Who's boss?

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Echo hung his head guiltily as Jay the shorter of the suited up humans scolded him, he didn't know as many words so settled on saying "bad" and "no" in the human language, the lack of human speech was odd even for Goldy, who was sitting off on a seat, sad that she couldn't curl up with someone, despite Tax's and Quix's guilty eyes.

"Don't worry about what happened! Hey why don't we go somewhere sometime, Jay and Trap need to get out more!" Encouraged Shana, Mika nodded encouragingly, letting her hand rub through one of her pets hair, Jay and Trap watched, with gentle brown eyes and vibrant purple and blue hair, Jay's was blue, and finding he had sufficiently scolded Echo, began to hug the boy.

Mika was giddy with excitement as she lifted her smallest, red headed human with delight, "oh! Harley! You love the beach right!" She squealed, Harley's eyes widened, he knew what beach meant and he wiggled as he got excited, Mika smiled fondly, her green haired Delta tugged her shirt, "oh! I'm so sorry! Your turn" she cooed, Tax watched curiously, Quix was smiling at the oddly adorable sight, Shana, sighed happily.

"The beach sounds fun" agreed Quix, Jay released Echo and ran over to Shana, he smiled and tried to say beach in their language, but he failed, he didn't care, he had heard about the place from Trap, who sat beside Goldy, he was trying to explain to her what she did wrong but, they didn't have a broad vocabulary, she finally curled up into his side and he held her there, and she pushed aside her sadness, she really was a tough kid.

With that sorted and a few more hours to go, everyone had fun, Trap taught Goldy how to swing on the swing set and Harley play fought with Echo, who getting out of his shell, began to actually enjoy himself, everyone even decided to play chase, and than a game of catch, it was easily forgotten what had happened.

A familiar voice called out, everyone watched as Geo arrived with two females, they looked around their twenties and looked around boredly, Goldy ran over to him, he picked her up and grinned, "heyo cutie!" He greeted, the girls watched curious, the looks in their eyes said they found the child adorable, Quix was quick to greet Geo next and introduced everyone and their humans, Harley walked over and struggled to say hello in their language, Geo found the attempt adorable and patted the males head.

After a few minutes of the humans playing around to stretch their legs, everyone began to notice how much Geo's pets used him, if they wanted something, they would pull the most pitiful of puppy dog eyes and he'd cave, Mika pulled him aside and told him to be more strict, she pointed out her two and expresses the need for more discipline, Geo red faced and embarrassed from the scolding, and he did try, really hard, but the quick thinking ladies always one uped themselves, until Mika stepped in and said a firm no and pulled Geo aside once more, "let's swap" she said, Geo just stared at her, "not for forever just a day or two! They need to be properly disciplined" explained Mika, he looked at his feet feeling guilty that he was about to agree, seeing the way Harley and  Delta were always accepting of any decision their owner has made thus far, "you promise this isn't going to be a bad decision" muttered Geo, Quix listened in, Tax was saying something about obedience and Geo's previous advice, Geo's face went a deeper red, "I know to give them rewards when they obey" squeaked Geo, everyone laughed "why don't we swap everyone" giggled Shana, Quix's face fell, he didn't want to leave his two to strangers, but he felt he needed to encourage Geo's decision.

Tax and Quix shared a glance before sighing, "sure, if only for a day or two" muttered Tax, Shana smiled softly, "it's ok, I'll treat them perfectly" purred Sharan, the humans watched curiously, unsure on what their owners were chatting about, not knowing that they would be going home with someone else when they left.

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