stuck in the darkness

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When kids out of a reform school escaped they needed to be brought to the office. Because well they could be crazy. I just realised that we ran all the way out of the woods. We apparently ran to the right because there was a road close to the right of where we first stood. Next to the road there was a police car. They were probably on a break. Another police officer handcuffed Ian. They pushed us towards the car. We needed to sit in the backseat. Silently we drove to the office. I felt bad that I put Ian in this trouble.

'Who do we have here?' an officer asked looking to a file. We were in a office of one of the police men. Still with our hands cuffed. 'Samantha brooks and Ian Walker.' He said still looking to the file. 'So Sam what did you do this time?' He asked. Let me explain. The past 4 years I have been in this police station so many times almost everyone knows me here. The office was almost exactly the same as the office of Mr. Smith. The only difference was that here there were photo's and trophies on the wall and a big grey computer on the desk.

'Oh you know the usual.' I said not feeling like talking. 'Well maybe your little friend here can explain.' He said grumpy. It made me kind of nervous that the police officer wouldn't sit down. Ian shot a nervous look at me. Then his eyes softened. 'Euhm I took her out sir. I wanted to show here an open field in the forest.' Ian said. What was he doing? I would get out without any trouble. Him on the other hand. The police officer walked to Ian. He took of Ian's handcuffs. 'You can go. Good attempt of taking the blame though.' The police officer said laughing. 'Officer Jones is outside he will bring you back to the school.' He said not looking to Ian anymore. No his dark brown eyes were staring at me. 'I'm going to need to have a little chat with Samantha.' He said. No that doesn't sound creepy at all. Ian looked nervous at me but eventually left the room.

'Samantha... What are we going to do with you? Of course your dad is informed. He wasn't all to happy keeping you away from the trouble again. He thought that keeping you here for a day would be a good idea.' He said with a big smirk. 'That is only if you refuse to take these new medicine.' The officer finished. He was holding a plastic clear cup in his left hand. There were 3 pill in them. A small round yellow one, A big white one and something round and purple. I starred at them. Then I leaned back at the chair. 'I'll stay here.' I said with a straight face. The officer looked disappointed. He probably thought that I wouldn't want to stay here. But anything is better than those medicine that make you feel like you're underwater. The pills that make you sleepy. The pills that make you lose feeling of any real emotion I can have. He stood up and grabbed the handcuffs on my hand and made me stand up. Still holding them he walked out of the room. Forcing me to follow him. With my hand in front of me I followed the officer. And by a desk just beside the window I could see Ian. He looked at me with wide eyes while they dragged me away. I shot him a look that everything was going to be oke.

So there I was in a cell. I was already wondering how long it would take for me to end up in one of these. They put of the handcuffs just before they put me in the cell. The cell was in a dark room. I could see a desk on the other side of the iron bars. It was a small cell. There was an iron bench. I decided to sit on it. I looked up to the walls. They were grey and old. you could see all random texts on it that people had written on it. on some places there were cracks in the walls. I thought it would be much worse. But this isn't that bad. It reminded me of our classrooms. It had just a small window on the left. Just like the classrooms. I layed down and starred up sinking in my own thoughts.

the door of the room opened. Officer Jones walked in. He handed out the cup with medicine. 'Still don't want to take this offer?' He asked. I looked at him. 'I'd rather burn in hell.' I said looking miserable to the pills. He signed and walked away. He shut the door. Leaving me behind in nothing but darkness and the cold from the iron bench.

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