An idea, a day, a mistake

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The week had gone on surprisingly uneventfully, with the two owners warily watching the door for the renter. The class was eager but distanced thanks to the teacher and Goldy and Echo would always look forward to spending time with Olive, they learnt his companion was with his owners mate, at his place of work.

On the Friday Geo brought up on whether or not the owners would take the pets to the park, they hadn't thought about it before so the question surprised them. Now that its Saturday Quix brought it up again as they ate breakfast, carefully watching the troublesome Goldy, Echo was sitting in a heightened seat and slurped down some apple juice, and hesitantly Tax nodded and said a mumbled "let's do it".

So after breakfast they prepared the two humans, who didn't completely resist, expecting themselves to be taken to the place with the nice man who spoke to everyone, but as they headed along the path, they took a new route, Goldy tugged, baffled to not be going there, Tax chuckled looking at the confused humans, but he reached a gated area, and opened the entrance, being sure to close it firmly behind them.

The owners were nervous about unclipping the two, but with the view of other humans playing on some play sets convinced them and they gave in releasing the leashes, confused the two humans watched their owners, some other owners were approaching.

Echo hid behind Quix, unlike the familiar and comfortable restaurant lounge, this place was loud and strange, Goldy was the one who greeted the owners, they patted her and baby talked to her, soon bored, Goldy went off to meet everyone else.

With mixed feelings of wanting to be able to defend his sister, but hide from everyone, Echo settled on chasing after her and following her. She approached a nearby group of four, they were sitting on the silky grass, watching the odd and excited girl rush over, Quix's gaze followed her, but Tax was curious on what the other people wanted.

Goldy greeted them in a rushed voice, Echo sidled over shyly, "hi" he muttered, the group said some greetings, "haven't seen you two around here before" stated one, the group had groomed and dyed hair, which baffled Goldy, two of the group wore fancy little suits as an attempt by the owner to make them look even cuter, the other two were clothesless.

"My dad said something about new guys" stated one of the suited ones, he was in his twenties and had sparkling blue eyes, "Dad?" Asked Goldy confused, "oh, what do you call your ones?" Asked the man pointing to Tax and Quix, Goldy shrugged.

"Family? Dad? Friend?" He offered to the confused kids, "family... Yea we're family" giggled Goldy, her eyes fell on the swings and giggled, "that looks fun!" She stated, rushing over there, with a sigh, Echo apologised quickly before running after her, the group shouted after them.

Tax and Quix were greeted by the other owners and introduced themselves, the other two were woman called, Mika and Shana, they talked about their pets, Shana owned the suited up pets, while Mika owned the other two.

Quix asked about the hair and listened as the women explained that it was just something they wanted to try, a shout caught their attention, Goldy stood as a human didn't let her pass, surprised Goldy tried going around but the human shoved her away, Echo growled, Tax attempted to rush over but Shana stopped him, "they just need to settle a hierarchy, its fine" murmured Shana, Goldy huffed and told Echo to shoosh.

Echo obediently did as he was told, the dominating human was taller than Olive, which was surprising, as humans have been bred to be less than 5 foot 5, its apparently cuter. It was a female, she had a look of irritation on her face, "mine!" She stated, Goldy frowned, "no" she replied.

To young to understand her own rebelliousness, Echo stepped forward, but he remained silent, the girls glare jumped to him, Goldy went to walk by again, the girl shoved her yet again, but Goldy is persistent, so with a few more attempts the girl attacked her.

Goldy yelped in surprise and cried out as the girl hit her, Echo tried to tackle the girl off Goldy, he only achieved on shoving her to the side slightly, it was Shana's and Mika's pets that saved the day, the suited up two lifted the angry girl off Goldy who cuddled up to Echo and whimpered, Echo growled lowly, Tax never once realising that Echo was trying to mimic his own growl.

The girl soon relaxed, despite her annoyed look, Tax was horrified for Goldy, Quix was already rushing over, picking up and cradling the small child, the suited up humans released the girl who approached, Echo growled again, the girl ran at him.

Echo wasn't dumb, he dodged her easily, her big size a disadvantage, she tried to grab him, he bit her hand, she squealed and pulled away, with a huff Echo stood protectively near his sister, Quix watched in worry, the girl whimpered as a slow trickle of blood ran down her palm, she wanted to attack him but restrained herself.

A man stormed over, muttered a sorry to Quix, he hooked his finger into the girls harnessed and dragged her away along the grass, Echo sighed and looked at Goldy, she whimpered and curled into Quix further, Mika came over and stole the child from Quix's arms, "now now, no use babying her, she's fine" cooed Mika, staring at the startled child.

Goldy was laid on the grass, she tried to grab for Quix who hesitantly only allowed her to hold his hand, "what just happened?" Asked Quix, "humans will fight sometimes, a young human will be put into their place, it seems Echo has placed himself above the other one" explained Mika, Quix glanced at the other humans warily, "don't worry about those four, their used to going slowly with the whole hierarchy thing" soothed Mika.

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