Drunk reasons

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Echo examined the area, a dog was chasing a ball that a machine was throwing, the Tamooch sat in the centre of the area, watching the new humans with interest, Rebel was stressing out about being abandoned, and Goldy was running up to the dog, asking it if she can play, of course the dog was happy to meet her, it just didn't understand a thing she was saying.

Echo watched the alien that was on duty watch him, he really wanted to play with the weird pen the guide had let him play with, the alien started chattering into a device and left the room quickly, Echo watched it leave and sat down, he didn't like being alone and he had only just gotten used to this whole trusting others thing, and he was proud of himself, he didn't avoid the shiny alien, and he had even made a friend at the fortama waiting house, Rebel was standing around nervously, the alien quickly returned and grabbed Rebel's leash, she struggled to get close to him and clip on the lead but managed it, she led him out and into one of the human cages in the human room.

Echo sat waiting, expecting the alien to come back, Rebel could see the area and sulked as he watched Goldy catch the ball the machine threw and throw it for the dog, Echo perked up as two fortama goers entered, one obviously owned the dog, they smelt of alcohol and Echo tried to avoid them, it was easier to deal with drunks if his owners are around but now Echo felt so alone, like he did so long ago, he kept his distance, "awe, look at the human" slurred one of them, Echo placed himself against the barrier, he had forgotten about it and now he had nowhere to go, one reached for him, and Echo bit down hard, the person shouted in pain, "get it off me!" Screamed the person, Rebel was shouting for Echo to stop, Goldy watched, unsure, the Tamooch didn't know who to defend, it tried nudging everyone apart, the second person picked Echo up, "bad, naughty lil pest" slurred the one holding him, Echo tried to struggle, wanting to get away from the smell, his nails scratched at the person who dropped him in surprise, Echo dashed off to the other side of the room, his eyes wide.

The alien came running back, Goldy was patting her brothers back, the two people were sore and angry, the alien watched in surprise, the people began exclaiming and whining to the alien who was surprised to hear this, as it was never told of the male blonde haired human, being aggressive, it reasured the people and quickly grabbed Echo's lead to lock him up in a kennel so the alien could take the people to the nurse, Echo hung his head and let himself be walked out, Goldy tried following but the barrier blocked her, she kept calling for him, but everyone was to distracted to care for the poor child's separation anxiety.

Goldy sat off by herself and sulked, she wasn't used to being by herself, the dog was resting in a shaded spot and the Tamooch watched her with soft eyes, Rebel watched as Echo was brought in and locked into a cage, he tried to talk to the boy but Echo was to overwhelmed.

The vet came in to do the check up an hour later, it started by getting Goldy and placing her in the vet room, it was a clean room with a big table that the alien had the human sit on, this alien was an orange alien, with milky grey eyes, it held the sad child's arm and poked a needle in and drew out blood samples, Goldy flinched at the feeling but didn't freak out, she did sniffle a little, and then the alien began looking at her eyes, it had placed a bandaid over the area it had placed the needle and patted the girls head, it gave her a lolly and continued examining the girls body, looking for signs of dehydration, malnutrition, sickness and any ailments, Goldy ate her lolly, the sweetness of it cheered her up, the alien needed to check her privates for signs of any issues and they finished up by giving her another lolly and a toy that  entertained humans by changing colour in different temperatures, Goldy was now thoroughly cheered up, the alien led her to the human room and let her sit in the lounge like area, it glanced at Echo and Rebel, it grabbed Echos lead and connected it to his harness, it then proceeded to lead him to the vet room.

The alien did the same with him as she had with Goldy, but this time it trimmed Echo's nails and gave him a toy with multiple buttons and dials, it was a puzzle ball and when the human managed to get it to open up, it held a mini light show which projected butterfly's coming out, it was a favorite for many humans, the alien made the decision to put Echo back in his cage even though he had been so well behaved, Rebel watched curiously, he let the vet connect the leash to his collar, he was smart, he knew that causing trouble would only end badly for him, so he followed the alien to the vet room, it sat him on the table, he nervously sat, he inched away from the needle, seeing this the alien tied his leash to the table and held him firmly, it soothed him with gentle alien words, he squeaked when the needle was injected, he hated the alien touching him, he hated having allowed this, but at the end the alien was sure to give him something entertaining, it was a toy plane, with which he could make fly, all he had to do was wear a wrist strap and it would follow the movement of his hand, the plane followed him into the Human room and his cage, never had he gotten something like this, he may have been pampered as a child, but this was next level for him.

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