the power release

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I woke up very early in the morning. I had stayed up all night because I couldn't fall asleep. Around 1 am I stood up from the floor and went to my bed, to stay awake another 2 hours. Now it was 5 am. I felt a bit sick. Probably just a cold. I decided to take a shower to wake up a bit. My eyes had no sparkles anymore. I was just so damn tired. After I took a long shower and got dressed and all I waited in my room until I had to go to class.

I arrived very early in class. 'Owh hun you look terrible are you oke?' Miss. Green asked. 'Owh I'm fine.' I said while I sat down in front of the class. Cam had a standard place in the back because he was so much trouble when he sat in the first row. And I really didn't want to talk to him so I sat in the first row next to the door. After 5 minutes the rest of the class started to walk in. 5 more minutes until class started. Then a cheery girl walked in. 'Morning Sam!' Clary said with a lot of energy. 'Wow, are you oke? You look like crap.' She said still super happy. 'Just a cold.' I answered mumbling and not paying much attention to her. I was starring at the door way. Then Cam walked in. He wanted to come over to me and he wanted to say something, but before any sound escaped his mouth the bell rang. 'Everyone take a seat and lets begin!' Miss. Green said. After about 10 minutes of a boring story about some Greek war I started couching like a crazy person. 'Huh are you sure you're oke? No, You know what? I want you to go to the nurses office and take the day off.' Miss. Green said looking a bit concerned at me. I put my books in my bag and walked out of class. I could see that Clary turned around to look at Cam with a furious look in her eyes.

I knocked on the white door of Miss. Swan, the nurse here at school. 'Come in!' She said. She was always happy and sweet. There were two big windows in the small room. There was a table with chairs and a lot of medicine cabins. 'What can I do for you Samantha?' She asked. 'Well Miss. Green wanted me to go here because I'm a bit sick.' I replied. She came towards me and placed her hand on my forehead. 'Yeah, You don't have a fever. Here take these pills take them with a little water and go rest in your room. Then it should be over by tomorrow.' She said while she handed me two small white pills. 'Thanks.' I said and I left to my room. When I arrived in my room I took the pills with some water like the nurse said and layed down in my bed. I was so tired that I fell asleep after 5 minutes. I had no dreams. It was a good thing because lately I only had nightmares.

after about 4 hours of sleep I woke up. It was Friday so I could just stay in my room. It was 11.30 am. Wow... what was I suppose to do the rest of the day? I wanted to go out but I figured that if I still was a bit sick, going out would only make it worse. So I sat down behind my desk and just started drawing. When I finished my 3th drawing I looked up to my clock to see what time it was. Jeez! It was 20.30! I had no idea I was drawing for so long. I just lost track of time. I felt a strong urge to talk to Jeremy. I slowly opened my door and as soft as possible I closed it. I didn't want to draw attention to myself because Cam could hear me next door and I really didn't want to talk to him. 'SAM! How are you feeling?! Happy you could skip class?!' The same girl in black from when Cam first met me, Jelled to me. Seriously she only talks on the wrong moments. I heard a noise coming from Cams room and footsteps toward his door. So I pulled a sprint to the library.

And on the same place where he always was I saw my best friend surrounded by books. 'Hi Jer.' I said. And for the first time ever I didn't had to shout 20 times for him to finally notice me. 'Hey Sam, I heard you were sick. Are you oke?' He asked. I got kind of sick that everyone kept asking that. And since when did Jer ask that kind of things? That was one of the best things about him, he never asked that kind of irritating things. I nodded in a response and looked at what he was reading. It was something about a gate between heaven and hell. 'There's a story about it you know.' Jer said when he saw me starring at the book. 'There was a woman named Lydia. She kept the creatures from heaven crossing the line to hell. And the demons from hell crossing the line of heaven. When a war broke out there was nothing she could do to stop them. A view of each side decided to go to earth to hide there. But that would put the people here in danger. So with all the strength that she had left she casted a spell. She created a gate. One that only her new born daughter could cross. A gate that was un breakable. One that would protect everyone from a war. And the supernatural could never come to earth again whenever they wanted to. The new born daughter was named Mellissa. When she got older she got the powers of the visions. She is the woman that told the prophecy of seven. Later she got a son. But because he was neither a pure kid from heaven nor hell he got send down to earth. An immortal kid that was cursed to wander the earth forever. Of course his mother gave him powers to survive. He could cast spells.' Jeremy said starring into my eyes.

Suddenly I felt very sick. My head was spinning and it felt like I was going to throw up. I stumbled away from Jer and tried to get back to my room. Or at least I needed a place to sit down. 'Sam I need to talk to you.' I heard a voice next to me say. I looked beside me and I saw a blurry Cam standing next to me. 'Listen about what you heard.' He said. But before he could say more I lost my balance. Cam quickly grabbed my arms and let me lean against him. I felt like I couldn't breathe. 'Sam what's going on?' Cam asked. He placed his hand on my forehead. 'You're burning up... You need to rest now.' He said with a strangely calm voice. Like everything was just normal. 'Cam what the hell did you do to her?!' two voices shouted at the same time. Someone stood behind me and Cam sort of handed be over so that the other one could hold me. 'Just give me a minute I need to deal with someone.' He said with a voice filled with hate. 'Jonson come here now!' Cam jelled. From behind a bookshelf Jeremy appeared. He looked calm and he had a small smirk on his face. 'What's with the yelling Hale?' Jer asked. 'You see what you've done? You're killing her!' Cam said. 'I thought I told you to back off.' He said even angrier. 'So what were you planning on doing then? Just keep it all a secrete from her and just tell her when she's about to die?' Jeremy said also angry. Die? What? Was this about me? Then I felt all the energy I had leave and then there was an explosion around the 5 of us.

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