part 3

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"I just miss our time together" he say. "What you mean" I ask still not letting go of his hands. "In past few weeks you are more with Marcus then me and I miss to have some good time with you" he say looking away again. I let go of his hands and sit beside him. He sit up too bit still not looking at me. "I'm sorry for making you feel like this but you hook up with girls all time and it start to be anoying to be honest and you seem like you ignoring Marcus and I and that you just care about sex" I say. "I don't" he say and look at me. "I know but it seem like that" I say. "But let's just forget it now we can be together" I added. He smile and hug me and push us on bed. Would you belive that bad boy who seem so scary is actally boy who want some attention. No attention like everybody need to look at him just attention like this. He need someone who will listen to him he have lot of problems and he always ask me for help. If you meet him and know him like I do you would see two difrent person in him. One in school and with friends and one at home with Marcus and I. I stroke his hair and he play with my on my shoulder. "I have question" he say. "Ask" I say. "What to do if you are in love with someone and you can't be together with her" he ask what make my heart brake a little. I don't why. "Why wouldn't you can be together" I ask. "she don't feel same and her parents are probably against us" he say.

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