~ Pray ~

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Anonymous Request
Hope it's okay :P
Prompt: Cray broke up with Goth, who was cheating on him with another person
*In this PJ and Palette aren't related, they technically aren't anyway :P

"What the hell Goth?!" Goth pulled away from Paperjam, Paperjam making an "oh shit" face.

"C-cray!" Goth yelped. "I-I didn't think you'd be back so soon!" Cray glared at Goth, then sighing.

"This- we're done Goth. I'm coming back tomorrow to get my things." Cray sighed, teleporting over to Palette, his best friend's house.


Palette fell off the couch and screamed at the top of his lungs, his father Ink holding his broom is out and pointed to Cray.

After a few seconds, everyone calmed down.

"Oh asgore Cray.." Palette muttered. "You scared me..." Cray rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, looking to the side.

"S-sorry, I wasn't really thinking.." Cray mumbled. Palette walked up to him, looking up to the skeleton who was way taller than him.

"Did something happen?" Palette asked. Cray sighed, and teared up a bit. Ink gave a confused and concerned look from the couch.

"Y-yeah.." Cray mumbled. Palette looked at Ink, and Ink gave him another look back.

"Dad, sorry this has to be cut short." Palette said. Ink nodded, making a portal and going back to his AU.

Palette say Cray on the couch, He was sobbing slightly into his own sweater. Palette turned the show they where watching earlier off.

Palette rubbed Cray's back and waited for him to calm down. After a couple of minutes, his sobs where reduced to occasional sniffs.

"Cray, what happened? Did it involve Goth?" Palette asked, his calm, soft voice seemed to make Cray feel a bit better.

"He was cheating on me with my mother.." Cray hissed out. "What a mother she is.." Cray wasn't angry at Paperjam, despite his tone. He was only really mad at Goth.

Palette widened his eyes. Goth was his best friend, but obviously didn't know him well enough for the 12 years they've been friends.

The Goth he knew and, at one point, fell in love with, wouldn't have ever even considered cheating on anyone.

Rage slowly but surely filled Palette. It was a blind, confused Rage. Cray was his best friend too, not as long as Goth, but still for a long time.

He was still trying to get over his feelings for Cray and then this happened.. All Palette could think about was how much he hated Goth at that moment.

Palette's thoughts suddenly got cut off by Cray giving him a hug, his face being behind Palette's shoulder. Palette blushed slightly, hugging him tightly.

"I almost feel better.." Cray muttered, a small chuckle escaping his mouth. Palette smiled and let out a laugh as well.

"I'm glad." Palette replied, closing his eyes and holding Cray closer to him. He was holding him as if he was protecting him from anything else that could hurt him.

"Hey Palette?" Cray shyly asked, almost afraid of what he has to say. Palette gives him a slight hum, telling him to carry on.

"Can we just stay like this?" Cray questioned, almost silently his voice was so quiet. "I feel so safe with you.. like no one can hurt me when I'm with you."

"Of course." Palette smiled. Cray, although his face was still hidden, he smiled as wide as his poor face could go.

"Thank you.." Palette, after a few seconds, heard small, quiet snores from Cray. Palette smiled, closing his eyes as well and letting sleep consume him.


"You've been here for me." Cray began. "You where there when I conquered my fear of rollercoasters, you where there for me though my lowest days, you've been here with me through my happiest days."

"Please let me be there for you, from now on." Palette's eyes watered and he put a hand over his mouth as he watched Cray get on one knee and pull out a small box.

"Will you let me be with you forever?" Cray asked, trying not to shake. He was so damn nervous, but he put his anxieties away for now.

Palette stood there for a second, and then tackled Cray to the ground, smothering him in kisses. Cray let out a laugh.

"Yes! Yes! Oh stars, yes!" Palette cried out, holding his lover tightly in his arms. Palette had tears running down his face he was so happy.

The crowd around them clapped and cheered, the happiest day of their lives. Cray got Palette off of him, putting the ring on his finger.

Cray wiped away Palette's tears and gave him a cute kiss on the cheek. "Please don't cry.." Cray muttered, nervously holding him in his arms once again.

"I can't help it silly, I'm just so happy!" Palette laughed, his arms wrapped around Cray's neck. He pulled him into a long lasting kiss.

"I love you so much, Palette~" Cray said after the kiss was broken.

"I love you too~" Palette replied. His smile never left his face.


[Edgy Bonus that's not a part of the actual story]

Palette giggled as he spotted Goth in the crowd. Sure, Goth was his "friend," but if he was being honest, he didn't care.

He's only ever cared about Cray. Cray gave him a reason to live, and he was not going to let Goth take his happiness away.

Selfish? I guess you could call it that. But he didn't care, Goth could go die for all he cared.

He knew he could trust PJ. All he lost was a couple of bucks to... "convince" him.

PJ would forcibly kiss Goth after hanging out with each other a bit, they have met before after all.

He timed it perfectly. From the details from when Cray was coming back from his trip, to the very second he walked into that room.

He looked around, and spotted PJ in the crowd too. He gave him a little wink as a kind of thank you. PJ stuck his tongue out and smirked slightly.

Now everything was perfect, the way they where supposed to be...



This was pretty fun to write :P
I really friggin love Pray but I hardly know what he's supposed to be like ack-

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