Chapter 37

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Your POV.

Liv; What do you mean he broke up with you?
You; Yesterday, he came to my house. Lately he was so sad. Only when we were together, he was actually smiling.

I started crying.

Liv; No! Please don't cry bestie!
You; B- Before h- he leaves, h-he told me he loves me and I pr-promised him to not forget that. Why did he leave me then?
Liv; I'm sure there's an explanation...

We heard the doorbell. It was Ivey. She had bought three ice cream for me.

Ivey; Hey girls.
You; Hi Ivey.
Liv; Hey sis! C'mon in.

She sat next to me.

Ivey; I learnt about your breakup with Matt. That idiot must pay! Also, I bought you some ice cream.
You; Thanks.
Ivey; So, what did that idiot do this time?
Liv; Don't call him idiot Ivey! He said he loves her before he leaves. Something else is going on.
You; He said my life is in danger and that he's a troublemaker.
Ivey; Woah! Wait wait wait. Hold on! Danger? Troublemaker? Of course there's a huge problem!
You; But what happened?
Liv; Yeah! He should had said more!
You; I don't care about those. I already miss him!

I said and more tears escaped from my eyes.

Ivey; No! Don't cry Y/N! 
Liv; Yeah, he will be yours again!
You; I hope so!

Matt's POV.

Josh; Yo loser, wanna play some foot... ball... WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU? Your eyes are red and woah! Are those tissues? With boogers?
Me; Please leave.

I said with cracked voice. Of course I was crying all night. I was feeling so so bad.

Josh; Yo, what's wrong?
Me; I said leave.
Josh; Matt...

I yelled.

Josh; Fine I'll leave. By the way Justin is downstairs.
Me; Tell him to come in.
Josh; Yo, you kick your brother out if your room and you invite your best friend?
Me; Fine you can stay. Now, tell Justin to come here.
Josh; Alright.

He went downstairs to invite Justin in my room. I couldn't sleep, I can't eat or drink water, I can't be calm. Every hour, every minute, every second Y/N is on my mind. Even though I broke up with her, I'm still worried. Kate isn't a trustworthy person, but she has better to stay away from her. I heard my phone ringing. I grabbed it from my nightstand and I checked the notifications. It was a message from Kate.

Kate; So, Morris, what did you decide?
Me; I broke up with her.
Kate; Beautiful! Now she can leave a beautiful life away from you! Now, the rumors about your father's company are about to stop.

I powered off my phone and I placed it on the nightstand. My brother and my best friend entered the room.

Justin; Hey Matt.
Me; Hey Justin.
Josh; Justin explained me what happened. I'm so sorry kiddo!
Me; It's okay.
Josh; You know, you shouldn't have done that Matt!

He was right. I shouldn't have talked to Kate in order to protect my father's company.

Me; I know. I was just really stupid. I just lost everything.
Josh; Bro, I'm so sorry!
Justin; Me too bro! Don't worry! I'll be next to her. I'll protect her as I promised.
Me; Thanks Justin! Hey, can you give her a note? I think I should explain her the situation.
Justin; Alright bro.

I grabbed my notebook and I started writing a note. After I finished writing it, I gave it to Justin.

Me; When you get the chance, give it to her. She has to know the reason why I broke up with her.
Justin; Okay. So, sorry bro but I have to go. I have football practice.
Me; Good luck bro! I might come to the finals.
Justin; Awesome and thanks bro!

He left me with my brother.

Josh; Dammit Matt! You messed up so badly!
Me; I know.
Josh; But you're still in love with her and you really care about her.
Me; She was my everything Josh! I will always love her even if she moves on.
Josh; Stay strong buddy!
Me; I'll try.

Your POV 

You; Thanks for everything girls!
Liv; No problem Y/N!
Ivey; Everything for you bestie!
You; Bye!
Liv+Ivey; Bye!

They left and I closed the door behind them. I went to my bedroom and I locked the door. I laid on my bed staring at the window next to my bed. I started picturing all those memories I had with Matt. I really need him right now! Ugh! I wish I knew what happened and he broke up with me! He said he needed to protect me, my life was in danger. What did he actually mean?

Matt's POV

MrMorris; We can't do this son!
Me; Please!
MrsMorris; Why do you want to change school Matthew?
Me; Dad knows why.

My mum looked at my dad.

MrMorris; I'll explain everything later.
MrsMorris; Sorry honey, I need to know now.

He explained everything to my mom. I couldn't hold my tears. I still remember her face while she was crying. Her cracked voice. Those tears coming out of her beautiful eyes. Pictures that will never leave from my head.

MrsMorris; Oh Matthew! I'm so sorry sweetheart!
Me; It's okay mom. Can I change school now?
MrsMorris; Blake, we don't have another choice.
MrMorris; Alright. Tomorrow is your last da...
Me; I can't go to school tomorrow.
MrMorris; You will!
Me; Fine. I will go. But I'll make sure she won't notice me...

(Dang... Matt will change school. Will that effect your lives?)

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