Chapter 39

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Your POV

It's been one month since my breakup with Matt. I haven't forgotten him. He's always in my heart but I think I've moved on. I ain't sure about that yet. Anyways, Lucas is Justin's teammate which means he has to go to the finals today. He invited everyone to the stadium including me. I got ready and  Gracie came and picked me up from my house. My mum doesn't know about my breakup, like she would actually care about this. I've never told her about that because I don't know if I can trust her after what she said about Matt.


I went downstairs holding my phone. I took my backpack {Matt's present}.

Mum; Be careful Y/N!
You; I will mum!

I opened the door and I saw Gracie and her boyfriend, James, waiting for us in the car.

Gracie; Let's go sis!

We got in the car and we arrived at the field. We took our seats close to each other. 

Lucas; Hey cutie!
You; Hey Lucas!

Honesty, when he called me "cutie" it reminded me of Matt. But Matt's way was a  different one. More lovely, more romantic! But Lucas' way was cute too.

Lucas; The show is about to start. Wanna anything to drink?
You; No I'm fine.
Lucas; Oh come on! At least a water!
You; I'm good thanks!
Lucas; Fine!

He returned back to the field. Suddenly, I saw a guy with black clothes, sunglasses and a cap sat two seats away from me. His body type and jawline looked familiar but soon I got distracted by the amazing football skills of Lucas.

Matt's POV

I promised to Justin that I'll come to see him at the finals. So I did it. I went to the football field and I was searching for a good spot to sit. Suddenly I saw Y/N talking to another guy. I felt so angry yet so sad. She has completely moved on. Like I wished. Hope she's happy! Another guy came closer to her during the match.

?? ; Excuse me, are you Mrs Y/Ln?
Y/N; Yeah, who are you?
?? ; Lucas told me to offer you a lemonade.
Y/N; Tell him I thank him so much!
?? ; Alright! Enjoy your drink!

Dammit! Why are doing this to me Kate? Why? I couldn't get off my eyes from Y/N. She was so beautiful! Her eyes still remind me all those happy moments we had together! I miss her! I miss her so much! Ugh, I had to talk with Kate ASAP! I took my phone out of my pocket. I found Kate's name on my contacts and I texted her.

Me; We have to talk.
Kate; Okay. Tomorrow at six outside your house.
Me; Okay.

I had to finish this. Immediately.

Your POV

The match just ended. Lucas' team won. I'm so proud of him! I used to say that for Matt. He was the best lacrosse player! Miss him so much! Anyways, after the match, Lucas came to us.

Lucas; Hey fellas!
James; Congrats bro!
Gracie; Congratulations Lucas!
You; Nice job out there!
Lucas; Thank y'all! Anyways, did you enjoy your lemonade?
You; Yes. Thank you!
Lucas; No problem! Everything for a beautiful girl like you!
You; Um thanks!

I blushed. I thought that only Matt could make me blush.

Matt's POV

That shit! He was flirting with my girl! But... We've broken up. I was staring at her scanning her facial expressions. Then Justin came and interrupted me.

Justin; Hey man!
Me; Hey bro! Congrats!
Justin; Thanks! Did you see her?
Me; Yeah. And I saw enough.
Justin; What happened bro?
Me; Tell to your lil buddy that this girl belongs to Matthew Morris!
Justin; Yo calm down! They're just friends!
Me; Friends don't call each other "cutie".
Justin; Bro, you chose to breakup with her.

I yelled so loud. Everyone was staring at me like:"What on Earth happened?". Y/N was busy with her new friend so she didn't notice me.

Justin; Calm down!  People are watching!
Me; You know what, I'll just leave.
Justin; Yo bro wait!
Me; Don't follow me! I wanna go home.
Justin; Ma...
Me; Shush!

I said and I left the field. I got in my car. Tears were escaping from my eyes. I just couldn't get that scene of my brain. Y/N, accepting a compliment from another guy... That was a nightmare! But unfortunately it wasn't a bad dream... It was the reality.

Your POV

Lucas; Well, we should hangout some time but alone. Like only you and me.
You; Like a date?
Lucas; Maybe.

He smirked. Dang, I don't think I'm ready for another relationship.

You; Eh, we'll talk. One day.
Lucas; Wanna drive you home?
You; Nah, I'll just walk...
Lucas; Yo James! I'll drive Y/N to her house.
You; But no need though...
Lucas; C'mon! Let's go!

He said grabbing my hand. He led me to his car and we got in. He started the car and we started chatting as well.

Matt's POV


I said breaking another plate. My mum walked to the kitchen and she saw that mess.

MrsMorris; Matthew, explain!
Me; I have nothing to explain!

I said full of anger.

Josh; He saw his chick being flirted by another guy.
MrsMorris; Matthew, is that true?

I didn't say anything. I kept breaking the plates until a piece of glass got in my hand. I tried not to fall down from the pain. My mother and my brother were holding me and they laid me on the couch.

MrsMorris; Matthew! Please stop crying!
Me; I ain't crying about the cut mom! MY FREAKIN HEART IS BROKEN!
Josh; Matt, I know it hurts but it doesn't mean you have to break all those plates.

He was right. I should have stayed strong. Anyways, my mum wrapped my hand with a cast. Thankfully, my cut wasn't that deep. I went to my room and I laid on the bed. I was feeling like I've been cheated on. But I told her to move on. I told her about to search for another man. I was the one who actually destroyed my day. And the rest of my life.

Your POV

You; Thanks for the ride Lucas!
Lucas; It was nothing! 
You; I really appreciate that nothing though!
Lucas; No need though!  Every other guy could do this for a beautiful girl like you.
You; Thanks!  So, uh,  I should get going. Bye.

I quickly opened the door and entered my house.

Mum; Oh hello honey! Why that face?
You; Just tired!
Mum; Anyways, go upstairs to change and then come downstairs for dinner.
You; Kay mom.

I went to my room and I saw thousands of pics of me and Matt on the wall. I was observing them one by one. Tears forming in my eyes. So many memories! How could I forget them in only one month? I promised him I'll never forget him but I do try it. I forgot his last words before he leaves. "I love you! Always remember that!". How could I forget them? But he also wanted me to move on. Move on Y/N but don't forget him and what you've promised him.

(Awe Matt! I'm so so sorry!)

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