starlight academy

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So I'm back where I started. Back in the same old office with the white walls and the big windows that look out onto the fields. It was the office of the headmaster of this stupid prison school. So I sat there waiting for that guy to come in his office after he handled everything with the police outside. I saw shadows appearing behind the glass of the door. One of the left and the door slowly opened. The man that I knew all too well stepped inside the room. He sat down behind his desk. My file was open on his desk. He looked at it. I wasn't nervous like the first view times I got myself into a mess. I have been through this so many times now. I looked at him waiting for him to give his speech about how I'm messing up my life. His eyes focussed on mine. In his eyes I could see the disappointment. 'So how was your weekend Sam... I'm all ears.' He started. He knew what I did. So I didn't bother to say something. He signed. 'Samantha don't you know that this place is the only thing keeping you from prison? Or even worse?' he said with the slightest bit of hope in his voice. Every time I do something he still believes that I might listen to him and change. But nothing he could come up with was worse than being here. What is worse than a stupid reform school. This basically was prison. I have been here sins I was 16. Oh that's right let me fill you in.

I'm Samantha brooks. A view years ago my mom died. I started acting out like a real teenager. My dad didn't know how to keep me under control. He tried a lot of things. And believe me the worst were all those medicines. A view "things" happened to me one year after my mom died. And people thought I was a psycho. And two years later even my dad didn't want me anymore. Because I was too much trouble. And I was damaging "the high family name". So he send me to this stupid reform school named starlight academy. I have lived here sins I was 16 in these 2 years that I have been here nothing ever happened here. It's just so boring. I have seen every inch of this place. Every corner. Every stone and every stupid piece of grass. Around this academy there are big iron walls keeping us trapped inside. But what they all forgot where the old underground ways. They come out in a forest just behind the gates. I snuck out a lot. And even here in this place they didn't know what to do with me. But there is one good thing. My family owns a big part of this place. It makes them look good that they "care" about the well being of these kids. So I got a bigger room. And I got less in trouble for doing stuff. After 2 years being stuck here I found out my ways to get stuff when I needed it.

but anyways back to the disappointed man in front of me. 'Sam why are you causing so much trouble? If you just stayed low and take your medicine you could get out of here.' He said with his hands nervously tipping on the table. I stared at him with my light green eyes showing no emotions at all. I knew it made him nervous. Then again me just sitting here made him nervous. Kind of amusing. When you have to deal with a kid that gets involved with the police almost every week I think you should be nervous. There was a knock on the door. Which made the man jump a little. I wanted to feel bad for him that he was so nervous and on edge. Then again I said I wanted to. I don't. 'Not now.' He said with his deep voice. You could see that he was irritated by being interrupted while he was dealing with me. another knock on the door echoed through the room. 'What?!' he said now angrier. A skinny guy walked in. He whipped his blond hair from his face. His blue eyes where wide open and filled with fear. I think he was even shacking. Well you should be when you come into this school everything could happen to you. 'The... The euhm... new kids a-arrived.. euhm sir.' He said softly holding his rubber duck even tighter than he already did. A little peep sound came off of it making the headmaster even more irritated. Right also something I should explain. That skinny guy was Mark. He always brought the new kids. And for some weird reason he always carries a rubber duck with him. I think he should be stuck in this school.

the man behind the desk slammed his hand on the table in frustration Which made the fragile Mark flinch. 'They were suppose to come next week.' He said to himself still with his hand pressed to the desk. I was leaning back in the chair with me legs crossed on a small table in front of the chair. He pointed his attention to Mark. 'You can go now.' He said still angry. He quickly rushed out after he was allowed to leave.

Every now and then new kids arrived. Let me tell you this, this school was only for the worst cases. The worst of the worst. The psycho's, the crazy, the criminals and the rebels. The kids no one can handle. There are different sections in crazy here. I'll explain that later. I followed the headmaster to the hall to see what people they brought in today

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