glanced back to her friend's body. He was just laying lifelessly in his own blood, his own weapon stabbed into his chest. It only brought more tears and heartache. 
       How could someone be so heartless.

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