waking up.

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Oke imagine waking up in the morning. Its Saturday so you don't have to go anywhere. You wake up later on the day instead of early in the morning. You can hear the birds outside. Perfect right? Yeah that totally did not happen to me. I woke up from knocking on my door. Maybe I could just ignore it? until the knocking got even worse and the sound of it filled the room. I quickly put on some different clothes. I walked to the door. 'What?!' I asked irritated looking to the ground. 'Morning to you too.' A soft familiar voice said. I looked up and saw it was Cam. I rolled my eyes and wanted to shut the door. But he put his foot in front of it to block it. I looked out on the hallway. It was empty as usual. I could feel the cold wind from the windows and I did a step back. 'What do you want?' I asked while I looked at his eyes. His eyes were stuck on mine. He didn't look anywhere else. 'I just wanted to talk.' He answered with a big smirk on his face. I looked behind me to the big white clock above my desk. 6am... 6AM! 'What is so important that you have to wake me up at 6am?' I asked slightly angry. 'Well I wanted to go out. Get some breakfast.' He said. 'Soooooo?'

he stood with his arm leaning against the door and one leg crossed over the other one. He was bigger than that I was. He was wearing a black leather jacket and the rest was also black. I noticed that he had a small tattoo on his neck. I couldn't see what it was because suddenly he moved. He walked beside me into my room. Wait what? I quickly walked after him . 'I didn't say you could come in.' I told him. He sat down on my bed.

'To answer your question. I wanted to ask if you would like to come with me.' He said. I looked confused at him. but his attention was already of off me. He was staring at my desk. I had my drawings there. 'Where were you planning on going?' I asked him a bit curious. 'Oh there is this place I always come to. There is a big lake and an open field in the woods near the village.' He answered still looked at all my drawings. 'But of course get some food first.' He said. Then he pointed his attention to me again. He walked towards me and he stood one step away from me. 'I would like you to come. If you want to come... come to my room in one hour. Oke?' he said. He didn't even waited for me to respond. I stared at him while he left. Until I was alone in my room again. There was no point of going back to sleep now. I was already full awake. I starred outside the window. Through the iron bars that where behind it I could see the woods near the school. The school owned a big part of land. Usually when some kids are missing they are somewhere hiding in those woods.

I decided to take Cam his offer. I mean like I said nothing fun happens here. And now there might be a chance to do something fun with someone else. Besides I was planning on sneaking out anyways. I changed into better clothes and brushed my hair. Not caring how I looked I left my room. I looked up to one of the windows. I could hear the sound of the wind. It was kind of creepy. I needed to pick something up in the library. I told you before that I had my ways of getting stuff right? Well I needed special drawing paper. There is this guy at school that somehow can get everything for you. I could sneak out and just buy it myself. Problem was they don't sell it in stores. And the computers here block any delivery. So he fixed it for me. He was always in the library from 5am to 2am. Yeah also a thing to tell. Most people here don't sleep a lot. Let me correct that. They sleep in class. I saw that crazy brown haired kid in the middle of a stack of books. 'Hi Jeremy.' I said. He looked up and his Blue eyes stood wide open. 'Jeez Sam. I didn't think you would come this early.' He said letting out a deep breath. 'Sorry didn't mean to scare you. This kid, Cam, he wanted me to go with him later. So he woke me up really early.' I explained. I sweetened my eyes. Almost like a puppy looks when it wants something. 'So do you got it?' I asked very sweat. Jeremy got a smirk on his face. And he grabbed a packets folded into light from paper. He handed it over. 'Thanks Jer.' I said. I wanted to turn around. 'Also I put something in it for you.' He now had a big smirk on his face. I already payed him before he got it. I didn't had any money right now. He saw the look on my face. 'Sam it's oke you don't have to pay me for that. were friends'. it's a present.'  He said with a sweat smile.  

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