Chapter 48

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Principal; Matthew Morris!

I walked up to him. He gave me my diploma (if they call it like that lol) and I took my seat next to Justin.

Justin; Congrats bro!

He whispered to me.

Me; You too!
Justin; Thanks!

Principal; Y/N {Y/Mn} (your middle name if you have) Y/Ln.

I saw my girl walking closer to the principal. He congratulated her and he gave her her diploma. She sat next to me looking at me with a huge smile on her face.

Me; Congratulations baby girl!
Y/N; Thanks Matt!  I wouldn't have make it if you weren't next to me. Congratulations Matt!
Me; Thanks!

We smiled at each other and we interviewed our hands. After the ceremony, we went for a walk at the park. We sat on a bench both staring at the lake in front of us.

Y/N; Matt?

Y/N said with her beautiful voice.

Me; Yeah?
Y/N; We finally graduated!
Me; I know right! We will finally spend more time together!

I smiled. She looked at me with a smile and then she looked down at the ground. My smile soon disappeared.

Me; What's wrong?

I asked placing my arm all over her shoulder, pushing her closer to me.

Y/N; N- nothing Matt.
Me; I don't believe you. There's definitely a problem.
Y/N; Matt, just leave it.
Me; Baby, open your heart. Talk to me.

She looked at me and a tear escaped from  her eye.

Y/N; I... I got accepted to Michigan State University.
Me; WHAT?!

I was shocked. Michigan is quite far. How are we supposed to see each other? She hugged me with tears coming out of her eyes. I hugged her back rubbing her back.

Me; Sorry for my reaction babe! It will be fine! I promise. The Michigan University is one of the best universities! You'll have a great time.
Y/N; Matt, you don't understand. I don't wanna go there.
Me; But it was your dream to go there since you were nine years old. You were always talking about how amazing is this university and stuff.
Y/N; Don't you remember what you told me the first time I told it to you?
Me; What?
Y/N; "If you leave, I will die! I want you here with me. We will go to the same university here in Atlanta."
Me; Is it me or we were so cute when we were kids?
Y/N; Yes we were!

She said smiling. I saw a tear on her face and I wiped it off.

Me; Hey, forget what I told you back then.

I said looking into her eyes.

Me; Go, make your dreams come true! Study at your dream university. Don't think about me! I'll be fine. Well, I'll miss you more than anything but I'll be fine. I want you to achieve your dreams! C'mon! This is your first step! Go! Make your dreams come true!
Y/N; But my dreams Matt are based on us. I want you next to me to every single step I do in my life!
Me; Babe, I wish I could just come with you-

My phone started ringing.

Me; It's my mom.

I quickly picked it up.

Me; Hey mom!
MrsMorris; Matthew, I have great news for you!
Me; Will I finally go on tour?
MrsMorris; Apart from that, you got accepted to Michigan State University with Y/N.
Me; Really?
MrsMorris; Yes sweetheart!
Me; That's great news mum! I'll tell it to Y/N. Bye love you!

I hung it up.

Y/N; What happened?
Me; Guess who's coming to Michigan with ya?
Me; Yes baby!

She immediately hugged me so tight.

Y/N; I can't believe this Matt! Thank you so much!
Me; You know I can't stay away from you! Also, I have you a lil surprise!
Y/N; Another surprise?
Me; Yee yee! Only for my girl! So, your boy is going on tour aaaaaaaand... You will come with him!
Me; Yes!
Me; I love you too Y/N!

(Aye! This book is gonna end soon! Don't worry cool cats, a new book is about to get published really soon!)

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