part 4

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I think a little about what he just say. "But how do you know she don't feel same" I ask. "it's obviously" he say and if I would look at him now I know he would be sad. "So she like someone else, or she have boyfriend or...?" I ask. "No just... I feel like she don't. Let's say we are really good friends and she is like sister for me. Like we act like us" he say and this make me so confused. He never told me about any girl like this and I know he would tell me name and everything but he don't have friend like that I know it. "Martinus is it..." but before I could finish Marcus come in room. "Nalianna Diana come and she say she need you for something" he say and leave room. "I'm..." "No just go I'll wait here." he say. "Okay" I say and go downstairs. "What are you doing here this late" I ask after we hug. "I forgot to ask you to give me homework for tomorrow you know I wasn't in school today." she say. "And you come this late" I say and let her in while I go upstairs to get my homework. "Yeah you know my mom and I usualy don't forgot so" she say and I laugh. I go in room and Martinus in on MY PHONE. "Hey Martinus" Diana say and he just say quietly "hey". "Here you go" I say and give her. "Thanks bye" she say and we hug. "Bye" I say. She was about to go downstairs but then Marcus come and he wasn't looking so they bump in each other. "Sorry" they say in same time and Marcus blush. I smirk at him when he was about to go in his room. "Don't" he say and close door and I just laugh.

Martinus you make Nelianna confused 😕

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