the hospital

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'Get the guard quickly.' Clary commanded Ian. He left the room and about 5 seconds later the guard and him were at the door. 'Get her down.' He said. Right how did you want to do that? Ian stepped towards me and lifted me up. My head was against his chest and his arms were around my back and my legs. Like that he carried me down the stairs. All the way to the first floor. Followed by the guard, Clary and Cam. Cam rushed to the office of the headmaster. He opened the door. 'Get down here now.' Cam jelled. He didn't really care that he was talking to the headmaster. 'What happened?' He asked when he saw me unconscious in Ian's arms. 'She just collapsed.' Cam answered. 'We'll take her to the hospital.' Mr. Smith said. 'Walker you come with me.' He said. He pointed his attention to Cam. 'Hale you take Miss. Lightwood here with you to the hospital.' He said pointing to Clary. He always calls everyone by their last name. Well he only says your first name when he is really serious. Mr. Smith rushed to his car and opened the door to the back seat. Ian carefully stepped in. He let my head rest on his arm and I was laying over him across the backseats. Mr. Smith started the car followed by Cam in his black car with Clary next to him. This was one of those moments where students were allowed to go out. Cam and Clary were lucky that they were allowed to come.

after a view hours I was laying in a hospital bed already searched and provided by medicine through a needle in my arm connected to some weird thing beside the bed that pumped medicine in my blood. A nurse walked into the room.

'I wanted to check if the parents were already informed.' She said. 'Yes her father has been called. He said he was busy.' Mr. Smith said with his head lowered. 'And euhm also. There is now only one person allowed in the room to stay with her. Tomorrow at 12pm more people can come.' She explained. 'I have to go back to the school so that's for you guys to decide.' Mr. Smith said. They were all standing around the bed. Ian and Cam shot each other a hateful look. 'My god I'll stay with her.' Clary said when she noticed the two boys glaring at each other. 'In form the rest.' She told them as she walked to a hair next to the bed and sat down. 'Oke that is settled. Walker you drive with Hale.' Mr. Smith said when he didn't want Ian to drive back with him. Ian and Cam followed the head master to the door. Their hearts itched for just one more look. One more moment. But they knew that the not looking just meant: "I won't forget you." And by that that they left the room. 'Don't worry Sam I have a feeling that they'll come back tomorrow.' Clary said to me. even though she knew I couldn't hear her. Or couldn't respond.

Hours passed and Clary had fallen asleep in the chair. She had her legs up the chair and a blanket over her that she had grabbed earlier. 'He wake up.' Ian said softly pushing Clary's shoulder to wake her up. She woke up and went in defence mode. She jumped up and looked around. When she realised that it were just Cam and Ian in the room she lowered her guard. Cam was just laughing at her reaction. 'Morning to you too.' He said still laughing. 'How is she?' Ian asked. 'Well nothing changed. She didn't move. She has the same breathing and she is still passed out.' Clary said. Well thanks for the genius note that I was still passed out like no one could see that. ' It's Friday so we don't have to do anything tomorrow so Mr. Smith agreed that we could stay here for the day.' Ian explained Clary. 'Well I want to get some coffee on the shop just nearby. But I don't have a car.' She said looking with puppy eyes to Ian. 'Oke but I don't trust you with my car so I drive.' Ian said. They said goodbye to Cam and left him with me.

20 minutes passed. I slowly opened my eyes. I needed to get used to the light so I closed my eyes again. I could only keep my eyes open for about 3 seconds. I opened them again and I looked around. I saw that I was in a white room. There was a big window on the left. The curtains were moving by the wind that the open window let through. The bed I was lying was also white. Where was I? Then I saw the images again that I got after I looked at the drawings. I saw fire. A lot of fire. And there was a vague figure of a person in the fire. Then I remembered... The.. The monster? It were scary creatures running towards me. trying to catch me. Thinking back of those images made me freak out. I didn't knew where I was but I had to leave. Right now. I stood up and took the needle out of my arm. I wanted to stand but that was a bit difficult. I felt very weak. 'Wowowow.' Someone next to the window said.

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